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kyle94481's avatar

What are you greatly talented at?

Asked by kyle94481 (214points) October 21st, 2009
47 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I was seeing the Fluther “Everyone’s an expert at something” banner and thought, what are you guys experts at? I personally consider myself and expert at tinkering,and breaking, things. But how about you now?

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Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

I am an expert at cooking wild game, depending on the species.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

I’m no expert. There’s always more to learn. (though I’m quite good at painting)

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ll have to think about this and get back to you.

Jude's avatar

Managing a classroom full of 28 nine year olds. I do really well at that.

DarkScribe's avatar

I am great at being me – nobody can do it as well as I can.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m not an expert at anything, but I do know a little about a lot of things.

ubersiren's avatar

Nothing :(

Edit: The closest thing I can think of is Buffy the Vampire Slayer the tv series which puts things in perspective and is a little embarrassing.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Loving, sex, parenting, public speaking, supporting cancer patients

sjmc1989's avatar

I am great at taking care of people and I also can listen to others problems like you would not believe.

kyle94481's avatar

Oooh some varied responses I see.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@ubersiren – That is so not true! You give good advice on so many things! :D

Me? I sing very well. I have, according to one of my former film professors, a very strong grasp of narrative (I can tell a good story). I’m an excellent cook.

I’m glad I know some of the gifts I have. I’m grateful for them. We all are excellent at something that can be useful to the world, I feel.

sjmc1989's avatar

@ubersiren Don’t be embarrassed I am a Grey’s Anatomy expert :)

Menekali's avatar

Computers, and body piercing. Weird heh.

wildpotato's avatar

@ubersiren Let’s test that: Who is Spike’s sire, Drusilla or Angelus?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Menekali that paired with your avatar pic makes you very attractive. to me, anyway

ubersiren's avatar

@aprilsimnel : I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones or what, but you just brought a tear to my eye! A happy happy tear.

ubersiren's avatar

@wildpotato : Spike’s sire is Dru, Angel is his grandsire. ;)

kyle94481's avatar

I’ve been told by teachers that I write very well. I also have a pretty high reading comprehension level then others my age.

sjmc1989's avatar

@aprilsimnel Ohh you made me think of another one I can make the most boring and uneventful day sound like an episode of Seinfeld.

wildpotato's avatar

@ubersiren Well done :) There used to be a good deal of debate on this point, until they came out with that one episode showing the whole thing. Poor William.

Chikipi's avatar

I spend over a hour commute to work and have to occupy my time….so I guess I would say that I am a talented professional car dancer ranging from 80’s to rocker chick to pop. I also sing at the top of my lungs even though I am tone deaf…luckily my windows are normally rolled up. I may not be the best, but I have fun and have received some smiles and laughs along the way.

kyle94481's avatar

@Chikipi funniest thing I’ve read all night, hats off to you my friend.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@ubersiren: Yay! I am not alone! Buffy has many experts!

Facade's avatar

I believe people have to nurture their gifts to be greatly talented, so I’m not greatly talented at anything. I’ve always been a bit above average at what I do, but nothing that I think should be called “great.”

XOIIO's avatar

Inventing, using Fluther and making sweet, sweet love.

rangerr's avatar

I’m not an expert at anything except for being me.
I am good at some things, and I know some stuff about some things.. but I’m no expert.

Les's avatar

Weather, launching giant balloons (that don’t have small children riding in them), stratospheric ozone, Antarctic research station life, coffee, cereal (especially Kashi and Cinnamon Toast Crunch), finding good ways to entertain myself… lots of other random things.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (3points)
drdoombot's avatar

When we’re talking about talents, not abilities or expertise, I used to be quite the artist. Pencil and paper was my medium, but as I grew older (and was bombarded with my parent’s incessant “artists don’t make any money” shpiel), I kinda stopped doing it. I do miss it sometimes, but I find it difficult to get into again because of adult responsibilities and stuff.

I suppose I have a talent for organization and planning. Not that good at sticking to it in some cases, but very good at figuring out how to do things the correct way.

I also have a bit of talent for impersonation and storytelling, though being socially shy makes it one of those things that only appears amongst close friends and family. One thing I hear often is that I relate a story better than the way it happened, the way it appeared on television or in a book, etc. It makes me wonder, though: if I’m such a great storyteller, why can’t I get my ass on writing something already?

augustlan's avatar

If we’re talking talent, arts/crafts. If we’re talking expert… human nature & relationships.

brinibear's avatar

Playing the flute, and singing. But I can always improve my skills.

DominicX's avatar

I’m not really “greatly talented” at anything. I do have some pretty amazing memory abilities, though, that apparently are not as common. The kinds of things I have memorized (all countries and capitals of the world, periodic table, square numbers from 1–2601 or so, prime numbers from 2–997, etc.) were not things that I actively tried to memorize; just kind of happened. I’m also gymnastically gifted as I mentioned before on another thread: cartwheels, backflips, you name it, I can do it.

Expert? Well, I know a bit about languages, geography, homosexuality, and adolescence. Those are my fields of focus on this site often.

peedub's avatar

The art of BS.

Brenna_o's avatar

I am really great at playing the flute, and sex ;) lol.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@jmah—what you are great at is one of my worst nightmares. Reminds me of those days of driving a school bus. :::shudder:::

brinibear's avatar

No! I’ve never been to band camp!

PrancingUrchin's avatar

@Les, LOL
I’d say I’m a pretty good gamer developing into an all-around nerd.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m very proficient in being highly sarcastic for most of my waking hours. It’s not really a noteworthy talent but most people I’m around seem to get a kick out if it so if I can make them laugh and smile, that makes me feel good. And them too.

Jude's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra Heh, it’s not so bad. I’ve the whole thing down. I have a “look” and that tends to quiet ‘em down. Really, though, they respect me (all 5’2” of me. I’m not much taller than the lot). I make learning fun and interesting.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

I am also an extremely good driver. I won’t say great, because there is no such thing as a perfect driver. It’s a skill, or a talent, or even just a learned behavior, but having driven most everything with wheels (except an eighteen wheeler) I have figured something out that most people are unaware of.

Driving and traffic flow is like a ballet. When everyone knows their parts and understands that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, things goes smoothly. Then some dipshit on his/her cell or texting behind the wheel comes along and screws the whole damn thing up. I am couteous on the road, but I will NOT break the law to be nice.

knowing that the traffic laws apply to everybody goes a long way towards a happy road experience.

shego's avatar

I am talented at playing the oboe, and the bassoon. Can’t help it. I like to tongue things

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@shego oh wow, I love the bassoon, one of my favorite instruments. Glad to meet someone that plays such an awesome musical instrument.

shego's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra thanks I love music and i like to play the “forgotten” instruments. My band and orchestra teacher called it a true passion for music. I also play the bass flute

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

being average, it seems.

DominicX's avatar

Oh yeah, also, my handwriting is phenomenal. Or so I’m told.


ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@DominicX damn you, I can’t seem to shake that “don’t write back because I’m a serial Killer” chicken scratch….

nebule's avatar


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