General Question

dunkin_donutz's avatar

What makes you think you can handle all the shit that could happen to you in the future?

Asked by dunkin_donutz (441points) December 22nd, 2009
30 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I was watching “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”. It’s an amazing true story and this guy gets hit with the most unimaginable tragedy but somehow his will to live is strong enough to get him through all of this hardship.

If you got cancer or were crippled after getting hit by a car or you lost your job and your home and became homeless, do you think you could get through it? Why do you think you have the internal resources to get through hardship? Where does it come from?

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Freedom_Issues's avatar

Yes, I’ve had many setbacks and have managed to handle them so far. If cancer or becoming crippled did happen to me, I would just have to deal with it. What else can you do?

filmfann's avatar

I should hope I don’t find out.

dunkin_donutz's avatar

@Freedom_Issues One could end it all of course.

hearkat's avatar

Because I’ve handled a-whole-lotta shit already, and I am stronger and wiser for it.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I know I could because I’ve done it thus far.

Freedom_Issues's avatar

@dunkin_donutz True. I wouldn’t love to live is too great. IF I were a vegetable with no hope of coming out of it, I would want the plug to be pulled on me. I would hate to be in that state for a long time.

holden's avatar

All the shit that I’ve handled in the past.

Silhouette's avatar

I have handled some pretty brutal sh*t so far and what’s in front of me couldn’t be much worse than what’s behind me. I’m a determined, stubborn woman and I’d will die trying. I’m not a quitter.

lillycoyote's avatar

Nothing. I have no way of knowing. I don’t sweat the small stuff, and I have managed to cope with, or at least survive the major pieces of crap that life has thrown at me so far, not that I’ve enjoyed having life throw major pieces of crap at me, not at all. I suspect there are some things that could happen to me that I wouldn’t be strong enough to deal with. That’s quite possible. I don’t think there’s really any way of knowing, for sure, in the end, what you are capable of enduring and coping with. You just have to hope that, whatever comes your way, you will find a way to manage.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve had my experiences, I might be having some right now. I just hope that I’ve learned enough in the past to withstand whatever bs the future wants to throw at me, and no doubt it will.
I’m not, however, confident that I’ll go through it beyond sword dragging outta having no choice but TO get through it, but I mean who can tell?

Whatever will be will be.

SirGoofy's avatar

Well, I’ve been stepping in it and slipping on it for years already, so how much worse can shit get?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

This is why reading (especially reading about other real people) is such a good idea. You learn that humans are amazingly adaptable and resilient, and you realize that, “Well, these other folks did amazing things with the lives they had available to live, and they persevered, survived and thrived. Maybe I can, too.”

It also helps to have watched a lot of MacGuyver, and make sure you keep some paper clips, rubber bands, cigarette lighters and explosives around, too.

warribbons's avatar

I can handle anything because I believe in myself, who believes in me.

HighShaman's avatar

We like to THINK that we can handle about anything that comes our way ; BUT we don’t really KNOW… until the time actually comes .

Open_Your_Mind's avatar

Just because you have been through a whole lot doesn’t necessarily mean you are equipped to handle somethings life can bring. Difficulties can make you stronger but it can also chip away your strength without you realizing it. Learned that the hard way.
Always thought nothing or no one could ever break me even while I was taking a nose dive due to circumstances at the time. I went to the mat declaring I would never go down.
Age, resources, or lack of them and prior life beatings all can take a toll at some point. Knowing where that point is isn’t always clear.
All I can say that brought me through is the hand and heart of God.
So much bad happened for so long, really crushing things that made me for just a min take notice. I thought…......this is crazy how can so much happen to one person. In the middle of the storm, miracle after miracle continued to happen.
I had prayed for quite a while for my perfect mate. One day just for a min I stopped and was quiet in the middle of chaos and the thought came to me; “I wonder if all this is happening in answer to my prayer for the perfect person”. A few min later was again caught up in the storm for several more months.
Had anything happened differently I would not have ended up living in another State and we would not have met.

Chikipi's avatar

Hardships have come and gone over issues I thought I could never handle. I have the faith and support from friends/family who will continually be there for me of any future issues that may arise…I somehow come through the other side…so I’ll have to remind myself that I’ve gone through the hardships in the past if a future problem crosses my path to have faith and believe that the support of others will help me overcome

wundayatta's avatar

I’m not at all sure I can. Having been closer to taking my own life than I ever wanted to be, I know that I might be a few doses not taken away from that kind of end. I have a self-destructive impulse. I want to stop being a chemical frankenstein and become myself again. I don’t think it’ll be a big risk, and I like to pretend I’m playing on the edge, anyway. There’s no one else who gives a shit about my drama other than me, so why not make it a lively drama?

I have no idea what I can handle. I’m not sure I care. It’s too much planning. I need to stop thinking and get into the moment. With my life, not just my writing (which comes straight from my id with no six second delay).

Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke. Brave, foolish words, I’m sure, but I like saying them. If I do die, at least I won’t be around to know it. I think I’ll just keep on going until I stop. I’ll see what I can on the way. I’m not concerned about shit, because I know I can’t handle it. It’s pretty much useless for me to even think about handling it.

I feel like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. Whoa… Hey! I just saw Avatar (very cool, very excellent movie).

rhodes54's avatar

Because thus far I’ve able to handle all the shit that HAS happened in the past.

shego's avatar

I believe I could make it. I have gone through a bunch of crap so far in my life, and the thing is, I have alway made it through. I am not the smartest or the wisest person, but I have learned from my setbacks. Isn’t that why they happen?
If you didn’t learn from them, then I don’t think that you would be able to make it.

chicadelplaya's avatar

@daloon Hey, stop with that nonsense. Please.

Supacase's avatar

I don’t. In fact, I sometimes think life will throw something my way that will just be too much for me to bear. I am not as strong as I wish I was… but I have proven before that I am stronger than I think I am.

The things people can go through and still come out functioning astonishes me. My ex-husband is one of those people – he is a survivor. He fights his demons every single day. Some days he loses the battle, but he keeps going and I swear I don’t know how he does it.


First, there is no real way to deal with difficult ordeals in one’s life. When they come, you just have to deal with them to the best of your ability. However, I have always had faith in a higher power to lead me through any tough time I may (and will) encounter in the future. I know that sounds corny, but it’s true——I’ve been through many tough times before, and I know there are many more to come, and worse, but I have no control over some of them. That’s when I rely on faith and knowing that whatever happens in the future, it was part of the “plan” for me in this life, and to deal with it is in its design for me. When you have this faith in you, you really have nothing to fear.

Shemarq's avatar

Because I’ve been able to handle a lot of shit in my past and have learned how to deal with it.

Darwin's avatar

So far I have been able to handle all the shit that has happened in my life by adhering to two important pieces of philosophy:

1) Every event can serve to teach you something, so learn as much as you can from everything that happens to you.

2) You can laugh or you can cry, but if you cry your nose hurts.

j_ninja's avatar

Cause I’ve done it before… and I’m even stronger for it now.

thriftymaid's avatar

If I get through the present, I have no doubt I will survive the future.

j_ninja's avatar

(smile) God does give you more than you take.. believe..

anguilla's avatar

No one can be 100% prepared for the future, but somehow the human race has continued. It’s pointless to be concerned about it. However, it IS a good idea to do a lot of reading about a lot of different things, even if it’s just fiction/stories. That will make your brain learn to be flexible and approach problem solving from several different ways. So if you get in a jam in your future, you’ll be prepared to figure out what to do about it.

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