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live_rose's avatar

What's the stupidest debate/argument you've ever had?

Asked by live_rose (1223points) September 23rd, 2009
28 responses
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The other day at work someone blurts out in response to what i don’t remember: “sharks aren’t fish” . . . then someone agreed and said they were mammals then someone refuted and said they weren’t mammals but they also weren’t fish. People kept trying to prove their point spurting out any animal fact they knew. 15 minutes two texts and a google search later the argument died down. By the end of it i decided A) sharks are fish and B) that it was the stupidest argument I’ve ever been a part of (a heated Disney princess argument being a close second). So I’d like to see if anyone has a similarly frivolous and or stupid argument and if so what about?
we as a group can bask in the fact that we as a people know so little about so much.

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Saturated_Brain's avatar

If it doesn’t have to be a serious argument then I think I have a winner.

Just the other day I heard a few friends arguing over whether tortoises are immortal. Let’s give them names. Kyle, Daniel and Zac.

Kyle: Do you believe that tortoises are immortal?
Zac: What? No!
Kyle: Prove it then. Have you ever seen a tortoise die?
Zac: No! But they aren’t immortal!
Kyle: But you’ve never seen a tortoise die, therefore you have no proof.

At this point he goes over to Daniel and asks: Hey Daniel, do you believe that tortoises are immortal?
Daniel: Of course!

By this time I was very amused and Zac was visibly getting frustrated (in a good-natured way)
Kyle (to Zac): Until you see a tortoise die you can never say that they aren’t immortal.
Zac (points to me): Ugh, Saturated_Brain’s going to die. He’s not immortal! (needless to say I was rather amused by this)
Daniel: Ahhh… But you see, until Saturated_Brain dies we’ll never know whether he’s immortal or not.

I don’t know how it ended (I think Zac just stomped off) but philosophical implications aside, this was perhaps one of the entertaining conversations I’ve ever heard in a long time.

whatthefluther's avatar

Who was better, John or Paul? See ya….Gary/wtf

peedub's avatar

A) Some people cannot stand to be wrong under any circumstances.
B) Other people cannot debate, argue, or ‘discuss’ an issue without letting their feelings get involved. Another way to put it, might be to say these people cannot remain completely rational.

Arguing, debating, or ‘discussing’ an issue with someone who embodies the character traits of both A & B, and I do know a few like this [but not on Fluther], is a nightmare and should be avoided at all costs. Nothing is accomplished and I end up feeling somewhat tired afterwards.

Aside from that, the whole ‘Who is better: Donovan or Bob Dylan?’ debate is stupid, as is ‘Rolling Stones or Beatles?’
There’s simply no reason to have to choose.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@peedub Yes, yes, yes a thousand times YES!

(that was to the people descriptors of course, not to the examples you added in your edit)

markyy's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Two thousand times NO.

deni's avatar

if chicken gravy was the dark gravy or if it was beef.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

I had a friend telle that it was safer to drive very fast, because you were on the road less, so were less Likely to have an accident. I was drunk and unwilling to let the matter rest.

scamp's avatar

I was a member of a women’s fourm, and we debated parents who drink when their children are present. it went on for weeks. There were actually people who thought it was a good idea.

Also my daughter and I once debated on whether a person’s feet had to be sweaty in order to stink!

jonsblond's avatar

It was with my husband. I insisted that Oprah did what she does because she actually cares about people, he insisted that she’s in it for the money.

he never lets me forget that silly argument. It was many years ago when I didn’t know any better

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I have these kinds of arguments all the time. I can’t get enough of them.

The stupidest arguments I get into generally relate to more serious matters.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

I’ve been embroiled in at least two heated arguments over the merits of buying an overpriced iPod vs. another music player (that is not a Zune). I can’t believe how passionate people get over this topic.

MrItty's avatar

I don’t know, but I’m absolutely positive it happened either on Fluther or Askville…

filmfann's avatar

The current death panel discussion always rates highly here.

CMaz's avatar

Is it a dessert topping or a floor wax?

Dog's avatar


Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (3points)
tinyfaery's avatar

Taste great. Less filling. Kidding, of course, but I can’t remember a recent stupid argument.

shego's avatar

The stuipdest argument I have ever been in was with this girl who said that anybody who had curly hair was black. I proved she was just ignorant.

mattbrowne's avatar

End of the world in 2012.

CMaz's avatar

“End of the world in 2012”

Ya know thats right!

Ansible1's avatar

Nothing recently I can think of, probably something when I was younger…
It’s not cheating if you’re too drunk to remember

kellylet's avatar

What qualifies as “chips”

Is a Cheeto a chip? What about Fununs (sp) or Pretzels? (I vote they are snack foods and calling them chips is just ruining the reputation of a great treat)

It’s a ridiculous conversation and an ongoing argument without a resolution. But it’s always funny.

dalepetrie's avatar

@whatthefluther – it’s John hands down.

Now that this is out of the way, my favorite stupid argument was in college. I lived next door to this guy named Ted, who was 6’7” and looked like the lead singer of the Spin Doctors, and pretty much wore the same stained, full of holes wifebeater every time I saw him. He was a big Dungeons and Dragons fan, and one guy who was unfortunate enough to live with him for a while began to refer to him as “The Encroacher Beast” due to Ted’s propensity to sort of take over their dorm room with his stuff. Ted eventually moved out of the dorms and back in with his mom, and on about 3 separate occassions he’d invite people over for “dinner” and have you come at noon only to find out that dinner would happen after you helped them move from one trailer to another. Ted also liked to serve drinks, usually something along the lines of Windsor and Mountain Dew and you’d want to watch out because he might just toss a radish in your drink from across the room when you weren’t expecting it.

Now, one day my roommate and I were hanging out next door at Ted’s dorm. I believe it was about 2 am, and we had basically just finished watching the porn movie we’d all rented at the local gas station, which we’d set off at about 9 that night to get, along with some liquor (Ted was the only one of age at the time)....a trip we made through the Cemetery and back for God knows what reason, probably just quicker. Not really sure what the logic was in having the soire at Ted’s pad instead of at ours, maybe it was because Ted was of age and thought it would be better if he got caught with liquor in his room than if we got caught with it in ours, so instead of watching the movie on our 19” color TV, we watched it on Ted’s 13” b&w television. So, we were having some good times, chatting, cracking jokes, and I can’t remember exactly what led me to make this joke, but someone mentioned something about mace, meaning the kind that you would squirt in an attacker’s face, and I made a joke to juxtapose that with the medieval weapon known as a mace, something akin to “yeah, that would be rapist won’t know what hit him when she swings a spiked ball on a chain at him.”

Well, some of you may already be crying foul here if you’re way into medieval weaponry, but as you may or may not be aware, a “mace” is essentially a club, it may well have a heavy protrustion with sharp points on the end of it, and would have the traditional handle, but it is not the instrument which has a chain between the ball and the club…the bludgeon part is affixed to the club itself. So, Ted (and with the avent of the internet, I discovered he was technically wrong about this), informed me that the weapon I was referring to was not a mace, but a “morning star”, which is technically “more” accurate, because a morning star has a spiked ball, though it is not attached to a chain. Turns out what I was actually referring to was a “flail”, which is a spiked ball on a chain attached to a handle. I would have thought of this as a mace, and as wikipedia points out (I was going to link, but the links get messed up because of parentheses in the URL), “Modern authors have multiple conflicting names for this weapon; the terms “morning star” (a stick with a spiked tip), and even “mace” (a bludgeoning weapon similar to a morning star) are used interchangeably with “flail”, because of historical fallacies.”

So, the conversation went something like this, to the best of my recollection:

Ted: It’s probably good that she carries mace to protect herself from would be rapists.

Me: Yeah, I bet her would be rapist won’t know what hit him when she pulls out a spiked ball on a chain and goes upside his head with it.


Me: Really? I thought that was a mace.

Ted: No, a mace doens’t have a chain, that’s a MORNING STAR.

Me: OK, but you knew what I meant, right?


Me: Alright, I’m sure you’d know better than I do. But you still understood the joke, right?


Me: OK, Ted, I’m not arguing that, you are 100% right. My point is that people, maybe not you, but people would get that joke, they would know what I meant, right? You would know what I meant, right Tony?

Tony: Yeah, I thought that’s what a mace was too.


Me: Yes, we’ve established that. But you see, here’s the thing. I’ve seen in books, on TV, in movies, morning stars being referred to as maces…I in fact had never even heard of a morning star before you told me.

Ted: It’s not a MACE, it’s a MORNING STAR.

Me: You’ve made that perfectly clear. I’m just saying, if you stopped 100 people in the hall and showed them a picture of a morning star and asked them what the name of this weapon was, I bet you at LEAST 90 of them would say it was a mace. Yes, they would be wrong, I believe you, but this is what people THINK of when they hear the term.

Ted: But it’s not a MACE…it’s a morning star.

Me: You’re right….aww, I’m tired, I think I’m going to head back to my room and hit the hay.

I believe it was later that same month when I was coming down the hall and I saw Ted standing int he hall with a cast on his right hand. I asked him what happened, and apparently the night before, as a joke, Ted’s roommate had locked the door when Ted went to go to the bathroom at like 1 in the morning (they were both still up). When Ted turned the door handle and found it locked, rather than say, “haha, let me in” or knock or do any of the other things he could have done, he hauled off and punched the solid oak door hard enough to shatter the bones in his hand.

Sigh…I miss Ted.

But perhaps the funniest thing ever is that a few months ago, I saw an episode of Metalocalypse, and Nathan Explosion, the lead singer of the band Dethklok (which is what this show is about, in case you haven’t seen it), who is a big, imposing dude, not unlike Ted, is talking to his manager about this huge shipment of medieval weaponry he just got. And the manager while holding a stick with a chain and a spiked ball refers to it as a mace repeatedly, and Nathan says, “it’s a morning star and you already know how I feel about that.” I swear, the writers of this show must know Ted too.

whatthefluther's avatar

@dalepetrie… Great story! And re John: I’m with you all the way, bro! (I don’t own a single Wings or PM album….solo John as well as the Beatles {total greater than the sum…. for sure} are very well represented, however) See ya….Gary/wtf

YARNLADY's avatar

I got in an argument with my Father In Law, when he came to pick up my son, I said, you need to take a bag in the car, because he has been playing too hard, and tends to throw up. FIL said “hush, hush, talking about it will cause it to happen”.

I won the ‘argument’ when Sonny threw up all over the back seat of Grandpa’s car.

filmfann's avatar

@mattbrowne I hate having that discussion! No matter how many times I explain the Milky Plane, people just don’t get it!

cyndyh's avatar

I once spent way too much time trying to explain to a couple of co-workers that Hulk Hogan was not as big as the cardboard cutout and you could tell this by the size of the “44 oz.” cup the cutout was holding. I had to explain scaling and hold up an actual 44 oz. cup to the “44 oz.” cup the cutout was holding. By the end of it all they were trying to tell me that professional wrestling wasn’t choreographed, that when Hulk Hogan seemed to be not even connecting when someone just fell over he was actually hitting the air near them soooo hard that it knocked them over. These people were not kidding. I decided I wanted a different job after that.

mattbrowne's avatar

@filmfann – In fact, the scientists who study Maya culture have found that their calendar was meant to offer milestones for new epochs to replace older epochs. So in a way they were a bit like Kurzweil predicting a time when the singularity arrives. Yes, sex sells. Doom sells. Roland Emmerich sent us aliens on Independence Day, now it’s oceans flooding the Himalayas in 2012. Are we safe in the Alps and Rocky Mountains?

filmfann's avatar

If they are playing John Denver music in the Rocky Mountains, I am headed to the Alps.

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