Social Question

airowDee's avatar

Do you think its natural for women to be generally more submissive?

Asked by airowDee (1791points) October 10th, 2009
22 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

First, do you agree most heterosexual women are generally more submissive (most of the time – or for more of the time in the relationship) than their male partner, and second if so, is it natural or just an act or social conditionning?

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Breefield's avatar

I’ll answer in order
a.) No, I think that isn’t necessarily true. Plenty of men are whipped.
b.) I think that either way (submissive or not) it is natural, but relative to the people involved in the relationship.
I don’t really have any kind of statistics on “who wears the pants.” I’m gonna go google that, brb.

airowDee's avatar

I know the idea of men being pussy whipped and husbands having to listen to the wife and just nod at everything is a popular cultural idea, i don’t know how true that is.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@airowDee I know a man who is submissive to his wife; she actually gets drunk and beats him up. I know men who are submissive to the women they are married to in order to get laid, and I know women that are submissive to their men in varying degrees. It’s rather hard to precidct, because the male/female submissive/dominance ratio is all over the map.

I do know that white men seem to prefer Asian women, or they used to, due to their more submissive attitudes. Things may have changed now.

My wife and I are equals, and that’s probably more normal than any either/or scenario. Times change, and with them, cultural ideals. GQ by the way.

airowDee's avatar

Equal , yes. But i don’t think a woman being more submissive necessarily equate inequality.

loser's avatar

No, that’s a load of crap.

holden's avatar

No. I think it’s a learned behavior.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I also think it’s just a learned behavior. It all depends on how much someone conforms to their societal norm.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Not in any of my relationships.

Zen's avatar

Natural? No. Handy? Yes.


jrpowell's avatar

I’m the submissive one in my relationship. To be honest I can tell when things are going to go down. I don’t want to fight. I will say I was wrong, apologize, and say that it won’t happen again. Even if I was completely right. I like to take the easy way out.

This barely ever happens. But I avoid it when it does.

derekfnord's avatar

I think that “heterosexual women” is far too large a group to make meaningful generalizations about, unless they’re strictly biological (such as “heterosexual women tend to have uteruses”). Once you get behavioral, psychological, etc., then I think the group is too diluted to make observations about it that aren’t more misleading than helpful.

Because you’d have to be comparing people who are dissimilar to each other in almost every way except being heterosexual females. For example, if you look at the group as “heterosexual females,” and you find some submissive personalities among them, you’re assuming that the fact that they’re all heterosexual women is significant. It may not be. They may all be submissive for different reasons, or some or all of them may be submissive for similar reasons, but those reasons may be unrelated to being heterosexual women, etc.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Women run the world, one household at a time.

oratio's avatar

@PandoraBoxx Meaning that women should be the one to run the household?

PandoraBoxx's avatar

No, meaning that historically they do, or have done, and “if mamma ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.”

oratio's avatar

@PandoraBoxx Very true.

laureth's avatar

This is one of those questions where one single answer will not fit everyone, because the group being looked at is too large and varied in nature. Of course, some women are submissive. And similarly, some are not. (You’ll find that the same is true for men as well as women and everyone in between.)

A similar question would be, “Do women naturally like rock music?” I don’t think there’s a causation or correlation between the two, either in fruit preference or natural submissiveness. A taste for music (or submissiveness, or dominance) might be enhanced by social conditioning and expectations, though.

edit: Or, what @derekfnord said, now that I went up and read.

mattbrowne's avatar

No, not genetically, although there are some differences for example for aggressive behavior. Determining factors are culture and upbringing.

Ansible1's avatar

A woman may be submissive at times, but she still retains the upper hand…

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t understand how you can ask this question! Isn’t it obvious? Women all have flat feet. Every single one of them. If you think they run in marathons or in the 100 meter dash, you are sadly deluded. It’s actually a conspiracy by Rush Limbaugh. He needs a straw man to attack in order to get dim bulbs to pay attention to him. Only he can’t handle a straw man, so he uses a straw woman.

Thing is, Limbaugh is always going on and on about “feminazis.” What the hell is a feminazi? It’s a submissive woman, of course. I mean, all women have flat feet, right? So Limbaugh just can’t handle it. He just about crumbles when he smells perfume, anyway. I think his brain leaks out from his ears. Either that or he’s blind.

Anyway, I think that if you submit to a submissive, then it means you have arches in your feet. I could be wrong. I think I got that from a fortune cookie. Or maybe an asstrological reading.

Oops! Did I say flat feet? That doesn’t make any sense at all. Limbaugh? Yeah, he’s a nut no matter how you look at it. Natural? Depends on whether her blond hair comes from a bottle or not. Submission comes from a bottle, too. See if you can figure that one out. ~

laureth's avatar

I thought a Feminazi (ugh) was a more dominant, take-control kinda woman, usually with a pro-feminist agenda?

wundayatta's avatar

@laureth Um—I was being absurd (like this question). That’s what the ~ means, dontcha know?

laureth's avatar

I knew you were being absurd, but I thought you might be being absurd with a factual oversight. My bad! :)

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