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Glow's avatar

What's your DREAM career?

Asked by Glow (1366points) September 18th, 2009
63 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Everyone has a dream career right? A career that we dream about having, but we feel that we either can’t or we don’t pursue for other reasons? For example, for me, I’m out to be a teacher, but honestly, I’d love to be a 3d animator and make my own game or movie. I’m sure some people have that dream career, but those of you that don’t, what is it?

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ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

rockstar. nuff said.

sevenfourteen's avatar

Gymnast. I would love to be so mucular and be able to flip around like that. Or the next multi-billionaire’s kid and not have to do anything but look pretty and spend money

CMaz's avatar

To be a philanthropist.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

A film director. I’d love to be able to direct films depicting Terry Pratchett’s books. I’d love to be the one to do his works justice.

Besides that, perhaps an actor.

Yeap that’s enough dreaming.

Jude's avatar

Get paid to travel the world.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@jmah Really cool idea. But then what’re your responsibilities as an employee?

Judi's avatar


ragingloli's avatar

professional assassin.

Jude's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Journalism.

gottamakeart's avatar

proffesional artist, studio, working from models, commissions, gallery shows, I wouldn’t have to be a major success. just being paid to do something I truly enjoy as if its what I was made to do.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@jmah You should join National Geographic then. =)

mrentropy's avatar

Novelist. Or God. Either or.

jonsblond's avatar

whitewater rafting guide

brinibear's avatar

Voice actor

Insomnia's avatar

Teach English all over the world.

So far my list includes Italy, Thailand, Japan, China, and somewhere in the Middle East. The cool thing is this job is doable. :)
All I have to do is finish my degree then become certified to teach ESL. (Which a friend of mine who taught in China said was extremely easy).

Sarcasm's avatar

B-Movie superstar, fireman, professional video game player (not in that order).

ragingloli's avatar

and my husband

Zen's avatar

Fighter pilot, astronaut.

Oh, and Spider-Man.

deni's avatar

Making movies that are largely successful and hilarious and have hardly any plot so they don’t confuse dumb people like me.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I want to be Jan Fennell

As I can’t actually be her I’ll just stick to being me doing a similar job as her!

LJC's avatar

Mockumentary director, and actor. Think Christopher Guest.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

A return to jewelry design having my pieces sold through a store of choice and being able to work from a remote, secluded homebase.

IBERnineD's avatar

Owning a cupcake shop and making cupcakes all the time!

asawilliams's avatar

the best job is not needing to have one, but to do what you feel like at any given moment

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I’d like to work at a tv station. I’d be the guy that turns up the volume when the commercials come on.

evegrimm's avatar

I’d like to be a tomb raider. :D

But seriously…I’ve planned out my “dream” life: work for the gov’t for a few years, make lots of money. Move over to the Egyptology career path, and do digs for a while (I wouldn’t want to run digs, just work at them). Then become a curator/conservation scientist for Ancient Egyptian artifacts at one of the British museums (there are quite a few). After doing that for a while, I will retire to the coast (probably West coast) and open a book/yarn/coffee/curiosity shop.

And of course, I will have a wildly succesful novel series on the side. :D

tinyfaery's avatar

To be a member of the idle rich.

Judi's avatar

@ChazMaz, i just realized you beat me to it. That’s always been my goal in life.

PaulCC's avatar


janbb's avatar

Novelist as long as I didn’t have to do book tours. (Like J.D. Salinger possibly?)

YARNLADY's avatar

I would like to be paid for answering questions on the internet.

benjaminlevi's avatar

Ideally an explorer but they don’t get much employment anymore
That or something with tropical forest ecology

OpryLeigh's avatar

@YARNLADY How great would that be? Market research surveys just aren’t the same.

PerryDolia's avatar

There are two possibilities here:

1. The guy who paints swimsuits on those naked models, or

2. The guy who flys around the world, taking pictures of landforms to take back to animation studios to select to use as backgrounds in their next flick.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I want to be an astronaut. I would love to be completely weightless, and to see Earth from space.

jonsblond's avatar

I’d like to change my answer to rafting guide by day, ice cream and beer taste tester at night.

shrubbery's avatar

astronaut, but I’m trying to make the dream a reality right now.
my dream dream career because it’s not really possible anymore since there’s nothing left to discover would be an explorer or an indiana jones type archeologist.

sjmc1989's avatar

Option A. Ballerina
Option B. The host of Diner’s, Drive-in’s and Dives

brinibear's avatar

@sjmc1989 what a good show. I’m watching it right now.

sjmc1989's avatar

@brinibear Me too :) and I’m starving! Not a good combination at all!!

brinibear's avatar

@sjmc1989 same here, it sucks but I have an idea, I will throw you a fry K?

wildflower's avatar

singer, actor and dancer (basically madonna with better acting)

sjmc1989's avatar

@brinibear Yum ok deal!

brinibear's avatar

@sjmc1989 ok ready, here it comes. Let me know if you caught it.

sjmc1989's avatar

@brinibear ok got it! Now your turn sending over some oreo’s! It’s all I got but its the yummy halloween orange filling kind :)

brinibear's avatar

@sjmc1989 you know that’s the best kind thanks! I got it, I almost missed it

Jack79's avatar

Singer, and Ihad it for quite some time. Nothing like what people imagine it to be (there was very little sex and no drugs, but plenty of rock n’ roll). But it was great fun overall, and the money was good.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Commercial Airline Pilot

OpryLeigh's avatar

@wildflower and better singing I hope

MrBr00ks's avatar

I’d like to be a novelist, or the director of the Dark Tower series of movies.

wildflower's avatar

@Leanne1986 That’s less important – if my singing appealed to a crowd like hers does, I could just belt out the songs and enjoy it…...regardless of how good it sounds :)

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

To be a record label owner/producer and bringing the (m)asses REAL heavy fucking metal!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal Go for it! Its about time good metal came to the fore and destroyed the puerile rubbish that is today’s pop “music”.

seventeen123's avatar

Boss of a fashion magazine! (that would be successful)

Sampson's avatar

I’d like to be a writer. Not like Stephen King of Anne Rice (not to say they suck) but more like a Vonnegut or Buk. I would rather write 10 books that I put my heart and soul into than 100 books that I had to push out because of publisher demand. Either that or a beer taster (to copy @jonsblond).

I don’t really desire to be rich (although if it happened, I wouldn’t complain) but enough money to live comfortably would be great.

deni's avatar

Disco dancing for cash.

MrBr00ks's avatar

Stephen King’s Dark Tower series has been the most impressive body of work that I have ever read (to date) and I am only on the 5th one out of 7. That includes The Invisible Man by Ellison, Slaughter House 5 by Vonnegut, The Bell Jar by Plath, Fight CLub by Palahniuk, Absolutely true story of a part time indian by Alexie, and All the Pretty horses by mc carthy. I think King just puts out so many because he loves writing, from reading his personal comments. I want to be like that, to enjoy what i do.

shego's avatar

A Dominatrix : ) I like the control

Glow's avatar

Thanks everyone! Some of you gave some really cool responses! :D

saraaaaaa's avatar

A festival organiser, not for the bands and other artists but to unite people under the cause of celebration and a general happiness to be alive. A seemingly forgotten cause.

bobbinsgalore's avatar

I’d love to be a body piercer. Unfortunately I pass out when I watch people being pierced.

It’s ok though, my current job is pretty amazing. :) I listen to the radio for a living.

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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If there were no God, I’d be a porn star and ride them heifers hard and put them away wet, until the Net came out and duped them into bed on those types of Web sites with a offering of 15 minutes of fame and a little coin.

However, since there is a God, it would be an inventor, then I cam come up with stuff to solve an issue no one else has, or make something work better and collect royalties off it until I shed this fleshly tent for Glory.

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