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Brenna_o's avatar

What turns you on the most sexually?

Asked by Brenna_o (1779points) October 17th, 2009
62 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Just curious to see if other people like the same things I do? What kind of things do you like and why? Is it common to like it when you can see a guys veins in their arms and hands? Because i really love it.

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PretentiousArtist's avatar

Intelligence and classical art. Not the abstract nonsense

ragingloli's avatar

well drawn anthropomorphic animals with well shaped penises

proXXi's avatar

Honesty in so many different forms, like the following:

People being their real selves to me.

Real food, traditional recipes, tasing like a hard, desperate history.

Real techology, a car devoid of electronic enhancement, a direct mechanical connection between me, it, and the road. A shifter that feels like a well oiled bolt on a rifle

Honest, difficult, answers to a question..

Jude's avatar

Licking the rim of my ear, and other sensitive areas, allowing me to tie you up—that’ll work.

Oh, and good personal hygiene and someone with the smarts is nice, too.

Brenna_o's avatar

I really love it when a guy is really smart, and funny. Also i love it when you can see a guys veins in their arms and hands lol…

sakura's avatar

when my husband works his magic…won’t go into details but wowzer!!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

First & foremost, he has to have a sense of humor. I love boots & blue jeans. A smooth face, fresh breath, neat hair. Confidence in himself. Manners & consideration. I want someone to look me in the eyes when they talk to me. Make me feel loved. Make me feel important.

Brenna_o's avatar

jbfletcherfan I totally love it when a guy looks me in the eyes when he talks to me… Also when my man looks at me an says “baby your a dork, but your my dork” lol… I miss having a bf it sucks being single lol.

Samurai's avatar

Girls waring cloths, such as; maid, slave, ninja, nurse, PJ’s etc.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Brenna_o Awww….hang on there. There’s someone out there just waiting to look into your eyes. :-)

proXXi's avatar

Ahh fantasies..

So, Bambi’s goin’ on about how she can make all my fantasies come true.
So I says, “Even this one I have where Jesus Christ
is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doo-doo hole
with a lawn dart as Garth Brooks gives birth to something
resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Claus’s tummy-tum?”
Well, ten beers, twenty minutes and thirty dollars later
I’m parkin’ the beef bus in tuna town if you know what I mean.
Got to nail her back at her trailer.
Heh. That rhymes.
I have to admit it was even more of a turn-on
when I found out she was doin’ me to buy baby formula.

Thank you for reading my mind Bloodhound Gang.

Allie's avatar

Depends on what mood I’m in. Sometimes I prefer light touches (like with fingertips) and soft kisses. Other times I just want to be pinned against a wall.

CMaz's avatar

It starts with her kneeling before me. Legs spread, palms of her hands exposed.
Obedient and respectful.
And, it ends with her thanking me.

Allie's avatar

@ChazMaz Are you Jesus? (/bad joke)

Brenna_o's avatar

ChazMaz hahaha thats a good one. Never thought of that b4 lol.
jbfletcherfan Aww thanks. I really hope theycome knocking on my door soon..

Brenna_o's avatar

Allie I agree sometimes we all just need to be pinned up an swhon who is boss hehe. Other times we need some lovin.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@ChazMaz Well, now. Uh-huh, uh-huh.

@Brenna_o You’re getting ahead of yourself. honey. At 16, you have a lotta time there.

@Allie I call it being drilled to the bed. :D

Brenna_o's avatar

hehe sounds bad but i like being showed who is boss more than getting loved on and cared for lol.

proXXi's avatar

Hand washing my Riedel stemware?

HGl3ee's avatar

Being a Domme. But not JUST being able to be dominant; also having an amazing submissive. I have an amazing “puppy” who listens very well and is very loyal. I won’t get to graphic on the details but he is my greatest turn-on by far <3 – LB

CMaz's avatar

@ElleBee – You go girlfriend!

Brenna_o's avatar

ElleBee Sometimes being dom. is nice other times you just get way to wore out! lol

HGl3ee's avatar

@ChazMaz – thanks ;) He is truly a gift <3

@Brenna_o – Its not to tiring; our relationship is mainly based on rewarding. He’s such a good puppy that I love giving him rewards and he loves receiving them :D

Okay, I think I might need to go give him some attention now hehe. This has gotten me all worked up ;) – LB

Brenna_o's avatar

ElleBee oh wow lol. Well I hope you have fun with that lol. I know i always enjoy it and now I am thinking about it too lol. Ahh the joys of the internet hehe.

Samurai's avatar

Not being able to touch, geez what pain. damn the internet.

Brenna_o's avatar

Samurai haha yea i agree. Sometimes it really sucks. Other times it gets you going even more though lol.

HGl3ee's avatar

@Brenna_o – I’m very open about my sexuality ;) I’m usually very good about being hush hush about it but there are other times I can’t help but brag about him <3 – LB

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Samurai And on the other side, how about not BEING touched??? That’s just as bad. :-/

Brenna_o's avatar

ElleBee haha thats ok lol. I get that way sometimes too when i have a bf lol. I think we all love to brag cause it turns us on at times lol.

AstroChuck's avatar

Stepping on balloon animals does it for me.

proXXi's avatar

@AstroChuck, seriously, do you have a foot crushing fetish?

Brenna_o's avatar

@AstroChuck Oh wow, really? Why?

jonsblond's avatar

Soft, gentle kisses on the back of my neck. I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it.

Brenna_o's avatar

@jonsblond Really? Never heard that one before.

AstroChuck's avatar

No, not really. Real animals on the other hand…

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Intelligence, openness, spontaneity, passion, biting, dirty talk, anal

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Being pursued, having a man who can’t control himself because of me, strong jawlines, piercing eye contact, ear candooling, gentle lip biting, nipple biting, being embraced from behind,and getting kissed on the neck and clavicle all do it for me sexually – guys, take note.

Beyond the physical turn-ons, I’m really into passionate guys (doesn’t matter what they’re passionate about, just that they’re invested in something), conversationalists, guys who can keep up with my pop culture references, musicians and artists/creative-types, intelligence, modesty that doesn’t go so far as low self-confidence or self-worth, guys who can teach me something, guys who aren’t intimidated by me, and guys that can really get beyond my tits and see me wholly, personality included. That’s the key to my heart right there.

Samurai's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Geez, that might be too much to ask for there.

shego's avatar

I love it when a guy is gently tugging at my hair my hair lightly and nibbling on my ear, and caressing me.
Now I really miss having a boyfriend. I need some attention!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Samurai: Ha, which part? And I never really would ask for anyone to be perfect, but some combination of at least a few of those qualities would be great for me.

Samurai's avatar

@TitsMcGhee The bottom part.

Brenna_o's avatar

@TitsMcGhee & @Simone_De_Beauvoir so agree except the butt part.. Other than that i would totally take a guy who acted like that. I love it when i make a guy go crazy about me ;)...Any guy taking notes?? lol

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Brenna_o: I think one of the best parts of a relationship is getting engrossed in one another.

IBERnineD's avatar

Jaws, eyebrows, lips, guys who don’t seem desperate, guys in sweaters from urban outfitters. etc.

drdoombot's avatar

Big boobs.

shego's avatar

@drdoombot real or fake?

proXXi's avatar

@IBERnineD: Guys that don’t seem desperate?

How do you feel about guys that really aren’t desperate?

I loved The Fifth Element too, so GREEN!!

sandystrachan's avatar

Being on…......

rancid's avatar

When someone is really into me, and in love with me, and wants to do nothing but fuck for days in a row.

wundayatta's avatar

Touching the smooth skin on her lower back as it curves up that beautiful curve; seeing the love in her eyes; feeling her breath on my face; lying next to her, pressed against her; her fingers tracing lightly across my stomach… and lower; see her mouth poised over my excitement as she looks at me, a devilish smile tugging the corners of her mouth and maybe her tongue licking her lips, ever so gently…

writing erotica…

Brenna_o's avatar

@rancid haha wow that one really made me laugh. Wow that one isnt half bad lol.
@daloon Aww sounds like you really have a sweet girl your in love with :)... I like feeling a guy really excited and feeling him rub up and down my back and OTHER places ;) lol

Bluefreedom's avatar

Women (because they’re female)

drdoombot's avatar

@shego I’ve never had the pleasure of taking fake boobs for a spin, but I’d give it an honest go to see what all the fuss is about…

IBERnineD's avatar

@proXXi was the Fifth Element comment to me? How did you know I like that movie? Anyway, I guess I just used the wrong word, I like guys that aren’t desperate.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@drdoombot: Coming from a woman who is naturally well-endowed – stick with the real thing. That fake shit isn’t worth it.

Brenna_o's avatar

@proXXi I agree. Guys who are desperate seem like they only want you for sex and like they dont really care who’s pants there getting into, jus that there GETTIN SOM. It seems so wrong to me.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh dear me. When I was desperate, it was for love! Sex, I assumed, was part of love, but I thought I was pretty much unlovable. Even to this day, when I’ve been with the same woman for almost twenty years, there’s still a part of me that doesn’t believe I’m lovable. There is plenty of evidence to show me how wrong I am about that, but something happened at some time, and I am beginning to wonder if I will ever feel complete.

In any case, I might be desperate, and I know that turns women off (they like confident men), but that desperation isn’t driven by sex; it’s more of an existential thing. There aren’t too many women who like a guy who is stuck on existential issues, but there are a few. The ones who can get turned on by existential discussions—well, that’s a pretty special woman.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

The reciprocal desire of my partner and their willingness to move with me through modes of tenderness, power play, rough, wild, etc. and an added bonus for a partner who is comfotable with fluid switching of emotional dominance and submissiveness (not dress up BDSM).

sleepdoc's avatar

Lots of things done with the mouth

proXXi's avatar

A woman with fair skin, an angelic face, round belly and thick thighs.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@proXXi: I’m glad someone appreciates us gals with thicker thighs.

sleepdoc's avatar

@TitsMcGhee… there are many who appreciate all women but many of you don’t let us!

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