General Question

derekfnord's avatar

Does anyone know when/why it became okay to take your dogs to the mall?

Asked by derekfnord (1876points) November 15th, 2009
44 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Today at the local shopping mall, a woman strolled by with two smallish dogs on leashes. This never used to happen. When did it become acceptable to just take our dogs with us into places full of other people, children, food being served, etc.? I thought this was actually illegal in most places.

I’m sure the dogs are nice enough, but… well… they’re dogs. They could have an accident. They could get startled and bite someone. Who knows what…

And even in places where it’s specifically posted not to being animals, people just ignore it and do it anyway. What started all this? Paris Hilton and her little doglet in a purse…?

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laureth's avatar

Unless they’re service dogs, I didn’t know that it was okay to take them to the mall. Wtf?

Likeradar's avatar

At the mall today a woman pushing a stroller was struggling to get through a congested area. I moved aside, and looked down to see the baby… it was a dog. For reals.

I don’t know when this became popular, or why it’s allowed. But it shouldn’t be. Dogs are awesome, but there’s a time and a place to have them out with you. In a freaking stroller at the mall isn’t the time or the place, IMHO.

There’s a mall around here that has a dog friendly policy, and that’s ok because people expect to be around dogs there.

chyna's avatar

@Likeradar I saw the same thing Friday in the mall. The woman had a stroller and was getting what I thought was her kid an ice cream cup at the Dairy Queen. I looked to see the kid when she bent to give it the ice cream and it was a dog! It seems rules don’t apply to some of these people.

nmac's avatar

I have a wee one that fits in a bag, but I only use it for transporting him to the airport. I really hate that dog owners give responsible ones a bad name (those that, I donno, do not think it’s appropriate to subject others to their dog in the presence of food).

MrItty's avatar

It never became acceptable. It’s not acceptable, at all. And unless it’s a service animal, in many localities, it’s illegal (to bring animals anywhere food is served)

missingbite's avatar

It became acceptable when everyone decided it was not ok to speak up. I probably would have make a smart a$$ comment to her.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@missingbite like perhaps, OMG, that is one ugly baby you have there, lady.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Maybe they’re really hairy kids who need to be on a leash because they’re psychos.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

What kills me is when you see them out on a hot, hot day. Now what enjoyment does a dog get being out in crowds, panting itself to death? Talk about animal cruelty!

JLeslie's avatar

I hate when people bring their dogs along.

Skippy's avatar

Only dog the’s acceptable is a Service Dog!
Otherwise, owners are being jerks and selfish and need to be leashed and sent to the dog park for a romp…..

Dr_C's avatar

There are pet friendly malls in certain places. I personally love the Otay Ranch Towne Centre mall in San Diego.. i can walk my dog… check out something at the apple store… go to REI… grab a bite… drop into Barnes and Noble and have some starbucks… and if the dog is feeling a bit rowdy.. they also offer a fenced off leash free dog park. Love it.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

When was it okay to put your cat on a leash?

Skippy's avatar

@Dr_C Ok I can see that in Cali – but in Ohio – not. Sounds great tho
I can see it now, I take my St. Bernard to the mall. After she destroys the Yankee Candle store, we can go to the china dept in Nordstroms, then maybe into Bose, Brooksourse.

If they let one type of dog in they will have to let all in, don’t you think?
Or maybe they’ll create a “weight limit” to keep the Rotty’s & St.‘s out!

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Dr_C That sounds awesome.

In answer to the question I’ve noticed this trend as well. I think it became more acceptable as we started not being able to tell the difference between companion animals (not service animals) and typical dogs. People are afraid to say something because it could be their companion animal and thus legally aloud. I think @missingbite had a good point about this being an issue where people just don’t feel comfortable speaking up.

Personally I love seeing dogs around but I would never bring mine in a mall or someplace like that and I always think twice when I see them in areas with lots of food. But hey to each their own, it’s not an issue I would advocate for on either side, it just isn’t too big of a deal imo.

holden's avatar

In Florida (surprise!) I saw an older couple with those baby carrier-things that strap on to your front. I saw them from behind and remember thinking “wow, they seem a bit old to have young children like that” until they turned around and I saw that their babbies were shi-tzus. WTF
This sort of thing is never appropriate, but as has already been remarked here, the same set of rules just don’t apply to some people.

Dr_C's avatar

@Skippy i have a rather large Labrador-golden retreiver mix.. weighs well over 90 pounds. Have no trouble in nordstroms, the apple store, sephora (that place is packed with breakable shit… Barnes and Noble.. never had an issue.

Supacase's avatar

I see people in stores with dogs in their purses and in those silly strollers. I have also wondered when that became ok. I can’t even take a drink in, but they can bring a dog and no one says a word? Really?

deni's avatar

Is there a photography place in your mall? There is one in ours, and I see people with dogs fairly frequently and that’s usually why. They’re taking them to the photo place to get pictures done. If that’s not the case though then I think that’s strange.

rooeytoo's avatar

I would prefer people bring their dogs into my store instead of their kids. Probably be a lot less breakage and definitely a lot less stealing!!!

So far no dogs have had accidents in my store, but a kid did pee all over the carpet not long ago. Now I won’t let them in unless they have pants or a diaper! Too damned messy.
Although it could have been worse

deni's avatar

@rooeytoo A child (I’m assuming) lost a tooth in my store once…I was vaccuuming and couldn’t tell what it was so I picked it up and inspected it….once I realized I literally whipped it across the room…ewww.

YARNLADY's avatar

I asked the security department in our mall and they said as long as they don’t get any complaints, they do nothing. If you choose not to complain you are as much to blame as the dog owner.

faye's avatar

I’m not trying to be bitchy -I seriously want to know how dogs can’t be in a place with food? I’m assuming they are under owner control. We’ve always had animals in my house, in my kitchen, big ones, little ones. one cat liked to lick the butter and one black lab neatly took the roast off the breadboard. I quickly learned to be neater!!

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I was in Home Depot last week and a man walked right in with his dog. I was shocked. It wasn’t a therapy dog. Just his pet. I don’t get it!

rooeytoo's avatar

@deni – only a tooth, you were lucky!

derekfnord's avatar

@YARNLADY It does not seem reasonable to me for me to be required to ask security to enforce the rules. Isn’t that their job? I’m sure they don’t apply this standard to other rules. For example, if they saw someone spray-painting a mall wall, I’m sure they’d tell the culprit to stop it without other customers having to complain about the graffiti first….

YARNLADY's avatar

@derekfnord What you say makes sense

It is becoming more common. I found a whole list of “pet friendly malls”.

JLeslie's avatar

@rooeytoo We did once have a dog go number 2 in a dressing room, and the owner left it there for a sales associate to find. I could not understand why we had allowed the dog in the store in the first place.

derekfnord's avatar

Well, and the thing I keep trying to wrap my head around is… I thought it used to be illegal. The idea of pet-friendly malls is fine if people want them, I guess… I’m just not clear on how they would be allowed. For example, I thought having dogs in a place where human food is handled was against the health code. I wouldn’t think a mall could just choose to ignore that by declaring themselves “pet-friendly”...

YARNLADY's avatar

@derekfnord I’ve noticed that food courts seem to be seperated from the regular mall now. Ours was remodeled a few years back, and is more like a multiple choice restaurant, with tables in the back rather than being in the hall the way they used to be.

derekfnord's avatar

@YARNLADY That must vary by location. Here in San Jose, in all of the malls but one, the food court is just part of the mall. And everybody with their dogs is just meandering through amongst all the people who are eating, etc….

YARNLADY's avatar

If I was you, I would definitely talk to the mall security about it, or perhaps report it to the health department. To do nothing is probably not much help.

rooeytoo's avatar

@JLeslie – There is a takeaway shop right up the way from us and I am constantly finding ant covered chicken bones stuck here and there! The sign on the door says no food or drink but…....

My dog loves it though, when I bring her to work with me, she is like a kid on a scavenger hunt, running here and there finding hidden “treasures.”

deni's avatar

@JLeslie Eww! I would have hated to be the associate that got picked to clean up.

JLeslie's avatar

@deni I know! Bad enough it happened, but then for the customer not to clean it up. The associate knew who it was, it was not like everyone had a dog with them.

@all I understand dog lovers have a hard time seeing why people like me, who tend to be a little afraid of dogs and I am slightly germaphobic, might not get people like me. I am sure if I had a dog, I would love my dog intensely like a part of the family, so I don’t question wanting to have your dog with you and finding joy when they seem exciting and wanting to explore. But, for me, I am very uncomfortable around your dog. I am not thrilled with children who are coughing and congested runnign around teh store either (just happened at Macy’s last night). I rationalized that coughs take up to 3 weeks to clear, even when you are no longer contagious.

chyna's avatar

@JLeslie Most dog lovers are not that inconsiderate. I take my dog on short trips in the car, to get gas, go to the bank, a drive thru, or the park because she loves car rides. I would never take her to a mall where something bad could happen to her. And most dog lovers do understand that everyone does not have the same love of dogs that they have.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna So true. I did not mean to imply that all dog lovers are inconsiderate. More I just meant to explain my point of view.

chyna's avatar

@JLeslie I did not take your comment to imply that. You have valid points.

Dr_C's avatar

@chyna most dog lovers try to be considerate of others. My example of pet friendly malls includes places where there are literally water bowls outsied every store for the dogs to take a drink, Stands with little baggies all over the place to pick up any “accidents” from untrained dogs (although any dog can have an accident i know). I have no problem taking my dogs there or the dog park/dog beach. Any other mall i would never dream of walking in there with my pup in tow. These places are designed for pet lovers and are not only tolerant of pets… but welcome them.

chyna's avatar

@Dr_C If there was a pet friendly mall here, I would take my dog. The malls here aren’t pet friendly, so I would be afraid to take my dog where she isn’t protected. What you are describing sounds fun.

JLeslie's avatar

I am fine with a pet friendly malls as @Dr_C describes also, because I won’t have any surprises.

laureth's avatar

Even if pet-friendly malls have baggie stands, that doesn’t address any “residoo” left behind on the tile floor. I am incredibly grossed out by the idea of tracking residual poo around. I think I would avoid such a mall.

rooeytoo's avatar

Well the answer is simple, if your dog is prone to accidents, then wear a disposable diaper on them while they are in the mall!!!

slb's avatar

I love shoping and I love dogs, but I don’t like to be sniffed when I bend over to try on shoes and I find it unthinkable that someone wouldn’t clean up after there own dog with everyone walking all around!!!! BAD IDEA, VERY BAD IDEA!!!!!!! Take your dogs to the park, they will be happier and so will I!!!!!

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