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ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

What is your drink of choice?

Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 (11979points) November 2nd, 2009
78 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’m not talking alcoholic beverages. I mean in your everyday life, what is the one drink that you find yourself drinking more often than not. In my home it’s just my fiancĂ© and I but we go through drinks like you wouldn’t believe. It’s getting pretty costly to keep buying juices and soda. What’s your family’s drink of choice and how do you afford it?

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PapaLeo's avatar

Water. Comes for free out the tap.

CMaz's avatar

Cranberry Juice

I just love that shit.

ubersiren's avatar

Water, then hot tea, then milk. Mmm… I’m thirsty.

Grisaille's avatar


Bustello, to be exact. More expresso-y. Very strong.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Black coffee
Milk blows

erichw1504's avatar

Chocolate Milk! I could live on the stuff.

SpatzieLover's avatar

V-8 for health. We buy at least 4 of the 24 packs at Sam’s club about every other week. Both of us drink them before at least two meals per day, and may have one as a snack.

Water. I drink tons from my tap…so it’s basically free.

Espresso. I do Starbucks on the weekends, but week days I make my own lattes at home with my Bialetti.

DominicX's avatar

Water. Seriously…I don’t drink soda or coffee or anything like that. Every time I go to a restaurant with my friends, more often than not, everyone orders water as their beverage. I have been known to drink vitamin water sometimes, but not nearly as often as I drink water.

ubersiren's avatar

@SpatzieLover : Do you add anything to your V8? I always think that I like V8 and try it again every few years, but I end up not liking it. It’s too tomatoey. It’s better with salt, but then I’m eating unnecessary salt. The spicy is good, but it’s a little too spicy for me. I do like bloody Marys!

J0E's avatar

Good old fashioned Kool-Aid, it’s cheap, easy, and comes in many flavors.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Jude's avatar

Vitamin Water (all flavors)

doggywuv's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

@ubersiren No we add zilch. We chug ‘em down (we only buy the low sodium version) to make certain we get enough veggies/fiber per day. Some people like to add Worcestershire and/or hot sauce to kick it up. The hot sauce isn’t bad for your health but Worcestershire is now made w/corn syrup so I try to avoid it completely as I do w/all corn syrup products

Grisaille's avatar

Also, purple drank.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Agua (that’s Spanish for water for those that don’t habla)~

JLeslie's avatar

Mostly I drink water, but I love Coca Cola (gave it up years ago, but I have been cheating a lot lately). I also really like Klass Limonada when I want something sweet.

erichw1504's avatar


MissAusten's avatar

I drink more water than anything else. Several years ago, we had problems with our well water and got into the bad habit of drinking bottled water. Poland Spring only. I’m so used to it, I don’t like the taste of tap water or other bottled waters.

After that, coffee. I have 4 cups a day usually. I rarely drink juice, even though we keep apple juice on hand for the kids. Sometimes I have milk with meals, but lately have been just drinking water.

We don’t buy soda unless we’re having a party, and I only drink it if we’re out to eat someplace that doesn’t serve martinis. :)

Facade's avatar

Juices with full fruits and/or veggies and no added sugar.

DominicX's avatar

@erichw1504 I heard it gives you plenty of Vitamin R.

JLeslie's avatar

It never ceases to amaze me that people drink milk. Is it with a meal? Or, with cookies or some sort of dessert?

ragingloli's avatar

earl grey

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli you just reminded me I love tea, hot and cold. How did that slip my mind? I like regular old black tea, can be Liptons even, or something very close like English Breakfast, add some sugar, usually decaf, yum.

Jude's avatar

@JLeslie I drink it by it’s lonesome (no cookies needed). Sometimes, I just get a craving for milk. I love the taste.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@JLeslie I hate milk! And not just because I’m lactose intolerant. I’ve really tried to like it. I’ve given it many chances. It’s still just as gross as it was the first time I tried.

erichw1504's avatar

@DominicX That is a fact.

OpryLeigh's avatar


gemiwing's avatar

Diet Big K or iced tea. Depends on my mood.

Fyrius's avatar

Water here, too. One of the healthiest beverages you can drink, with no nutritional disadvantages whatsoever. And cheap.

JONESGH's avatar

Water, keeps me slim. or chai mmmmm.

Darwin's avatar

Water out of the tap. It isn’t precisely free as I have to pay the water bill every month, but it’s cheaper than just about everything else, even if it does taste like mud.

JLeslie's avatar

I stereotype milk drinkers as being Middle-America white apple pie people.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JLeslie I drink milk and I am none of those things.

DominicX's avatar


Hey, I like apple pie :(

And most of my friends seem to have the same opinion of milk as I do: it’s good in cereal, but they wouldn’t just drink a glass of it.

J0E's avatar

Milk is good with other stuff, but not alone. It’s good in cereal, with cookies, chocolate cake, and after a bowl of ice cream.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (2points)
mowens's avatar

Water, with no lemon.

shego's avatar

Pepsi I love Pepsi, but I drink more water than soda.

casheroo's avatar

Juice. Usually cranberry, or cran-rasberry, pineapple, or various berry juices. No water, rarely soda.

noelasun's avatar

carrot juice.
Nothing is as good as plain ol’ carrot juice.
otherwise, V8?

yellowleavesS2's avatar

coffee. <3

Anon_Jihad's avatar

I only drink the blood of my enemies . . . and the occasional strawberry.

Lightlyseared's avatar


MacBean's avatar

Ginger ale. Then milk.

faye's avatar

water and lots of it but beer is right up there too. you guys are mega healthy. i am also a milk hater- the idea of warm milk at bedtime would be a punishment!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Coffee! You wouldn’t like me without it.

patg7590's avatar

I LOVE pop
diet coke, dr pepper, stewarts orange and cream, fresca, its all good

jsammons's avatar

We drink water 90% of the time here. I love Arizona Green Tea! I get some when I can. We drink coffee most mornings as well.

Jack_Haas's avatar

Water. Mostly San Pellegrino or Badoit. Lots of Evian too. They’re very cheap around here.

JLeslie's avatar

Panna is my favorite bottled water.

MacBean's avatar

@patg7590: Stewart’s! * fistbump *

aprilsimnel's avatar

1% Milk!

But my favourite drink that is no longer ready-made was an orange/red grapefruit blend from Tropicana.

BraveWarrior's avatar

Arizona Diet Decaf Green Iced Tea with Ginseng is what I usually drink with dinner, regular or green hot tea otherwise. I’ve also made my own iced green tea by boiling water & using the 1 bag per cup plus 1 extra bag “for the pot”, then adding honey to taste & refrigerating. You can also add a couple of fresh lemon slices if you wish. Tasted really good, was much less expensive then buying bottled iced tea, and has healthy benefits.

nxknxk's avatar

Anything that’s bad for me. Pop (as we call it in Ohio), namely Pepsi; coffee; bottled (i.e., sugary) iced tea…. I have been known to drink Faygo Moon Mist in Mountain Dew droughts.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I’m also quite fond of Simply Orange brand OJ with Mango.

Shuttle128's avatar

Coca-Cola. Just finished one ten minutes ago. Water would be next on the list….maybe Barq’s Root Beer.

ubersiren's avatar

@JLeslie : Hahaha… that’s funny! I never considered that.

JLeslie's avatar

@ubersiren which thing, the milk thing?

ubersiren's avatar

@JLeslie : Ah, yes, the milk thing being a middle class apple pie-eating thing.

reacting_acid's avatar

Coffeee! Nectar of the gods!

but I also drink 5 gallons of milk a day too!

JLeslie's avatar

@ubersiren not middle class, middle America. My husbands family like mine would never drink milk with a meal (he is Mexican). And I have very high doubts that anyone in NYC drinks milk with a meal. When I went to school in MI and students in the cafeteria chose milk on their own, with no pressure from an adult, I was stunned.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@JLeslie What do you drink with cookies? With cereal? I agree that milk on its own is odd, but milk with other stuff is great!

JLeslie's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I am only talking about milk with a meal like dinner or on its own when you are thristy, that is so strange to me, not that I am saying it is bad or anything. With cookies I have hot tea or water (when I was younger I did have milk with cookies sometimes) and with cereal I still have milk.

I think it has to do with your ethnicity maybe? I don’t think Jews and Italians drink milk with dinner, hence NYC less likely to drink milk with dinner. These are huge over generalization, meant in a non-harmful, tongue and cheek way.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@JLeslie In that case I concur, milk with dinner is odd.

evegrimm's avatar

Iced tea (unsweetened), milk, coffee (milk and sugar).

I drink lots of milk because it is yummy. I like chocolate milk, coffee milk and cold milk (skim or 1%), but warm milk is sort of icky.

Sometimes juice. Sometimes hot tea.

faye's avatar

nobody mentioned soymilk. chocolate Silk is like dessert that i can have for breakfast.

reacting_acid's avatar

@faye I once had Silk for coffee. It tasted like whole wheat bread :) Wierd, but really tasty. I forgot soymilk which is Amazing! Yum Yum

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

Sumatran coffee, brewed strong. Then I add sugar and creamer. I drink about six cups of it everyday around 4 pm.

Like is too short to drink cheap coffee.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra Like is too short to drink cheap coffee.

Truer words have never been spoken.

patg7590's avatar

oh, and Arnold Palmer of course

Anon_Jihad's avatar

I do also drink fucklots of Arnold Palmer’s Half & Half. Also I drink milk with plenty of meals, and I’m a Massachusetts kid. Plenty normal around here.

Bluefreedom's avatar


Darwin's avatar

@Bluefreedom – Remeber, English is a living language.

shego's avatar

Oh wait! I forgot the Patron and Pineapple

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Darwin. Remeber? Just kidding. I will remember. =)

Cherry's avatar

Hmmmmmmm….I’d have to say water (The exciting choice), Though i do also like KA black grape..Tis lush..and Cranberry juice but it has to be a certain type.

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