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evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Have you ever had a childhood memory pop up out of nowhere (see details)

Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra (12923points) September 17th, 2009
10 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

that you had completely forgotten about and were embarrassed to find out that you actually did something that bizarre in your life?

Recently, while reading a book, I dog eared a page to save my place, as I was going to be interrupted soon, and the memory of ripping the tips of the corners off of the pages of paperback books and eating them came bubbling to the surface. I’m not sure why I had that habit when I was younger, but I thankfully outgrew it.

Have you recently remembered any really idiotic childhood habit that you had completely forgotten about? What was it?

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cyn's avatar

My phoebia to cockroaches:
I remember when I was about 7 and my mum made hot chocolate; it was night. There was a busy fly bugging my family and me while drinking our hot chocolate. My dad then got a flyswatter and when the fly was flying near me, instead of hitting the fly, he hit me. I started to cry and then he(dad) got really annoyed of my crying and sent me to my room. I was crying and laying on teh bed (face up) and I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes there was a 5’’ cockroaches crawling on the wall just above my head. I screamed and the cockroach fell and started crawling all over me! It was the most terrifying experience in my life.
sorry. It’s the only childhood memory I have at the moment.

Garebo's avatar

Yes, and it usually through my pants.

holden's avatar

@cyndihugs your dad hit you with a fly swatter and got mad at you for crying? that’s just not fair.

When I was a little kid my parents would sit me out in the garden and I would stick my thumb through all the snails. I was maybe 2 or 3 then.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@holden, you didn’t suck that thumb afterwards, did you?

cyn's avatar

@holden I used to do that with the snails, too. (:

holden's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra I never was much of a thumb sucker, but I hope not. Although I’m sure worse things went into my mouth at that age.
I also remember, as a child in preschool learning to read and write, that any time I got my hands on a pencil and piece of paper I would write a string of random letters and show it to my teacher, hoping to have discovered a new word.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Sometimes when I pick my nose I recall my childhood when I’d place boogers into my mouth. Of course, more embarrassing was actually telling my French teacher that I did eat them.

This question has also made me remember one particular incident:
Once during recess when I was sitting with two friends. One of them, an African-American, made a joke and told me that he’d beat me till I was black and blue. I then replied that he must’ve been beaten up a lot, which would explain his colour. Both he and my other friend were pretty much rendered speechless, and I can’t for the life of me remember whether they laughed after that. I now chuckle slightly at my ignorance then and cringe when thinking about it.

casheroo's avatar

This one is pretty embarrassing. When I was young, I was really really scared of the dark. My bedroom was across from the stairs that went to the living room, but it was a short hallway to the bathroom. I’d be too scared to walk that three feet, that I’d lay in bed and wet myself. Why the hell would I do such a thing?! Still doesn’t make sense to me, but made sense to my kindergarten self.

Zen's avatar

—Why am I writing this here – it’ll come back to bite me, I know it… but I can’t help myself.. maybe confession is good for the chicken soup, or whatever it is… here goes nothing: I picked my nose a lot when I was a kid. There – I’ve said it. I sometimes dream about it, and feel really bad and embarrassed in my dreams.

Lost concentration here: Chicago just came on the radio with that beautiful oo hoo hoo song. What was I saying?

filmfann's avatar

I was in my 20’s, and working for Ma Bell in a manhole in San Francisco. (long story short) While working, I had a flashback of when I nearly drowned at my Aunt’s friend’s pool. I tried to stand up, and fell over. I was pulled out, and realized the manhole had once again filled with gas.

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