Social Question

HighShaman's avatar

Would You allow your 16 year old daughter to go visit her 18 year old boyfriend out of state ?

Asked by HighShaman (3045points) December 25th, 2009
48 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

What do you think of a couple of parents who would allow their 16 year old daughter fly to Florida to meet and stay with a 18 year old “boyfriend” that she’d met online and had never met before in person ?

I am personally shocked ! I know this guy and he’s a good guy ; but the girl and her parents did / do not know him…

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SuperMouse's avatar

No I absolutely would not. No, no, no, no, no.

ragingloli's avatar

Depends on the guy and how trustworthy he is. But in this case, seeing that neither me nor her has ever met him in person and no way to assess his character, no, I do not think so. Not without a second person for oversight.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I would allow the young man to visit the young lady if the parents have worked this out so that the girl’s parents feel confident about the sleeping arrangements and the level of supervision throughout their time together. Otherwise, no way!

loser's avatar

Heck no!!!

holden's avatar

No! Are you kidding?

gememers's avatar

I don’t like the idea of staying with some one you’ve never met in person. I think the age difference here is no issue.

Trillian's avatar

Um, not only no. Hell no. I say this as a Mother of three, the oldest of whom is a 26 year old female. I WELL remember her teenage years. No, No, No. Our main job as parents is to protect our children from the consequences of their stupidity. And they ARE stupid, let’s not dance around the unpleasant truth. They THINK they know everything and that the world revolves around them. God, the drama. I had forgotten. Put a GPS chip into her now, because as sure as I’m sitting here, bolting will be her next move. Good luck.

dpworkin's avatar

I think there are actually laws against this, though perhaps they aren’t enforced as much as they used to be. At any rate, it’s an idiotic idea, and the girl’s parents just happened to be lucky, once.

azlotto's avatar


Pretty_Lilly's avatar

As much as I would allow my neighbor’s pitbull to guard my T-Bone steaks !

dpworkin's avatar

Actually the Hatch Act probably couldn’t be invoked because her parents are transporting her, not the boyfriend.

Dr_C's avatar

NEVAR! unless of course they really want grandchildren ASAP

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

absolutely not. No. Uh-uh.

nitemer's avatar

Only an empty headed irresponsible father or mother would do allow it.

smashbox's avatar

No. I wouldn’t even allow my 16 year old daughter to stay overnight with her boyfriend, who lived in the same state, much less with a stranger, who lives out of state.

therookie's avatar

no way

Flo_Nightengale's avatar


NUNYA's avatar

Not a chance!!! And especially only having met him online. Not good parenting in my opinion. Great Question HighShaman!

NUNYA's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly Rolling On The Floor Laughing! Totally love that answer!!! high five

TLRobinson's avatar

Hell to the NO! Where are his parents?

anon30's avatar

hell no, how do you know hes even 18? pictures isn’t anything anymore.

jamcanfi74's avatar

HELL NO! He could be anyone or anything

john65pennington's avatar

Sure and while i’m at it, i’ll give them the name of a local chapel where they can get married to each other.

Be real…..........

nitemer's avatar

If whoever he may be is actually a Christian.

anon30's avatar

if they met online, it’s a bad idea, the best thing to do is to see him, ask him 2 buy a webcam, or a video camera…

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Definitely not if she was under 18…When I went to meet my husband whom I’ve met online and have never seen before I was 24…my mom was just as upset about it…I knew it might be dangerous too but took the risk…

NUNYA's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir How did it all turn out? I’m assuming it is all good since you said “husband”. That is really cool! I’ve know a few people that have had success meeting someone online and eventually they were married.

tedibear's avatar

No. Nein. Non. Nyet. Uh-uh. Not in a million years. No way, no day.

galileogirl's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence There was just such an incident this year when a minister’s daughter got permission for a visit from an online friend, He stayed a few days, massacred the entire family and then flew home.

mollypop51797's avatar

Well, of course not! Would be the most reasonable question. Personally, I agree. I don’t think its safe let alone necessary to let my daughter go out with this “boyfriend” at the age of 16. He may be a nice guy, he may not, I would not take the chance. Especially if I live in California, or Texas, I wouldn’t want my daughter, 16 years old, to fly to Florida only to be hurt or turned away when she arrives. yes, it is a little out of the ordinary if she would be turned away considering that she’s even going, being that “devoted” you could say. On the other perspective, if I’m allowed to go down there with her, maybe I’ll loosen up a bit. Who knows! Based on my standards, it’s probably an immediate no,but only for her safety I am saying this.

HighShaman's avatar

Thanks to everyone who answered so far . Just so you are aware ; the young man rented a room from an older friend of his and he and the young girl are staying there for the two weeks that she is visiting him….

dpworkin's avatar

Are there dental records, just in case?

Darwin's avatar

No way! He would have to come to us, with a full background check and stay in a hotel. Fortunately, my daughter is too smart to do something like this.

UScitizen's avatar

Of course. And, if she goes during the mid point of her cycle, expect her to come back pregnant. I guess that would be another chapter.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@galileogirl The story you mentioned is awful of course.
I know of cases where a slightly older boyfriend from the same town and a 16 year old girl together slaughtered her brother and both her parents in broad daylight.

Terrible things happen under many different circumstances and often they cannot be forseen or prevented. I am not sure having a visitor from out of town makes such an outcome any more likely.

We want our children to pursue relationships under the safest possible circumstances but even the wisest and most experienced among us can not predict what will happen.

We provide wise counsel to our children. We try and safeguard them with our supervision and a wholesome atmosphere where they can get to know each other.

They is not much else we can do.

jerv's avatar

If I knew the guy and he was a good kid and I did a proper job of raising my daughter to the point where I could trust her judgement (not necessarily agree, merely trust) then yes.

And if the guy was a loser then I wouldn’t care if she were 46, I would say no.

Ivan's avatar

This thread makes me laugh.

LTaylor's avatar

Is this a SERIOUS question or a Joke?

HighShaman's avatar

@LTaylor If you read the Question DETAILS and my follow up comments ; you would KNOE that I am very serious….

I know an 18 year old guy whose 16 year old girlfriend, whom he met online and had NEVER met; came down from New York to Florida ..and they rented another guys room in his home and are staying there together for the two weeks she is here…

Her parents do NOT care…

The TRUTH really IS stranger than fiction, isn’t it ?

LTaylor's avatar

@HighShaman. Then my answer is No. If the parents let her go then the CPS should be called for child neglect and the child should be taken away.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

I wish i could find the article where the 17yr old male traveled to his gf’s house (who lived out of state) and then killed her whole family and best friend. Should enlighten.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@NUNYA it turned out wonderfully, we have an amazing family, raising 2 kids, 3 cats, 2 dogs

StupidGirl's avatar

I would. Me daughter will be fkn super smart.

gememers's avatar

What state does the 16 year old live in?

HighShaman's avatar

@gememers She is from New York State…

Gossamer's avatar

as a father I must say absolutely not!

anguilla's avatar

It might not even be legal. In New York, the age of consent is 17. You can find out the age of consent in whatever state she wants to go to on Wikipedia (or type “age of consent by state” into Google). I say you should say “no” for both her sake and the guy’s sake, who could end up in jail for statutory rape. If they’re really in love, waiting a year or two isn’t going to ruin anything.

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