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nunoAfonso's avatar

Whats the best TV show you´ve ever seen?

Asked by nunoAfonso (344points) November 7th, 2009
95 responses
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what is the best TV show/series, old or current, that you´ve ever seen?

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KatawaGrey's avatar

Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Now I patiently wait for my fellow Whedonites to join the chorus.

trailsillustrated's avatar

breaking bad

Iarumas's avatar

The best American TV show I’ve seen would be… never mind.

Ame_Evil's avatar

Bleh, tough question. I can tell you what I currently like at this time though as I am sure my opinion does change based on what I watch at the moment.

Grey’s Anatomy and South Park.

Now let me just incubate for a period of a few days for an actual all time best TV show favourite.

CMaz's avatar

Third rock from the sun.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Kids in the hall, hands down.

FutureMemory's avatar

Degrassi Junior High, the original 1980’s series.

laureth's avatar

I have to admit, I’m a Firefly fan. That show could have been so much – if only it weren’t brutally slain by FOX.

jrpowell's avatar

Dexter or The Wire.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@laureth: A resounding YES. That is one of the best science fiction shows ever.

DominicX's avatar


Never before have I been so interested in a TV show. I even spend time on Yes, I love comedies, but I think for me to be so fascinated by and interested in a TV show, it has to be some kind of mystery. Lost is like reading a page-turner novel, every episode I can’t wait to see what happens. Part of the reason why I hate waiting so damn long for Season 6 to begin…I’m gonna miss it when it ends…

Sarcasm's avatar

My vote goes to Always Sunny.
If I got a second vote, it’d be Firefly.

jimmyjones's avatar

Life On Mars.

Tink's avatar

I don’t like watching tv, but when I do I like to watch Chowder, Flapjack, and Everybody hates Chris.

gggritso's avatar

Futurama. It’s smart, funny, it’s poignant and 100% awesome.

tomasreichmann's avatar

All these are great:

Big Bang Theory
My Name Is Earl
Csi: Ny
Burn notice
Battlestar Galactica
Stargate Sg-1
Stargate Atlantis
Star Trek
Family Guy
The Mentalist
Lie to me
Breaking bad
House M.d.
Royal pains
Cougar town
Lie to me

If I had to pick one, maybe The Big Bang Theory. But it’s hard to say, many of these are best in it’s genre, so it depends. Dexter is the best crime series, House M.D is the best medical drama, Star trek is its own Sci-fi universe…

evegrimm's avatar

Anything Joss Whedon.

I am also a HUGE Doctor Who fan. (It’s got some weak bits [Love and Monsters, anyone?], so I can’t say it’s “the best”.)

For shows that are current, I like a lot of Fox’s lineup, and would add Bones to the list of “best shows ever”.

faye's avatar

ncis, csi,los vegas with grissom and worrick, supernatural, bones, law and order, so many

markyy's avatar

I wasn’t going to post in this thread, but seriously if no one chooses ‘Arrested Development’ or ‘Curb your Enthousiasm’ I’m going to consider joining Yahoo! Answers. As always lurve for philly @Sarcasm, have you ordered your dicktowell yet?

dpworkin's avatar

Far too many to pick just one. here are a few: 30 Rock, Mad Men, Seinfeld, I Love Lucy, Your Show of Shows, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Dexter, The Simpsons, All in the Family, Maude, South Park, The Gary Shandling Show, The Honeymooners, Star Trek, The Howdy Doody Show, The Ed Sullivan Show, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Nova, Frontline, ANTM, The Hills, X-Factor, Miami Vice, Perry Mason, Weeds, Hung, Californication, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Daily Show, Judge Judy, Glee, I could go on.

MagsRags's avatar

I’m loving Glee. I’m a sucker for satire combined with song and dance, and Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester is genius!

MacBean's avatar

If forced to pick just one, I say Mad Men.

dpworkin's avatar

Mad Men is pretty damned good, @MacBean

markyy's avatar

Thank you @pdworkin, I always knew you were one of my biggest fans :P now I don’t have to delete my account! South park had a great episode this week, if the rest of the episodes are half as good as this week’s episode, they might make it back in my top 5.

SuperMouse's avatar

St. Elsewhere. Best. Show. Ever.

drdoombot's avatar

I’d say Rome is pretty high up on the list. Everyone on the cast was a phenomenal, Oscar-caliber actor, the plotlines were utterly engrossing, the set design was gorgeous, the costumes were excellent, the characters were likable and despicable… I could go on and on. It cost them $100 million a season to make this show, and it’s evident in every scene. It’s too bad we only got two seasons of it. I’m not even a fan of historical fiction but I loved this show.

Though I haven’t seen it, I’ve been told that The Wire would quickly dethrone Rome as my favorite show ever.

ragingloli's avatar

Detective Conan

Ame_Evil's avatar

Hmm I have thought and I have my top TV shows and their reasons:

Grey’s Anatomy. Sure I know some of the story is pretty sloppy, repeated and cliched, but at times it is quite emotional, exciting and everything a TV show should be. And at times it even makes me cry :p. Only a good show would be able to spark that sort of emotion (especially out of me).

South Park – my most favourite cartoon because of its humour and intelligence in the early/middle seasons. Although it is lacking a bit of depth in the newest episode, each episode still has points which are great.

Skins S1 and S2 – really liked the characters and sort of identified a bit and probably helped me psychologically somewhat. can’t remember if it made me cry, but I remember some strong emotions somewhere in it.

Grisaille's avatar


Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles


Monty Python’s Flying Circus

wildpotato's avatar


Also, The Venture Bros. And Home Movies.

dpworkin's avatar

@wildpotato Deadwood! Yeah!

lloydbird's avatar


What’s wrong with you people?

dpworkin's avatar

The first 2 seasons of Lost were fun.

sdeutsch's avatar

Definitely everything Joss Whedon’s ever done (Firefly is at the top of that list, but Buffy is a very close second).

West Wing is my other favorite – I can watch them over and over and never get tired of them…

ragingloli's avatar

never liked Lost

robmandu's avatar

Right now, Modern Family is at the top of my DVR priority list.

ragingloli's avatar

Also, Kodomo no Jikan. One of the best shows ever.

wildpotato's avatar

How could I have forgotten Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex?! Terrific anime. Oh! And the incomparable Cowboy Bebop, of course!

@Grisaille I am winner, ha ha ha!

Grisaille's avatar

If we’re talking about anime, now…

Throw in Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell: SAC and Desert Punk.

forestGeek's avatar

Six Feet Under is definitely one of the best ever IMO.

Runners up:
Northern Exposure
Happy Days
Little House on the Prairie
Twilight Zone

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Ah yes the original Twilight Zone. True horror/suspense without having to resort to grisly gore or cheap tactics such as objects/people popping at you.

dpworkin's avatar

Speaking of Twilight Zone, I forgot Alfred Hitchcock Presents!

DominicX's avatar


I agree; I like the original Twilight Zone (haven’t seen much of the new, but I did like the ones I saw) and I also love The X-Files.

Nimis's avatar

Is picking a cable show cheating?

dpworkin's avatar

Ooh, Sporanos!

Grisaille's avatar

Oh, shit.


The Wire

Damn you for making me remember all of these great shows.

dpworkin's avatar

Me too Oz and The Wire, too. No one else loves I Love Lucy?

wildpotato's avatar

@pdworkin I love Lucy! But I wouldn’t necessarily put her shows up there with most of these others.

dpworkin's avatar

Try to remember what TV was like before that show. They invented Sitcom. It was very important, very influential show. And 50 years on, it’s still funny! Not too shabby.

gggritso's avatar

@Grisaille Death Note.

faye's avatar

the chocolate factory!

Kraigmo's avatar

Northern Exposure is by far the greatest TV show ever.
Lost is right up there though, but it loses points for gimmicky-shaky camerawork

sdeutsch's avatar

@Kraigmo I loved Northern Exposure! Oh, how I miss that show…

dpworkin's avatar

Yeah, but By Far The Greatest TV Show Ever?

ragingloli's avatar

never even heard of it. by that fact alone, it can’t be even close to being great, let alone “the greatest”

efritz's avatar

Scrubs? Maybe not recent seasons, but they had a good run there for awhile.

Alias! Precursor to LOST, and much less twisty-turning confusing/ridiculous.

Iclamae's avatar

Yeah, I can’t give one.

Batman: Animated Series
Big Bang Theory
Stargate Sg-1 (Pre-“fargate”)
Star Trek (original with Kirk and Spock. Haven’t seen the later TV series)
Desperate Housewives (for my estrogen’s sake)

iRemy_y's avatar

I personally favor South Park, but now I’m starting to love White Collar and Modern Family. Very nice shows. I also love Futurama but it isn’t aired enough now. I love to laugh =P

tinyfaery's avatar

Twin Peaks
X Files

I also have to give a shout out
to I Love Lucy. No matter how many times I watch an episode I always laugh.

Haleth's avatar

@markyy Yeahh! for Arrested Development.
I also love Firefly and Lost. I like Bones a lot for the chemistry between the cast, even there are soo many crime shows on tv right now.

SuperMouse's avatar

@tinyfaery I am totally with you on I Love Lucy! Best comedy ever.

Another one of the best of all time is Friday Night Lights. It is an amazing show in it third season that is struggling to find an audience. Watch it, you won’t be sorry.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@tinyfaery: I was waiting for you. :)

Lurve to everyone who said Firefly, Stargate and Big Bang Theory.

Also, Farscape, Bones, and many many others that I love and can’t remember!

MacBean's avatar

My dad and I were talking about Taxi the other day. I don’t think I’d put it on a list of best shows ever but it was a fun one and I liked it.

airowDee's avatar

Six Feet Under
Sex and the City
The Office

Supacase's avatar


aprilsimnel's avatar

Monty Python
Mr. Show
Kids In the Hall
The Bob Newhart Show
Mad Men
Chappelle’s Show

These are shows where I ddin’t miss one episode if I could help it.

MrBr00ks's avatar

I looooooooved Northern Exposure too. So loved that show. Like two years before it was canceled, the writers toured Alaska to get some ideas. I was in Alaskaland (now Pioneer Park, the original name) in Fairbanks, Alaska when a few white SUV’s pulled up and out stepped the writers. I thought “this is sooooo cool!” I was like 16 or 17 at the time, and my friends didn’t get why I was excited.

My favorite show ever, though, was “The Black Donellys”. Man, I miss that one too. =(

MagsRags's avatar

Black Adder. And Faulty Towers

Iclamae's avatar

Oh man, how did I forget Farscape? I feel terrible.

Buttonstc's avatar

Dexter, Babylon 5, Farscape, The Wire, Mash

mclaugh's avatar

Hands down, Grey’s Anatomy. Love, love, love that show. Or Peak Season(on MTV) and I also like House.

mclaugh's avatar

I seriously cry at the end of every Grey’s Anatomy episode.. I’m a sucker for those kinds of shows, I sobbed so hard at the end of the last season finale! haha

augustlan's avatar

Rome and Deadwood were by far the best I’ve ever seen. Just in a completely different ballpark than so many other great shows. HBO really knows how to do it.

cyn's avatar

Scooby Doo, Smurfs, the Flinstones, 7th Heaven, Full House, Hey Arnold!, Lizzie Mcguire, How I Met Your Mother, Skins, Friends, Phineas and Ferb, That 70’s show, Bones, Fringe, the Simpsons, Futurama, Power Rangers, TMNT, CSI, House, Pokemon, Digimon, Doug, Rugrats, Tom and Jerry, M*A*S*H, Reba, SNL, Charlie Brown , Mr.Rogers, the Berensteins Bears, Smallville, any superhero(Batman, Justice League, Superman….) TV show/cartoon, and I also like Disney Cartoons that were on back in 1999…..

Honestly, all of these are all equally awesome.

wildpotato's avatar

@tinyfaery Good on ya! See, rooeytoo, I’m learning the lingo I completely forgot Twin Peaks.

sophillyk's avatar

The new south park without a doubt it makes me cry.

sophillyk's avatar

also lost is amazing!

jonsblond's avatar

All of my favorite shows have been mentioned:

Arrested Development
Northern Exposure
South Park

I also really enjoyed Quantum Leap. It’s hard to pick just one!

Courtybean's avatar

The simpsons!!

MrBr00ks's avatar

OMG Twin Peaks! YES! I had cherry pie and a cup o joe at the cafe, along with biscuits and gravy. took the pie home, i was too full and I bought my parents each a souvenir coffee mug from there too. good times.

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evegrimm's avatar


DominicX's avatar

@evegrimm They were spam/ads, crap like that.

evegrimm's avatar

@DominicX, ah, I see. :)

ragingloli's avatar

this site needs captcha’s on registrations

jonsblond's avatar

very interesting. the fluther that communtiynbc is in. hmmmm ;)

Lovethesun's avatar

Twin Peaks

Robles's avatar

I like to watch south park and family Guy tv show.

tinyfaery's avatar

I forgot about The Twilight Zone.

SABOTEUR's avatar

LaFemme Nikita (USA Network)

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BBawlight's avatar

Death Note. I just love it to death.

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