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Mr_Grimm's avatar

When is the world gonna really end?

Asked by Mr_Grimm (412points) October 4th, 2009
72 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

When is the world going to really end? Scientists point to December 21, 2012. They say the sun will blast huge heat rays of some sort.Our magnetic field will just not be able to handle them, and give way, causing us to burn up, and or be vaporized. The Mayans calender stopped at 12/21/12, and people believe that that’s when the worlds gonna end. What I think, is that the mayans got extremely sick and tired of predicting the future, that they just stopped, or just stopped period. Or Another village wiped out the mayans in fear of what they may cause. Or, something bad happened, killing the mayans. Truely the Mayans were experts in math, but how the hell can you predict things that have not already happened with math?? So your saying that if I’m an expert in math, i’lll be able to predict the lottery numbers, or predict how much space there is in the universe. you see where i’m going with this.. So what do you think will happen? Will we find a way to boost the power of our earths magnetic field, or we will just die like a mouse being run over with a truck? What do you think, and all religions count in this question.

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oratio's avatar

Scientists point to December 21, 2012” lol. Yup. Those scientists.

If I remember correctly, in about 3 billion years or so.


If somebody figures out where the OFF-button is.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Mr_Grimm Scientists point to December 21, 2012

What scientists? All who I have heard make that claim are crackpots and fruitcakes.

Grisaille's avatar

Le sigh.

ESV's avatar

To accept the Mayan 2012 prophecy denies the clear biblical teaching about the end of the world, because Jesus told us “…of that day and hour no one knows, no, not the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13:32).

the100thmonkey's avatar

I doubt very much that the people predicting the end of the world for 12/21/2012 would be called “scientists” by anyone but themselves.

The most definite prediction it is possible to make for the end of the world would be in about 5 billion years.

Of course, there is always the possibility of something else happening, but since it isn’t known what form such a catastrophe might take, it cannot be predicted.

Axemusica's avatar

Not sure if this is what fluther means, by selling yourself, but I’m sorry if it is.

I wrote a blog to this effect last year. No one can really say if the world will end, but there could be a lot of things going on.

DrBill's avatar


This specific blog entry you’re trying to read is currently set to be private, and only the blog owner can see it.

Roory's avatar

Well, people have been predicting stuff all the time, scientists have been making theories and predictions too…. but if you notice, they are all theories and predictions, in otherwords they are not true even though sometimes a very, very small sometimes they might be true… most religions if not all say that no one will ever know and can know but God himself… so really why listen to all these stuff and waste your living time, instead go out, have fun, live your life, after all life is too short, and ask yourself this, do you really want to know when you are bound to die, or when the world is going to stop ??

DrBill's avatar

The Earth is in a decaying orbit around the Sun, eventually we will reach the event horizon and the Earth will plummet into the Sun. We do still have a few million years to develop a base on another planet before it happens

SuperMouse's avatar

The world ends for someone every single second.

Jayne's avatar

@DrBill, the Sun doesn’t have an event horizon.

DrBill's avatar


The Earth’s orbit does.

Axemusica's avatar

@DrBill my bad. I think it’s corrected now. I had my account set to private since my employer was stalking me, but I hardly use the damn thing anymore so I don’t care, lol.

Jayne's avatar

According to wikipedia, “In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime, most often an area surrounding a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. Light emitted from beyond the horizon can never reach the observer, and any object that approaches the horizon from the observer’s side appears to slow down and never quite pass through the horizon, with its image becoming more and more redshifted as time elapses.”

Pretty clearly, this does not apply to the sun. Perhaps you are referring to the radius of orbit at which the earth’s velocity is below the escape velocity, and therefore the earth must eventually fall into the sun, but if the earth is in a decaying orbit, then we already passed that point a while ago.

dpworkin's avatar

Why is the Mayan prophecy less credible than a “quotation” from Jesus?

Grisaille's avatar

I hear Jeebus is a pretty popular guy.

JLeslie's avatar

@Grisaille LMAO! @pdworkin I agree.

My mother-in-law was sure the earth was going to spin of its’ axis millenium 2000 at midnight. I mean she was seriously nervous. She is a Catholic, and even though the Catholic church was marketing it as a time for jubilation she believed the crackpots. But then she has a little twist to her Catholocism anyway…she loves horoscopes and psychics. Now, what is really eerie is that my mother-in-law’s birthday is December 21 and she is Mexican, so I am surprised we have not been hearing some fear out of her regarding this.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

The world ends the day you die. I guarantee it, with absolute certainty.

Jayne's avatar

I think Jeebus is a pretty cool guy. eh walks on water and doesnt afraid of anything.

Grisaille's avatar

‘cept for that one time in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Likeradar's avatar

12/22/2012. Those scientists forgot to carry the 1 and predicted it to be a day sooner than it really is. Fools!

ragingloli's avatar

31.12.1999 at 23:59:59

Bugabear's avatar

By those scientists do you mean that @#$%^ dean from Harvard that thought the LHC would end the world? If so I totally see where your going with this. I dont think anything is going to happen. It’ll just be y2k all over again. I’d suggest buying bottled water and canned chili before the Survivalists get it. And I think gun ammo might be going on sale.

whitenoise's avatar

You don’t seriously live on the same planet that I do, do you?

FYI -The Mayans couldn’t to calculate past the date of 21/12/2012, due to their using Windows 1492.

oratio's avatar

You know, it might just be that it’s just the Mayas who will be destroyed 2012. Poor Mexico.

Ivan's avatar

lol wut

Thammuz's avatar

Scientists point to December 21, 2012.


wenn's avatar

@ESV I don’t believe in God or Jesus or religion so I do deny what the bible says.

The world will end in a few billion years when our sun dies and engulfs Earth as Red Giant…..or if a giant asteroid hit us.

Would be sweet if the Mayans were right though, because it would make me laugh… 2012 is almost here! weeew!

BTW no scientists point to 2012. The ancient Mayan calender points to 2012, as well as I believe a Chinese calender(could be wrong, cant fully recall), and Nostradamus.

ragingloli's avatar

Would be sweet if the Mayans were right though, because it would make me laugh… 2012 is almost here! weeew!

Yeah. It would prove that Jesus and the Bible is wrong. And that the Mayans were right.
Too bad it is not going to happen.

wenn's avatar

@ragingloli Yeah, nothing is going to happen in 2012, but always fun to imagine, right?

benjaminlevi's avatar

About ten minutes ago.

oratio's avatar

Hmm, I wonder what year they will come up with next time.

filmfann's avatar

As previously answered here , the Mayan Calendar ends on Dec 21, 2012. On that day, the Solar System passes thru the Milky Plane, which is the middle of the edge of the plate of the Milky Way. It moves from the lower half of the plate, to the upper half. The Mayans felt the calendars would restart at that point, so they ended their calendar on that day.
This is the most misunderstood concept going these days.

No scientist I have heard of says the sun will shoot out hot heat rays; well, no more than it does every day…

filmfann's avatar

@Mr_Grimm Welcome to fluther… Lurve.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Well, according to the story I heard, the world ended about fifteen months ago, but they didn’t tell the gullible people because the powers that be didn’t want them to panic.

Or, like the sticker on my printer says: If you can read this, you were not raptured.

Axemusica's avatar

@filmfann Reversed Polarized Sunspots. It’s all in my blog I’m surprised no ones read it. Though it is a bit of a read, lol.

@evelyns_pet_zebra nice sticker, lol.

I see people saying nothing is going to happen, this is not true. There are quite a few things happening that year. It’s just highly unlikely “the end of the world” will happen, although, there very well may be some adverse effects of somethings that have already happened and things that might happen.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

what does it matter?

Ivan's avatar


Heh, if anything was going to matter, the end of the world would probably be it.

oratio's avatar

It feels unlikely that the human race will be there to witness the event. In the old history of this planet, we’ve just come into existence, and we think we are all that; eternal. If there is an intelligent race present at the time, it will be one of several branched species, or a whole different animal.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Ivan on the contrary, my friend, that would be completely beyond our control and wouldn’t matter. not to me anyway

Jayne's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, so you’re saying that if the world was going to end, you wouldn’t, for instance, pull your money out of your long-time investments and go on a nice cruise?

Thammuz's avatar

@wenn: nostradamus pointed to 2000 if i recall…

Also: sweet how the mayans were psychic enough to know when the world was gonna end but not the fact that their whole civilization was going to be vaporized a good 500 years before that…

DrBill's avatar

The ancient Mayan calender points to 2012, FACT

The ancient Mayan’s disappeared.

My Theory: 2012 is where they were at on their calendar when they disappeared.

filmfann's avatar

@Thammuz Nostradamus said in the 10th Century (2001–2100) there would be a wonderful awakening. Things would be great. Not exactly the end of the world.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@filmfann Nostradamus said a lot of things, and like the words of prophets and seers from all over the world, the things he said have been interpreted as the reader perceives them. I think Nostradamus might have simply been overly imaginative and under-sexed.

As for the Mayans, Dec 12, 2012 is where they got before the guy making the calendar died of a sudden brain aneurism. He left no apprentices, so the powers that be in Mayan society simply said, “Hey, good enough for government work.”

mattbrowne's avatar

When the last white dwarf remnant of a red dwarf turns into a black dwarf.

Thammuz's avatar

@filmfann then all the poeple i knew back in 1999 that said that Nostradamus predicted the end of the world were dumbasses.

That’s actually a comforting idea since i hated most of them…

Thammuz's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra: I think Nostradamus might have simply been overly imaginative and under-sexed.

EXPECIALLY under-sexed

Mr_Grimm's avatar

to me, I’d think it would be 12/12/12, because the numbers add up to something, I’m not sure, right now I’m thinking it up in my head. and Drbill I think you may be right, wait….. I think I said that something happened to the mayans, like they all died out, soo…... :D

jfos's avatar

I’d like to hear @kevbo’s answer to this.

Dr_C's avatar

I think the 2012 crowd may be on to something… certainly there have been signs.
I mean… how can anyone explain the rise in popularity of people like Perez Hilton or Lady Ga Ga if they are not signs of the apocalypse?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Jayne money? long-term investments? lol…yeah I don’thave those

Mr_Grimm's avatar

If the world ended 2012, I’d be completely bummed, you know why, because I’d be graduating high school, and I’d be 18!! SUCKY SUCKER SUCKIN!!!

wickedbetty's avatar

I think the world will never “end” but will be changed into a different state, something of a new world. Christ will return to reign over the world and sinners will be sent to hell

Thammuz's avatar

@wickedbetty People have been saying that since a month after Jesus died. It’s been 2000 years. I don’t mean to curb your enthusiasm but i really don’t see that happening.

ragingloli's avatar

that will only happen if the true messias comes and converts everyone into a jew, ends all wars, poverty and hunger and all that in one lifetime, without doing any “miracles” (a.k.a. acts of magic). And no, Jesus does not count, because he is dead and he failed to do what the true messias is supposed to do.
But so far the religion with the biggest growth is Islam, so don’t hold your breath.

oratio's avatar

@wickedbetty What happened to the forgiving god?

DarkScribe's avatar

@wickedbetty Christ will return to reign over the world and sinners will be sent to hell

Will he appear on Oprah and jump up and down on the couch?
(That would make people believe that he was a superstar – the appropriate behaviour.)

laureth's avatar

Won’t be anyone here to enjoy that new world, if all the sinners are in Hell. But we digress.

wickedbetty's avatar

@oratio mercy can’t rob justice.
@laureth Repentence- Christ died for our sins so we can repent and return to live with him.
@DarkScribe no way. Oprah will run to him and bow down, beg him for forgivness. We all will.

Thammuz's avatar

@wickedbetty: “We all will.”

Speak for yourself, please.

Mr_Grimm's avatar

ROFLOL @wickedbetty very good point. I did my research however… I read that the mayans died out by the time the got to 2012. So really, the only way the world will end, is by man. We can end anything with just the press of a button.

Grisaille's avatar

I love how people speak about end times, Hell and other such philosophical constructs designed to scare the living crap out of you with either casual or malicious tones.

This is Jacqui Saburido. She was burnt for less than 45 seconds in a car crash. Tell me @wickedbetty, you worship a god that would do that to all of us FOREVER, just because we choose science and fact over faith? What does that say about you, that you wish “justice” upon normal, moral, and kind people?

Suffice to say, you’re a fucking jerk. Mod me, I don’t care. Fact of the matter is: there are those who practice their religion and love their god and neighbors peacefully. And then there are those like you who so casually wish for us to burn because we don’t share the same belief system. I intentionally chose a rather tame photo, but do a little research; in fact, just turn of your safe search and type in “burn victim” on Google Images.

That is what you wish upon us, every time you proclaim with feverish arrogance that “justice will be served”, or whatever other idiocy you people are using these days. You laugh and joke (incidentally, so do we – but for different reasons), all the well not realizing what your fair and just god is actually saying.

Thammuz's avatar

@Grisaille clap clap clap BRAVO!

Axemusica's avatar

@Grisaille I’d give you more Lurve if I could, lol.

still wondering if anyone read my blog. I did quite a bit of research on this.

the100thmonkey's avatar

I did.

While I found the links interesting, there is nothing in it that is demonstrably true, a lot of it that is at best wild hypothesising, and much that is just plain old guff.

Nibiru? It was all made up.

laureth's avatar

I tried to read it, but the formatting made it difficult on the eyes.

Axemusica's avatar

@the100thmonkey yea, most of it was guff, cuz that’s how it was presented to me, but a lot of it were facts. Like the sun spots, eros & that tablet. I basically wrote it thinking of all possiblities, guff or fact.

whitenoise's avatar

did you notice it was a mistake and the mayan calendar doesn’t end in 2012 but rather in the 23rd century?

Now what does that do to your world?

Axemusica's avatar

@whitenoise that’s his hypothosis, but still, it is funny & probable.

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