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Sorceren's avatar

Do you think there's a shared sub- or unconscious at work?

Asked by Sorceren (674points) December 15th, 2009
8 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Or do you think the times elicit the same sort of actions, ideas and inventions from everyone during a certain period? Lots of alternative energy innovation is going on right now. Lots of new technology is coming to light. But ideas my husband proposed and took no farther five years ago must have been invented or conceptualized by somebody else at about that same time, because they’ve been put into physical form and we just saw a documentary about one.

Are we all just tapping into the human sub- or unconscious pool, or is everybody just intending the same thing?

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LocoLuke's avatar

If you think about it, every human is similar in some way to every other. Our lives have differences, and maybe even be unrelatable in extreme circumstances, but I like to think that everyone has the same goal in life. When we share a common problem, we often react in the same way, simply because we all share a common human experience. Rather than having a share subconscious, I think it’s more like every human has almost identical hardware to work with, and the programming (what changes how we live our lives, like your personality) is forced to run along common subroutines but has a lot of room for variance.
Sorry if my logic is a bit convoluted, I’m in a hurry =)

Polly_Math's avatar

I believe there is. Google “collective unconscious” to view Jung’s theory. I would attempt to explain it, but may not do it justice.

ragingloli's avatar

When you have 6 billion people all having the same basic common knowledge, someone is bound to have the same thought as you.

nebule's avatar

I’m in the early days of looking into this phenomena really… but considering that what separates us all is only like less than 2% of genetic code…and considering we are all very different that’s pretty amazing… we should all be spinning on the same top really shouldn’t we?

I hope there is a collective… I really do… I feel there is….

Soubresaut's avatar

I agree that people can have the same idea unconnected, but I do think there is some sort of connection/energy between people—between any life!
I’ll give one example: My mom. Every since she was little, she’s had this weird ability to know when something’s going wrong with someone in her family. She was at home one day as a kid and had this really weird feeling midafternoon (2ish), so started calling the people she could (mind you, this is pre-cellphone) asking if her brother was alright, what happened to him. She didn’t hear anything until that night when she got in contact with him and people that knew what happened, his car had been hit around 2, everyone wanted to know how she found out something had happened, but she hadn’t, she was home alone without any notice… true story!
She told me that story after picking me up from a sleepover one time when I was younger. She asked how it went, and I told her good! That I had a lot of fun… (truth was, halfway through, around midnight, I wanted to go home really badly, because I only knew the birthday girl, not the others, and was kind of being ignored… but I didn’t tell her that, because the next morning was better.) She was like, ‘oh, because around 12 at night I jumped awake, sure you were unhappy. I almost called your cell to ask if you wanted to come home.’ And then I told her I had wanted to… it was creepy, but incredible!
Hm… it doesn’t sound as amazing just written down. She’s had other instances like that, and I don’t believe she’s the only one to have weird unexplained feelings. Not so much we’re psychic, but that yes, somehow, I think there’s a connection none of us can really explain, understand, or even consciously know, that we share with each other.

nebule's avatar

my son actually knows what I’m thinking at times…(he’s three with no motivation to “try”) and doubtless.. not coincidence type of stuff… I can tell you more if you want… but I’m not sure if it’s relevant

Blondesjon's avatar

I used to believe it when I was Junger.

peridot's avatar

@Blondesjon Argh, you Freud my brain with that awful pun!

I’ve wondered about this over the years, and believe there is something to it; it really does need more (conscious) attention. I first became aware of it during one of my first jobs out of high school (slinging hot dogs). On a semi-regular basis, there’d be a day-or-so-long run on a certain type of hot dog, even though it wasn’t part of any promotion. Another example would be when yourself and other random people you interact with throughout a given day seem to be more happy, grumpy, etc. than usual for no obvious reason, or when drivers are less or more reckless (and it’s not Friday afternoon!).

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