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ish1212's avatar

Does anyone know the meaning of my dream?

Asked by ish1212 (163points) October 13th, 2009
26 responses
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I had a dream that my teeth were falling out; what does this mean?

Also, does anyone have a good website/ database/ book that can tell me what the significance of dreams is?

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SpatzieLover's avatar

Sounds like you have high anxiety

Try to meditate before sleep. Keep a note pad at your bedside and write down whatever is bothering you or any reminders for the AM, that way you won’t be as stressed out while you get your Zzz’s.

Cupcake's avatar

You are afraid of losing power/control/status.

deni's avatar

It probably means nothing. Last night I had a dream I was beating the shit out of people because my moccasins and this really weird bread knife i had at home had been stolen. I was rummaging through dumpsters and throwing people out of the way…but I’m not too concerned I’m gonna go on a murdering spree in real life. Maybe you have a cavity.

Haleth's avatar

Woah! That’s a freaky dream. I don’t know if looking it up on a dream book/ website will help you, because that’s really subjective, and who knows if the authors know any more than the rest of us. I agree with @SpatzieLover that it sounds like you’re really anxious over something.

markyy's avatar

Do you have money problems? Sounds like your brain is telling you that the tooth fairy might be your only hope.

MrItty's avatar

It means you became unconscious. Nothing more. Dreams, in general, have no meaning, despite whatever people who believe that everything must have a meaning would have you believe.

mrentropy's avatar

Did you forget to brush your teeth before heading to la-la-land?

scamp's avatar

I’ll be interested in seeing what you find out about this. I’ve had this dream before too!

gailcalled's avatar

My brother had a dream about his teeth falling out; he, my sister and I (and all our families) were together for a rare family reunion.

He then wrote a poem about sleeping, as an adult, in the same house as his sisters and dreaming about his teeth.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

You lack proper dental hygiene
Listening to “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea” and brushing/flossing your teeth will help fix that.

patg7590's avatar

i have dreams like that when I eat Chinese food too late at night.

Ashleyh429's avatar

I don’t know… I know whenever I’m stressed I dream about being eaten by either an alligator or a shark… I’ve also have had this weird dream of pretty colors just light colors like food coloring in a sea of nothingness, and there is a gold thread that keeps on coming near me and whenever it touches me I feel excrutiating pain and I’m afraid of it. I’ve only had that dream twice, both were during really high fevers…. That makes no sense, so I just concluded that dreams are just weird and can not be comprehended…

CMaz's avatar

You were grinding your teeth.

Ashleyh429's avatar

@ChazMaz lol, i like that interpretation… could actually be true… my grandma had to get a mouth guard to sleep with because she did it really bad in her sleep…

wundayatta's avatar

Why yes, I do.
Oh! Did you mean you wanted me to tell you the meaning? Why didn’t you say so?

hearkat's avatar

Losing teeth is actually a pretty common dream image when someone feels stressed and yet powerless about something.

RedPowerLady's avatar

This is one of the most universally common dreams. It is very typical. We don’t know exactly why so many people have these dreams.

It seems as if it has to do with loss of control and stress.

dpworkin's avatar

There is no particular rhyme or reason to the content of dreams. We are used to thinking as dreams as being part of the key to the unconscious because of the influence of Freud, but psychology has evolved since the beginning of the 20th Century, and On The Interpretation of Dreams no longer holds the cachet it once did. Your dreams are sui generis, and only you can interpret them correctly if they are interpretable at all.

stardust's avatar

Some people believe every person/thing in our dreams are a subconscious part of ourselves. So with that theory, I’d imagine if I were the ‘teeth’in your dream, I’d feel out of control, I wouldn’t feel very grounded. As other people have said, I think it could be linked to anxiety. It’s something only you can delve into and figue out

ccrow's avatar

That’s a common dream? I’ve never had that one…
omg, I hope I don’t start having it now!!! lol

derekfnord's avatar

@hearkat Probably because stress/anxiety could cause a person to grind or clench their teeth in their sleep, and any resulting discomfort could be taken by the subconscious and worked into a dream about problems with their teeth…

Cupcake's avatar

I’ve had the dream where all of my teeth crumbled and I ended up inadvertently chewing and swallowing them.

That’s not a pleasant thought to wake up to.

hearkat's avatar

@derekfnord: Your theory is not outside the realm of possibilities… which would reinforce that stress is the root.

I have had this dream once, several years ago. I am not a tooth grinder, and my teeth and jaw were not aching when I woke up. The man I lived with at the time did not observe any sleep-behavior changes that night, so I am doubtful that I was grinding my teeth when the dream occurred.

I tend to believe that most dreams are random and irrelevant. As such, I pay them very little attention and rarely remember them. But I have had dreams over the course if my life that related to my childhood abuse and other incidents. So when I have that rare, particularly emotional or vivid dream, I do pay it heed. In my life, those dreams have brought issues to the surface when I was ready to address them. The night my teeth crumbled and fell out (@Cupcake: I can’t remember if I swallowed them or not), I did a little research, and found, as @RedPowerLady did, that this is one of the most common dream images, hence my original comment.

Justnice's avatar

Where I’m from, it is said that when you dream with teeth falling out, it means that someone you know is going to die. Of course I never believed it until my boyfriend told me that he had a dream with his teeth falling out and about a week later someone he knew died. It was very freaky !

ratboy's avatar

It means that the Red Queen will consummate the coup within the week unless the White Rabbit is able to intervene immediately.

DrMC's avatar

you have to cast it in terms of what is going on in your life.

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