Meta Question

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Is there any way to magnify a fultherite's avatar?

Asked by FireMadeFlesh (16613points) November 15th, 2009

Some flutherites have really good avatars that just make me want to look closer to see the details. Is there any way I can do this?

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13 Answers

Sampson's avatar

Right click, select “view image”, and take out the “_thumb” section of the url and you should have it.

whatthefluther's avatar

Or type the username on this viewer and hit go!
See ya….Gary/wtf

Facade's avatar

Put a magnifying glass up to the screen.

cyn's avatar

gary stole my answer.

whatthefluther's avatar

@cyndihugs…..Yeah, but who gave me my new avatar? Eternal lurve to you.
See ya…..Gary/wtf

forestGeek's avatar

Get really close to the screen, and squint.

jrpowell's avatar

Gary is right.

Kraigmo's avatar

I bet Fluther will make the avatars bigger someday.

Sarcasm's avatar

No, @johnpowell. Gary is wrong. So wrong, you don’t even KNOW!
@Kraigmo: Check the blog. “we’ve been reworking the avatar engine to rescale all the pictures so they’re bigger on profile pages.”

jrpowell's avatar

@Kraigmo :: When they do it will only be on profile pages. And they will only be 200×200. For full sized ones you will need to use the other options mentioned above.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Sarcasm….Ah, my friend… know me so well !? See ya…..Gary/wtf

Courtybean's avatar

Yikes!! I just tried @whatthefluther‘s link and typed in my own name to check out my avatar pic and…. HELLO!!

I’m enormous! *lol*I had to press the zoom-out button 8 times before you could actually see anything other than hair follicles!

sakura's avatar

Liking this thread… changed my avatar now!!!

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