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eeveegurl's avatar

How do you know you've found the best possible person for you?

Asked by eeveegurl (1356points) January 13th, 2010
19 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Reading all the comments on @daloon’s question led me to think about this.

I know people that have “found” their SO, sometimes believe him/her to be “the one”. My question to these people is – what led you to believe that they were it for you? I’m not asking how you know you loved them, I’m asking how you knew there wasn’t someone else better for you.

Though I personally don’t believe in “the one”, I do believe that different people are compatible for us in different aspects of our lives. Ideally, you try to find someone that is compatible for you in all aspects of your life, someone with whom you share the same ideals, values, hopes, goals, and dreams.

So maybe you’re 30, and you’ve finally come across someone that tops the charts, the most compatible person you’ve met in your lifetime. Is it not possible that were you to stay single for another 10 more years, you’d meet someone else even more compatible for you?Just because they’re hard to find, because you haven’t found that person yet, doesn’t mean they’re not out there.

I’m not disputing the fact that you could be happy for the rest of your life with this person. I’m just curious about how you know that they’re IT for you, and that’s the point where you stop looking. How do you know someone else out there couldn’t make you even happier?

When you’ve lived life seeing people from 1–10, how are you certain that the scale ends at 10, and that you won’t come across an 11 some day?

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UScitizen's avatar

It is impossible to know. It’s all a crap shoot, just like everything else in life.

eeveegurl's avatar

@UScitizen – so what makes you choose the person you’ve chosen? (or will choose)

Snarp's avatar

I don’t think for a second that there is one single best person for anyone. If you choose a lifetime commitment, that is a choice, and it becomes up to you to do what is necessary to insure that you are able to keep your commitment. The person you choose should be growing with you in the relationship, and that will make them the best person for you more than any luck of the draw of meeting the right person. As for meeting someone else, we are more responsible for our feelings than we like to admit. You may experience a crush, or a hormonal attraction, but anything more than that is up to you. You have to make a choice about how you think about the person, because your thoughts will influence your feelings.

Of course for me it was a bit simpler, my wife is the only person who could put up with me.

wonderingwhy's avatar

When you stop looking for anyone else.

Blackberry's avatar

You kind of just know lol. You know how you are, then you meet someone who is simply compatible with you or who reminds you of yourself, sometimes opposites don’t attract, you have to have someone similar to you.

Cupcake's avatar

When it no longer matters that there might be someone “better” out there.

stratman37's avatar

A wise counselor once told me: “Don’t marry the one you think you can live with for the rest of your life, but the one you KNOW you can’t live without!”

robaccus's avatar

When you lose them and then find them behind the fridge.

SABOTEUR's avatar

You don’t.

You learn to be thankful and appreciate the gift of that person’s presense in your life.

Sophief's avatar

Good question. Well I am 31 and I know my s/o is the one for me. I know this because no one has ever made me feel the way he does. He is the type I have always wanted all my life. I don’t look at other men, I have no interest in even glancing at other men, because I know that none could compare to what I have.

deni's avatar

When you’re just totally content with the person you’re with. It doesn’t matter if you can label them “the one”...who says there’s a “one” for everyone, anyhow? You just know. You stop wanting anyone else.

phil196662's avatar

Because my insides don’t feel the same as the distance from her grows longer.

HGl3ee's avatar

I know because it’s impossible to comprehend any other somehow having “better” qualities <3

daemonelson's avatar

I try to be objective, as difficult as that is while a the relationship.

Things seem to be going quite well.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

A friend of mine coined a phrase, “I believe in life with you” and I took that to heart when I met my current partner. I’ve been in love before, I’ve lived with my partners several years at a time but this man is the one I imagine growing older alongside. The others I would have been content to see where things led to but I never looked beyond a 5yr scenario in my mind.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Cupcake‘s answer is perfect in its beauty, simplicity, and clarity.

For me, I had always known how I would recognize my other half and when he finally rolled into my life I knew it was him.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Because with my fiancĂ©, things are so comfortable. Our love is easy. When a relationship is an everyday struggle, that’s a good sign that you’re not with the right person. Our personalities compliment each others. And because I can’t think of one good reason why I shouldn’t be with him. That’s how I know.

deni's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 agreed! It should be easy and natural. Not constant fighting and bringing each other down.

liliesndaisies's avatar

When you don’t have to bend too much to reach them because they never leave.

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