General Question

jandre6231's avatar

My boyfriend recently completely switched out on me and is acting totally opposite of how he acted for the first years of our relationship. He is rude and not the sweet man i fell in love with. what is going on with him?

Asked by jandre6231 (33points) August 27th, 2009
13 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

He used to be attentive, kind, and respectful. Now he talks down to me, eyeballs the girls, doesn’t stick up for me. I just got accepted into nursing school and he is getting laid off from his job and will receive a large severance package. It feels like this has something to do with his behavior. what is up with him?

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ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

you probably answered your own question.

SierraGirl's avatar

You need to ask him whats going on.

MrGV's avatar

He’s going through Puberty lol

Piper_Brianmind's avatar

Either A. He isn’t happy with himself and where his life is in comparison to yours (feeling immasculated and overcompensating). And/or B. He is bored with the relationship and wants you to break up with him. Be careful which is which. Though, if you get it wrong, he’ll probably apologize and tell you what’s really bothering him. If it’s meant to last at all, anyway. If you get it wrong, and he DOESN’T come back, accept that he was a waste of time and move on with your life. I know it’s hard and it sucks, but you’ll have to. If he, in fact, IS bored with the relationship, and you’re desperate to save it.. Try adding some variety. Get in his head, find out what really makes him tick, and then find a creative way to incorporate more of that into the relationship yourself. Relationships require alot of research to be successful in the long run. Alot of preparation, and on the other side.. spontaneity. Take a real close look at your situation. If there might be too much of something, subtract a little. If there might not be enough, add a dash more. A relationship is like a recipe, and it takes alot of trial and error to come up with a really good one. Just keep that in mind.

Jude's avatar

Could be that he’s jealous of how well things are going for you, while for him, right now, it sucks?

RareDenver's avatar

did you stop cooking?

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Talk to the person.

marinelife's avatar

I suspect he is unhappy and taking it out on you. Tell him you care, tell him you are sorry he is going through this, but that does not excuse using you as a verbal punching bag.

He may also be moving on emotionally. Only you have enough data to decide.

brinibear's avatar

He is jealous, the same thing happened to me. You need to make the decision if that’s something you really want to put up with. I was happy, for a long time. But in May he pushed it too far. I tried talking to him, and he always said that nothing was wrong. I believed him too. But it got to the point where he became so controlling, when we moved out to Cali. I didn’t know what to do, cause I literally, had nowhere to go. Once he broke, and A-T and T’d me, that was it.
I don’t think that many men will get to that level, but I think you need to assess the whole situation, don’t be a statistic, and don’t stay with somebody who treats badly. After I left my ex, I found out that a fairytale relationships, usually end in major heartache.

Darwin's avatar

His life is working on seriously sucking right now, and he is taking it out on you. Respectfully and kindly stand up for yourself and then leave if you must.

Otherwise, could it be a form of The Seven Year Itch?

wundayatta's avatar

If you can’t talk to him about this, then you’re in trouble. We certainly can’t read his mind. Anything anyone tells you is pure speculation. Worse. Uninformed speculation.

You’ve got to find a way to get him to talk to you honestly about it. First thing, don’t get all accusative on him. Just tell him, as non-judgmentally as possible, what you see him doing. Tell him what you feel when he does these things. Then ask him what this behavior means. Does he know how you feel? How can you make sense of this?

He may not be introspective enough to understand his own behavior. However, you’ve got to try. If you don’t get anywhere, the next step is to get help from a clergyman or a counselor or something. If he won’t do that, and if he won’t talk to you, then you may want to evaluate whether you’re getting enough out of it to stay in the relationship.

Dog's avatar

Just a reminder- you cannot allow him to treat you this way- you deserve better. Why he is treating you this way is irrelivant.

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
jandre6231's avatar

I don’t feel inferior; really. We talk exhaustively. He likes to play games to drive me nuts. It’s a power/insecurity ruse. He flat out tells me he is superior to most. ha ha I have since helped him explore the roots of that statement and the error and ignorance of it as well. As his SO I want him to feel ten feet tall and that I support him. But he Is as stubborn as I would custom design him myself. But the meanness of him can definitely go!

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