General Question

jaketheripper's avatar

Why is the mens restroom always on the right?

Asked by jaketheripper (2779points) August 12th, 2009
21 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

It seems to me that the mens restroom is almost always oon the right. Is this tradition, coincidence, or some kind of industry standard?

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SeventhSense's avatar

Not tradition nor coincidence…this is your imagination.

Jeruba's avatar

It isn’t.

lefteh's avatar

I don’t think it’s always on the right…it seems pretty randomly distributed to me.
I’m thinking of the places I frequent, and it seems like, if anything, it is more often on the left.

El_Cadejo's avatar

thinking about it, seems to be on the left more often as well. But i wouldnt say abnormally appearing on the left as apposed to the right either.

Grisaille's avatar

Are we entering or exiting the bathroom?

SeventhSense's avatar

Well “There’s a Bathroom on the Right” is a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

AstroChuck's avatar

It’s not. I’ve never seen any pattern other than the word “Men” written on the door.

Sarcasm's avatar

If I had to pick one, I’d say I usually see it on the left.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

It’s not always on the right. What a coincidence.. you’re not right either.

dynamicduo's avatar

It’s not. It’s confirmation bias you are suffering from! Keep statistics and you will see :)

MrItty's avatar

50% of the time, it’s on the right.

loser's avatar

Hmm. That could explain some things.

Buttonstc's avatar


In the absence of a smiley or a tilde I can’t really tell if you’re just kidding around by quoting a fairly familiar Mondegreen orif you believe that’s what the line really is.

Just in case the line should be

There’s a bad moon on the rise.

chyna's avatar

@Buttonstc I’m pretty sure he is kidding.

Sarcasm's avatar

I never got into CCR, so I completely missed @SeventhSense‘s joke. Now that I see it, it’s quite good wordplay.

SeventhSense's avatar

Wait..does that mean that Jimi Hendrix is not singing Excuse me while I kiss this guy?...
I think you may be on to something….maybe it’s actually bathroom on the rise which of course would be a horrible situation in need of a plunger. ~_~

Buttonstc's avatar


No, not any more than PP and Mary are singing about “The ants are my friends…blowing in the wind”


Yeah, I figured chances were pretty good he was kidding, but a little smiley would have been kinda nice. And as Sarcasm pointed out, not everybody was that familiar with CCR, particularly some of the younguns (or somebody living a rock or something) so I figured it’s always best to check just in case.

BTW For those who have any more great mangled lyrics to contribute, I just started a questions about Mondegreens (that’s the technical name for mis-heard song lyrics) So come and share all of those great weirdo lyrics which didn’t really exist.

chyna's avatar

@Buttonstc I am as old as Seventhsense, so I knew what he was talking about.~

SeventhSense's avatar

I color outside the lines

Buttonstc's avatar

Yes, so I see——nothing wrong with that.l

BTW How did you make that cute little face at the end of your post on a regular keyboard? Mine doesn’t have an upside down question mark (at least not that I’m aware of )

Is that an example of ACSII art or is it something else? I don’t even know whether I spelled that acronym correctly. A friend of mine put a large bird on my start screen on my old Win98 computer years ago and it looked so cool. Wish I knew how to do that, but I didn’t grow up with a computer mouse in my toddler fingers.

SeventhSense's avatar

I have little elves that live in my desk.

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