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astrakan's avatar

Is there any word that's like so totally annoying as "whatever"?

Asked by astrakan (89points) October 7th, 2009
34 responses
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What word or phrase pisses you off more in conversation than when someone says “whateveh”?

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Tink's avatar

I hate it when someone says “whatever”!!!

Justnice's avatar

I hate when people ask me stupid questions or ask me a question that they already know the answer to. So I say “really” or “serious”. People tell me that saying those two words are so annoying. I guess it just makes them feel stupid

DominicX's avatar

No, I like “whatever” because it pisses people off so much. It’s the perfect way to show you don’t give a flying fuck what the other person is saying and you’re done with them.

MrItty's avatar

“like so totally” leaps to mind….

Justnice's avatar


lloydbird's avatar


PretentiousArtist's avatar

Also the excessive use of profanity or other offensive language (ethnic slurs and such). It does not make you look cool, it makes you look immature and unsophisticated. Congratulations on making a fool of yourself by acting like a common high school kid.

The_K_Fairy's avatar

“innit”, “peng” and “cotch”


ccrow's avatar


Tink's avatar

Another one for me is when someone says “fucking” instead of “fucken”.

FutureMemory's avatar

All y’all would, like, so totally hate being around me, like seriously! But, what-everrrr.

Seriously tho, I grew up in SoCal, I use quite a bit of the stereotypical vernacular associated with the region. I’ve heard it referred to as “surfer-speak”. Think Spicoli from Fast Time at Ridgemont High: “Awesome! Totally Awesome!”. What else.. oh, my father and I call each other ‘bro’ and ‘dude’ and ‘man’... “Hey bro what’s up?”, “Not much man”, “Dude, that movie last night was soooo rad, just…awesome!”, “Whatever, bro..”, “The ending was soooo gnarly tho”, “Yeah what a totally radical way to die”. I could go on but I think that was quite enough, thank you.

I presonally can’t think of any specific words that, like, totally irritate me.

sjmc1989's avatar

I loathe “cool beans”.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I dislike beans in general

sjmc1989's avatar

@PretentiousArtist Even baked beans?? Blasphemy!

breedmitch's avatar


DominicX's avatar


I love “cool beans” because it’s so quirky. I first heard it just last year and I was surprised to find out it’s originally from the ‘80s…I thought it was some newfangled thing. :P

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I’m not a big fan of farting excessively

ccrow's avatar

@PretentiousArtist – hehe, my brother considers that as one of the most important things about beans…

forestGeek's avatar

I hate when people slip “kind of thing” into every other sentence. It’s up there with “Y’know” & “Like”.

sjmc1989's avatar

@DominicX It might just be where we live but I have heard it constantly since 7th grade. It makes me cringe! :)

@PretentiousArtist I’m always surprised to hear that. I don’t have that problem, but if you do then I totally understand your reasoning.

phoenyx's avatar

“literally” when they mean “figuratively” (or as a generic verb intensifier)

cookieman's avatar

So I went to the store, called my mom, and stuff.

nitemer's avatar

There are many words and expressions in today’s English which could not have entered the language due to evolution of it but simply because we have become tolerant towards ignorance and degradation. Words like gooder instead of better, beautifulest which should be The most beautiful, expressions such as I am good, or I am perfect in place of I am well, or I am very well. “like so totally” whatever. My suggestion is, do not let it bother you at all.

kellylet's avatar

@phoenyx I agree! I have noticed it more and more lately. ~It “literally” drives me crazy!~

(I think those ~ means I am attempting text humor, but if not, I hope you got it)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

“Dude! It was awesome!” I hate Dude. And Awesome.

DominicX's avatar


Dude, I call everyone “dude”, including girls. Even my mom sometimes. I usually say it so quick that you can barely hear it. :)

Sometimes I put it front of the name, like I’ll address my brother with “Dude, Justin, what are you doing?” It’s weird.

inkvisitor's avatar

Shortening it to “whatev” is the worst!

JONESGH's avatar

@sjmc1989 I cannot stand cool beans either. I also hate abbreviations such as “totes” (totally) and def (definitely).

sjmc1989's avatar

@JONESGH Thank god I’m not the only one! I have never heard anyone say “totes” but if I did I would have to try to resist the strong urge to strangle them! Thats one of the worst abbreviations I have ever heard. Lurve!

DominicX's avatar

I think I’m going to start saying these abbreviations more often just to piss you guys off… ;P

I actually did say “totes” and “defo” in junior year. It just turned into a habit.

nitemer's avatar

Dude: If you are interested for your future children to have better life than you, do not teach them things which as you say “piss others off”.

sjmc1989's avatar

@DominicX I was a little confused as well Maybe “piss people off” is his annoying word/phrase that he can’t stand. ??

PretentiousArtist's avatar

“Did you know that <insert annoying/useless fact>?”

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