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jazzjeppe's avatar

The Simpsons or Family Guy?

Asked by jazzjeppe (2598points) September 12th, 2009

The ultimate question, the battle of the fittest, the greatest issue ever discussed…. The Simpsons or Family Guy? Personally I believe that the newer episodes of The Simpsons are not as good as the earlier ones. It’s on repeat, kinda. Family Guy is wickedly great in every way!

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61 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I have to cast my vote for the Simpsons because Family Guy is so derivative, I really doubt Family Guy would even exist if Seth McFarlane never co-opted (stole) the idea from Matt Groening.

Futurama trumps them both.

Facade's avatar

Family Guy

RareDenver's avatar

Can I have both? No I can’t I know, so it would be Family Guy but I have to give credit where credit is due, without The Simpson we probably would never have had Family Guy

DominicX's avatar

I like them both, but my vote also goes to “The Simpsons”. I agree that there are a lot of similarities between Family Guy and The Simpsons and we all know The Simpsons came first. However, what would I rather watch right now? New Simpsons or new Family Guy? New Family Guy, no doubt. The new Simpsons episodes suck. I preferred seasons 3–14. Compared to most Simpsons fans, that’s pretty generous, I’m told. But Season 21? Give it a rest!

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I’d take new family guy over new simpsons
The Simpsons is like Metallica to me, it used to be good, but it’s way past it’s peak now

oratio's avatar

Well, the Simpsons used to be good. The show has burnt it’s go, and it’s just above boring these days. The Family Guy is still fun.

Jenniehowell's avatar

I’d like to see a merging of the two where Lisa & Meg start dating & Homer & Peter are having a BBQ in the back yard creating havoc. While I’m at it I think I’ll have them all living in TX in Hanks neighborhood from King of the Hill.

azhaiaziam's avatar

I love simpson growing up but family guy is just straightforward and blunt.. and family guy makes front of everyday real life situation and what is going on in the media.

sandystrachan's avatar

Simpsons , but i do enjoy Family Guy just Family Guy is soo damn repetitive ok so can the Simpsons be at times not as bad as Family Guy i await the arrival of The Cleveland show tho :)

mrentropy's avatar

I like them both (and Futurama) and refuse to choose.

drdoombot's avatar

I can’t get into Family Guy. Too tangential or something.

And something I’ve learned about the newer Simpsons episodes is that when you see them again in rerun, they’re much funnier than the first time around. I think the show may have simply become more subtle in its later years.

Tink's avatar

I cast my vote for The Simpsons, I think Family Guy is boring…

Icky's avatar

the simpsons. since family guy took the break and came back, it’s been a stupid show full of drag-on jokes and too many references to a great, but over-referenced time.

besides, futurama out-classes these two shows.

markyy's avatar

I really cringe every time Peter says, that reminds me of….

The Simpsons might be over the top as some say, but they don’t feel as pushy to me. With Family guy it’s like every joke has to count and everyone should get it right away. At least the Simpsons try to be subtle sometimes, have some hidden humor in there and make fun of some recent development/newsitem. All of which count for replay value.

O and does nobody care that there now are 3 shows on tv that are exactly the same? Family guy / American dad / Cleveland show.. What do we need? a family with a wacky dad.. check, some kids.. check, a wife.. check. Oops almost forgot the talking animal.. check.

jazzjeppe's avatar

@markyy Cleveland show? Wow, didn’t know about that one. Any good?

doggywuv's avatar

Family Guy
I don’t like The Simpsons

DominicX's avatar


Hey, American Dad doesn’t have any flashbacks. It’s not quite the same. I actually like it better than Family Guy sometimes. At least there’s no lame Meg jokes and scenes of men beating up their wives, which Seth MacFarlane seems to find hilarious….

cyn's avatar

American Dad.

markyy's avatar

@jazzjeppe Only saw part of the pilot, love the theme song though The first episode will air Sun Sep 27, 2009. But will there be a talking animal you wonder? Well yes sir, you get not 1, not 2, but an entire family of talking religious bears! And all for the price of one, just stay awya from their porridge!

@DominicX Hate to admit it, but American Dad is a bit better (mostly because there’s an actual story and no flashbacks). Having said that it is very identical in nature and characters.

I don’t make it my job to hate Family guy’s creators. The first couple of seasons of Family Guy were quite funny, but that was 10 years ago and I was 14. Got to agree with @Icky and say that the show declined after they got cancelled the first time. I wonder if American dad and Family guy will suffer from losing jokes to the Cleveland show.

autumn43's avatar

Family Guy. Homer’s and Marge’s voices were much too annoying for me. And I LOVE Stewie. I would want him for a baby. Except he would love having me for his Mom!!

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar


Darwin's avatar

Neither, but then I don’t watch much TV.

simone54's avatar

Both shows had a peak and are not so very good at all.

At it’s peak The Simpsons was the best comic writing in the history of TV.

Looking it back on Family Guy, it wasn’t really that good. It is such easy cheap writing. It just a bunch of random jokes that having nothing to do with the plot. Anyone could write that.

mascarraaa's avatar

Family Guy for sure :)
You laugh more and its just fun to watch.

The Simpsons are getting old and were always boring.

mascarraaa's avatar

@cyndihugs American Dad, its so white :)

andrew's avatar

I used to love Family Guy—until I started watching South Park, and now I can barely watch it (especially after the South Park episode where they skewer Family Guy). Not to mention it’s the only satire that I’ve seen tackle both the Left and Right with equal deftness.

Still, Family Guy makes me laugh out loud, many many times. It’s true that the jokes are totally interchangeable, but the tangentials tickle my brain in just the right way.

No one can deny the fact that the Simpsons has been a seminal, groundbreaking show—but I think that a lot of fondness for it is fueled by nostalgia. While I can see where some people are comforted by Homer’s ever-true “D’oh”, I feel like I might as well be watching Bart say “Eat My Shorts” or “Cowabunga”—it feels dated.

I’m surprised not many people have brought up South Park—where Family Guy relies on the pop culture reference of the minute and the Simpsons still has the 90’s sitcom character formulae, South Park has biting, biting satire. And poop jokes.

woodcutter's avatar

family guy with simpsons a really close second. or was it futurama? Besides, Brian can talk. It adds a lot.

markyy's avatar

@andrew I couldn’t agree more, South park should have been a choice. Since it was not, I even had to hold myself back when I read @simone54‘s comment (which exactly describes the opinion of the South Park creators about Family Guy) to not make this some fanboy topic and involve another animated show.

And don’t forget the episode where Butter’s (prof. Chaos) is trying to control the world, but the Simpsons already did it!

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Meh I used to like South Park, but it’s all right I guess. Still beats The new Simpsons.

DominicX's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal You know the term “meh” was made popular by The Simpsons. lol

I don’t really like South Park too much. It’s okay, but maybe I don’t always want super super satire and issues all the time. Sometimes it’s just fun to have a story that doesn’t rely on current news to be funny, which is part of the reason why I like the older Simpsons the best out of the three.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I meant the new simpsons

Capt_Bloth's avatar

The Simpsons before season 9. I think after that all the effort went into Futurama. futurama was better than both of them until they started making movies, now it’s Family guy

Syger's avatar

King of the Hill is superior to them both, in my opinion.

jonsblond's avatar

I was going to say that South Park is better than both of them, but I see @andrew beat me to it. South Park is the only cartoon that I can sit and enjoy these days. The Obama Victory episode was brilliant.

knitfroggy's avatar

I remember when the Simpson’s was edgy and funny. Family Guy is humorous, but I think it’s pretty dumb. I prefer King of the Hill.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@andrew – More like the pop culture references of the writers’ childhoods.

I don’t know any young people today who’d get their spoof to The Great Space Coaster or to The Electric Company of the 1970s or the Sesame Street gag of the number pinball count with Stewie. All of which I thought were well-executed, but it’s nostalgia, innit? Meh.

Then again, I don’t know: is anyone watching either of these shows under 30? The Simpsons, IMO, went lame long, long, long ago. Like, in 1997.

I watch Metalocalypse. It’s going to a half-hour this year. Pickles FTW!

ava's avatar

No doubt…FAMILY GUY.

dalepetrie's avatar

Two completely different types of humor, kind of like comparing apples to Buicks. Simpsons is incredibly witty, always has been. Family Guy is absurdist/non-sequiter with a great deal of shock value. Family Guy is at its best when it draws you into the inside joke and then pulls you out of it, for example, the dog and the baby both talk, and the dog is basically human in every way, speaks like a human, dates human women, is a liberal who drives Prius, but then every now and then he reverts to being a dog. Like the time he gets drunk at Meg’s prom and kisses her, then throws up…he assures her it’s the booze not her, then without missing a beat, “you gonna eat that?”

Oh, and @aprilsimnel – I love Simpson’s, Family Guy, King of the Hill and Metalocalypse and I’m 38.

seventeen123's avatar

Family guy is funnier. Family-wise : simpsons for sure

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Please don’t hurt me, but….what’s so great about King of the hill? :X
I hardly find it funny

filmfann's avatar

Well, of course I say South Park.

But, between the two given options, I would go with Simpsons. Family Guy gets a bit random for my tastes.

Syger's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal I’m confused why that got called a great answer twice but anyway; King of the Hill isn’t suppose to be LOLRANDUMB humor. It’s a subtle satire of life in America and how things have, will and are (Well, were now. Good night, sweet prince) changing. The characters have far more development and well; I think this will explain it better than I could. KotH was one of the most centrist shows on television. Instead of lambasting conservatives or liberals, it showed how both of these ideologies had some truth to them in a humorous manner that didn’t hit you over the head.
I know this will sound egotistical as all hell, but King of the Hill is a thinker’s show.

dalepetrie's avatar

@Syger – well put, welcome to Fluther.

hex's avatar

If you want to laugh out loud and split your sides, watch Family Guy. If you don’t, watch those other cartoons.

Syger's avatar

@dalepetrie I’ve been here for awhile, I just tend to contribute to rather dead questions/ or just read, write and answer then have second thoughts and delete it. :p Thank you for the kindness though. :)

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

@Syger GA definitely makes me appreciate the show a little more.

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dalepetrie's avatar

One thing I really have to give credit to Family Guy for is this bravery to say the things that most people feel like they’re going to go to Hell if they laugh at. I mean yeah, yeah, yeah, we all get that disabilities aren’t a laughing matter, but we’ve gone so far in our culture towards political correctness in all aspects of life that it feels like we’re breaking some really sacred rule if we laugh at someone else’s misfortune. For example, Parkinson’s is not funny, and yeah, I feel bad for Michael J. Fox, and I realize he can’t help being all twitchy, and I don’t think that should really make him personally a target of derision. But in one episode they did one of those pop references to the effect of, “well, that was a bigger miscalculation than when they cast Michael J. Fox as Zorro…” and even though it was wrong, when they showed the mark of Zorro as this unintelligible scribble, c’mon, that’s FUNNY. It doesn’t mean I hate people with Parkinsons or feel they should be subject to scorn or ridicule, but this is a cartoon, it’s for fun. Or the episode where they say, “let’s watch that YouTube video of Marly Matlin calling moviephone” and she’s trying to say the name of the movie she wants to see “The Last Mimzy” in the deaf person voice, and the system says “you have selected…300”. Personally, I don’t think this humor is wrong just because it treads on areas that we’ve decided are sacred cows, in fact that’s what makes it funny to me. Because it’s not a mean spirited knock at someone’s misfortune, it’s more a jab at the political correctness we’ve been saddled with. And it’s an equal opportunity offender…no one is safe, it’s like saying “no more kid gloves, we’re just going to make fun of popular culture, period, no excuses.”

christine215's avatar

Simpsons… without a doubt.

soman's avatar

family guy without any doubt

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pratik5's avatar

According to me family guy is a great TV Show in the field of comedy. Its animation technology is excellent. I have watched its many episodes from Internet. Any one can watch it on internet by putting the words Download Family Guy TV Show

markyy's avatar

Download Family Guy TV Show

markyy's avatar

Hey, nothing happened! Damn you internet, damn you!!!

markyy's avatar

Oh wait must have been because there was no episode this week, I’ll try again next week.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Family Guy. Makes me laugh out loud.

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

I’d have to choose Family Guy. The Simpsons’ sense of funny has been waning for several years now, but personally, I’d rather watch South Park. It fits my sense of humor better.

mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe's avatar

I love The Simpsons!

I’m Homer Simpson xD :p

basstrom188's avatar

Family Guy is adult Simpsons
Its all Rupert Murdoch crap

mazingerz88's avatar


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