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mascarraaa's avatar

What makes Tom Cruise "attractive"?

Asked by mascarraaa (123points) October 4th, 2009
53 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I have seen throughout the years some of Tom Cruise movies and his interpretations are just plain horrible. He has no facial expressions, no voice change and he looks the same in all of them. I really don’t understand what makes him attractive or famous. Is it just his luck?

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virtualist's avatar

…nature, nurture, fame, money, unavailability

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Nothing? Must be luck

Allie's avatar

I liked him in Top Gun and A Few Good Men. Nothing else. So, a suit or a bomber jacket.

Likeradar's avatar

When his public persona and onscreen characters were charming, I found him adorable.
Now that his movies are shit and his public persona is that of a crazy person, I don’t see the appeal. It’s a perfect example of attitude adding a lot to attractiveness.

DarkScribe's avatar

Nothing – they tried but it didn’t work. Maybe he appeals to women who have a thing about garden gnomes.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Because people are attracted to out of the ordinary people. As much as I dislike Tom and think he’s a total nutcase, I am always the first to pick up a copy of the newest Us Weekly if Tom Cruise is on the cover.

CMaz's avatar

His neutral persona, makes him fit easier into many molds.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i’m not gay, so i have no idea.

dpworkin's avatar

I think when he was young, he had a great deal of charm. The scene in Risky Business, where he played air guitar in his underwear is indelible. Since then, I think he has been coasting on the strength of symmetrical features and a dazzling smile.

Darwin's avatar

He was good in Risky Business and Top Gun. He isn’t unattractive as long as he is on screen, because you don’t see how short he is, how big his nose is, or how loony he is. Certainly he made a lot of money for folks in Hollywood, and at the beginning of his career he showed up on time with his scripts memorized and did his own stunts, and above all, he was charming.

A lot of what is Hollywood runs on charm. Now that he has lost some of that, he has lots of money, and in Hollywood money is power. Tom Cruise is very powerful, although crazy as a loon.

JLeslie's avatar

I never found him to be very handsome, but I liked the character he played in Risky Business and Top Gun. For some reason the media latched onto him, and then I guess people decided the media must be right about his looks??

ragingloli's avatar

his crazy

Axemusica's avatar


Darwin's avatar

Actually Scientology is part of what makes him unattractive.

Axemusica's avatar

@Darwin I guess it was a bad joke

Darwin's avatar

Scientology is always a bad joke. It is also really bad science fiction.

ragingloli's avatar

in 2000 years, 30 percent of the world population will regard scientology as the immutable truth, there will be scientology churches everywhere, people will wear golden xenu necklaces, will have tom cruise bumper stickers on their flying cars and they will persecute everyone who doesn’t believe it as “unclears”, start wars to spread their filth, while loudly proclaiming that scientology is there to better humanity

tinyfaery's avatar

Absolutely nothing. Blech!

YARNLADY's avatar

Attractive facial freatures will usually give a person a good head start in the entertainment business, and then add a good movie roll or two. That’s about all it takes.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I think he has a terrific smile. The Mapother family is a relatively handsome family.
With his mom

Girl_Powered's avatar

He is tiny and cute. What girl wouldn’t want him?

Blondesjon's avatar

The back of his head.

Facade's avatar

I don’t find him attractive. He’s a rather small man. Also, my dad said he’s a dick in person so, there ya go.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@Facade, his cousin William is pretty nice. I think constant attention must make people crazy.

Facade's avatar

@PandoraBoxx I can agree with that

veronasgirl's avatar

He’s attractive???

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Facade you are what you eat.

Facade's avatar

@eponymoushipster You never cease to…confuse me lol

ccrow's avatar

@DarkScribe, please don’t insult the garden gnomes like that!!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Facade you said he was a dick.

Facade's avatar

@eponymoushipster I get it! haha

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I think some people are just attracted to bat shit crazy.

Jeruba's avatar

Nothing, as far as I’m concerned. But I’d rather look at him twice than Nicole Kidman once.

jonsblond's avatar

He was funny in Tropic Thunder. and the man knows how to jump on a couch!

whatthefluther's avatar

Decent teeth, nice smile, couple of good early roles, kind cameramen, directors and editors, Americans thirst and gullibility for anything celebrity, a lot of luck. So basically, he is just an asshole who was in the right place at the right time. He is not a good actor. See ya….Gary/wtf

deni's avatar

i’m not really sure either. he isn’t a terrible actor and he’s not bad looking. i suppose he’s attractive but i just don’t think he’s anything special.

@Jeruba she is a bit hard on the eyes, with the blinding white skin and all

augustlan's avatar

And what is wrong with blinding white skin? Hmpf. << pale redhead.

eponymoushipster's avatar

^^^ severe case of gingervitis?~

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan I think she was sexy in Dead Calm

It was her breakout role. The movie that Tom discovered her in. Great movie btw

and talk about attractive…Billy Zane!

aprilsimnel's avatar

His top teeth weird me out. He’s missing one of his front teeth and the rest have been moved over. Look carefully at any photo of him grinning and you’ll see. As for his attractiveness otherwise, I don’t get it. I went to high school and college with a bazillion boys who were ordinary-looking like him and there were a few million who outshone him in the hunk department, IMO. But none of them were interested in being actors.

Then again, I like my actors pretty. As in Jude Law/Gregory Peck/Paul Newman pretty.

rabbitheart's avatar

Shot after shot of cheap liquor, and dim lighting.
Even that’s pushing it, though

deni's avatar

Well, upon inspecting some google images of her, I didn’t find anything too bad. She has a really pretty face. But I have seen pictures of her where her skin is so white it almost looks unreal and almost frightening!

Supacase's avatar

I used to like him, but was never crush crazy about him. I liked Risky Business, Top Gun, and Jerry McGuire. Then he got all weird.

rooeytoo's avatar

He was a cute engaging kid, as an adult, not much there. And a bit of a nut case as well.

noodle_poodle's avatar

nothing tom cruise is dog ugly…i have no idea why people like him they must be insane

whatthefluther's avatar

@aprilsimnel….Those three gentlemen had/have beautiful eyes and were/are acclaimed actors, with lots of charm. Tom Cruise just doesn’t fit, nor even approach, that mold or level of acclaim, in my opinion. Very nice group of three, by the way…different eras, but bigger-than-life real movie stars.
See ya….Gary/wtf

DarkScribe's avatar

@noodle_poodle nothing tom cruise is dog ugly…i have no idea why people like him they must be insane

That isn’t so. I don’t like what I know of him – various interviews and comment from others who know him well – but he isn’t ugly. He is just an average looking guy with the typical Scientology movie star dental work and constant smile.

filmfann's avatar

That height? Those teeth? He is a shoo-in for a live action version of Rocky the Flying Squirrel.
I can honestly say I don’t see any positive quality in him, but he was good in “Minority Report”.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’ve never thought he was attractive. Top Gun was the only thing he did that I liked. 99% of what turns me off with him is his goofy-assed actions. Who gets on a talk show & jumps up & down on a couch?? I’ve also read that he deals with Katie with an iron hand. Not attractive to me!

sandystrachan's avatar

Guy’s love shorter guy’s , it looks like his luck is in being a short ass an all .
Money hungry hungry bastards also don’t mind your size, as long as the wallet is full .

CMaz's avatar

We all liked him, till he got arrogant (scientology), Opraha couch humping. wealthy and married a woman half his age.

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