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Zen_Again's avatar

Two women, one possibly "Ms. Right", and one "Ms. Right Now"... what should I do?

Asked by Zen_Again (9931points) December 18th, 2009
38 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

There’s a woman I’ve been interested in for all the right reasons. Been dating her (and waiting – if you know what I mean) for about 1.5 months. I know I know… that’s not the point. Just as she warms up and literally invites herself over – I meet another woman who literally throws herself at me (remember my woman with tattoo on the back?) She is Ms. Right Now – and is so negative an energy that she literally zaps mine along with hers. But the sex… anyway… I’m a one woman kind of guy – so I had to blow off the first one… I said I had plans and such – til next week. She isn’t stupid… I don’t know… what would you do?

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belakyre's avatar

I would say that you should be honest with her about this matter, honesty does build up the backbone of a relationship.

holden's avatar

Now you know that that’s just not going to work, Zen.

ragingloli's avatar

I would ditch the newcomer.
if i was the first one I would buy a new knife :D

aphilotus's avatar

I think you answered your own question- the 6 week lady sounds better, less “so negative an energy”

ETpro's avatar

Zen, you absolutely know this cannot end well. Yeah, I know—but the sex…

What can I say? Trust your instincts, man.

CMaz's avatar

Pick the better of the two.
Cut the lesser loose.

And man up about it. You got yourself into it. Stud.

Cruiser's avatar

You need to get out more…You blow off Ms All the Right Reasons for the Vampire…there are clearly a lot more fish in the pond. Right reasons will get you married with children and Ms Negative will sap you of your life force. I don’t think you have found your match in either but dude enjoy the roll in the hay while you can!

Zen_Again's avatar

<<< is old, divorced with grown kids, btw; gets out a lot, doesn’t date much. Hasn’t had sex in 6 months.

Darwin's avatar

I think the question is whether you want a relationship or just sex. If I were a guy I would opt for Ms. Right. But then I’m not a guy and so may not be bringing an appropriately testosterone-charged thought pattern to the situation.

Personally, I would think the negative energy would pretty much wipe out anything gained from the sex.

Are you sure she isn’t a succubus?

SeventhSense's avatar

we all dream of the succubus until we actually meet them
Go for the first one with the whole package. You’re too old for games. The sex will be better too.

AstroChuck's avatar

Put them both in a blender and set to frappé. Then pour into a tall glass with the eggs on top.

SeventhSense's avatar

What are the eggs for?

AstroChuck's avatar


SeventhSense's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

I think you know what you want to do. It’s in your question.

Kelly_Obrien's avatar

Keep banging away at Ms. Right Now for right now, and keep Ms.Right on a back-burner…warmed and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Be prepared for fireworks when their paths cross now and anon. (Perhaps a 3-some is in the cards?!?!?!)

Zen_Again's avatar

Astro’s so fucking funny – he’s witty even when impro. which is the hardest. Kudos. I can’t concentrate because The Jeruba wrote something in my thread. Feeling dizzy…

@kelly would you be surprised to learn that I have never had a threesome, nor entertained the thought (ok, entertained isn’t the right word) but that the right now has actually suggested it. After like 5 minutes…

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@Zen_Again, if you’re going to cheat on me with a RL relationship, at least make it with someone that adds positive value to your life. I seem to recall that the last round of negative drama was enough to make no sex for 6 months seem like a good idea.

Zen_Again's avatar

@PandoraBoxx I know you’re right. This time I’ll probably “turtle” for a year.

sjmc1989's avatar

Yes I feel your pain it has been over 4 months for me I could look for plenty of Mr. Right now’s and have amazing meaningless sex, but why do that to yourself? If the 1st woman is all you want in a partner tell her that and commit to her if thats what you want. The sex will come eventually and I’m sure the build up will be great for that first time with her. Good Luck! Do the right thing

UScitizen's avatar

Execute ONLY the strategy that will get you laid the most for the next few weeks. After that, run like your ass is on fire and find a new one, two, three, or twelve, upon which you can execute the same strategy. Repeat.

janbb's avatar

Knowing you, I know what you really want is a solid longterm relationship, Zen. I don’t think there’s any question what is right for you – which doesn’t make it easy to say no to a sexy woman. Be strong and hold out for the promise of something meaningful.

Lorenita's avatar

Ms. right

willbrawn's avatar

You have to decide what “real” happiness is to you. If you can’t wait for the sex with Ms. Right them you honestly don’t deserve her. She will make you happier in the end.

veronasgirl's avatar

Woman #1 is the one that you need to concentrate on. Woman #2 isn’t looking for a long term relationship, and if that is something you want, then why would you want to waste time and opportunities on her? The first woman will take more time and effort, but in the end, she is the one who will be worth it.

SeventhSense's avatar

I think I would be a little dizzy too if I met Cate Blanchett. But hey I’ve also met Liv Tyler, Sade and a Playboy Playmate among the influx of all these Answer Baggers.
I’m constantly amazed that these stars show up here between filming

galileogirl's avatar

@ETpro Trust his instincts about sex? Are you crazy? You are talking to a guy!

@Zen_Again If you blow off Ms Right for a week it may turn into forever if she finds out. Think about it.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

The one you view as possibly “Ms. Right” sounds like the better choice.

lonelydragon's avatar

Since Woman A nor Woman B is a clear choice, you should probably choose C, none of the above. If you were all that interested in the possible Miss Right, then Miss Right Now wouldn’t be so alluring to you. At the same time, Miss Right Now’s negativity is a big strike against her. I think that if either one of these women was a good fit for you, then you wouldn’t need to be asking the question in the first place.

@willbrawn I agree. One and a half months is not that long to wait for sex. It seems to me that the OP might not be ready for a committed relationship at this time.

Zen_Again's avatar

I have to agree with @lonelydragon. Thanks everyone.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well if that’s the case go for the preheated newbie.
A bush in the hand is worth…umm…a bird..well it’s good

ETpro's avatar

@galileogirl About trusting his instincts, you’re probably right. I am a man as well, but a 65 year old one. Now my big head does most of the thinking for us. Back when testosterone was in charge, the little head gave all the orders. :-)

Zen_Again's avatar

LOL @SeventhSense ‘s bush in the hand.

lonelydragon's avatar

@Zen_Again I’m glad I could help.

SeventhSense's avatar

Then again with our styles today…a winter foliage..

robaccus's avatar

Introduce them?

Silhouette's avatar

Flip a coin. Heads – Ms. Right. Tails – Ms. Right Now.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

If she’s Ms Right then you’re also right in thinking she’s not stupid. She might be a bit disappointed and hurt you opted for easy sex rather than pursue getting to know her and maybe check out sex with her eventually. This might color how interested she is in you from now on or how exclusive she may want to be towards you from now on. You may have just been demoted from the the A plan to the B, C or D plan- pick which burner you want. If she’s interested and believes you’re still interested then she might keep up with you but don’t think she’ll ever forget this episode and if the two of you become serious, you will have to be gold with your affirmations and what not in order that she really believe in you that she’s “The One”. Good luck.

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