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philosopher's avatar

How many hours sleep do you get per night ?

Asked by philosopher (9065points) January 14th, 2010
20 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I am always tried . I never get eight hours a night. I have trouble failing asleep and getting up.
I take Melotoin but I have so much to do; I never get done before ten thirty Pm the earliest. I am up by five thirty Am.
Exercise relaxes me but by bed time I am stressed again.

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nope's avatar

Not nearly enough; I’m divorced and have my kids every other week. I find that I stay up too late after putting them to bed, and end up getting only 5 to 6 hours of sleep during those weeks. I feel like a zombie right now. :)

Jude's avatar

Seven hours. I teach, so, I’m usually in bed by 11:30. I get up at around 6:45-ish in the a.m.. After dealing with 28 nine year olds during the day, by 11:30, I’m exhausted.

JONESGH's avatar

4ish, get home from work at 12 or so, shower, homework, food, bed by 2, wakeup at 6ish for school

hungertoragejr's avatar

I usually get my eight hours… except on bad hair days… I really don’t know why..

Michael_Huntington's avatar

6 hours on weekdays

ultimateego's avatar

i don’t sleep, i am a robot.

bitter_sweet_rose's avatar

about 5 unless i take niquil or something.

TheLoneMonk's avatar

8:30–9:00 p.m bed and 4:00–4:30 a.m. rise and shine, so around 8 hours or so.

DominicX's avatar


I seem to go to bed around 1 most nights and then I sleep until 8–10, depending on when I have classes. On weekends, I go to bed around 2 or later and sleep as long as I want. (Sometimes up to 10 hours).

Keep in mind this is very different from how I slept before college. The hour amount has almost always been the same, it’s just shifted forward now.

downtide's avatar

Between 7 and 8 which suits me well. I’m fortunate enough to work a late shift so I have the freedom to wake up naturally instead of to an alarm clock. If I stay in bed more than 8 hours it makes me more tired.

dutchbrossis's avatar

not enough for me. probably 7–8, for some reason I seem to need a lot of sleep

borderline_blonde's avatar

I’m the same way… I get tired but then the stress will keep me up. I try to aim for 9 hours, because that’s how much I need to really feel awake and well in the morning, but it rarely happens.

One of the ways that I try to keep the stress from preventing me from sleeping is to write down everything I’m stressed about before bed. There’s something about getting it all down on paper that helps also get it out of my mind. I also use guided relaxation cds at bedtime if I’m having a really difficult time sleeping (I know it sounds cheesy, but it really does help!)

Fernspider's avatar

I love my sleep but rarely get to bed on time on a work night. Today I am so bloody exhausted that I am playing on Fluther (have been for the last 4 hours) instead of working because my motivation is shot.

I have been getting about 6 hours every night this week but not proper 6 hours straight because my poor doggie has been restless with his neck cone on (recently neutured) so he tosses and turns through the night waking me every hour.

Then last night, first night that Shpanky was sound asleep, I heard what I thought was an intruder in the house… freaked out and then woke my SO “Sweetie, oi, sweetie…” “Arrrggghhhh, whaaaaat?” “I think there is someone in the house!!! Go check!”

It was the cat and he had found a stem of cat nip and seemingly making love to it (not literally but was certainly having fun with it)

So yeah, I am going to crash out as soon as I get home from work!

dogkittycat's avatar

I get an average 3–4 hours of sleep a night but I wake up early some mornings thinking I’m running late for school when it’s 1:30am. Between projects, regular school work, volleyball, bowling team, bowling league, student gov., girl scouts (i’m being forced to) and whatever other activities that I’m involved in, sleep is low on my list of things to do. Plus to add icing on the cake I am now sick, when I’m sleep deprived I get extremely perky then I go home do everything I need to do then crash. Let’s hope I can pull it off tomorrow.

MissAusten's avatar

Usually about 8 hours, maybe a little more. I go to bed at 10:00, usually fall asleep easily, and wake up anytime between 6:00 and 7:00. I still get very sleepy in the afternoons. If I sit down with a book when all the kids are at school, after a while I can hardly keep my eyes open. That’s my cue to make a big pot of coffee!

When my husband is out of town, I end up staying up way too late. I’ll go to bed around midnight, read until my eyes are killing me, but still get up at the same time (kids!). The next day I drag around, but I’ll keep doing that to myself until my husband comes home.

skfinkel's avatar

Usually 7 to 8. But, if something is on my mind, I must write it down before I can sleep. Next morning, there is the list of concerns. This is a variation of the “worry people,” which I also love. You give them your worries, then put them under your pillow, and they do the worrying for you while you sleep.

HTDC's avatar

It varies, anything from 5–10 hours on average. There are many times where I stay up for 24 hours straight and in some instances can sleep for about 16 hours as I did the other day. It’s a mixed bag.

pjanaway's avatar

Lately between 9–12 hours.

Sunshine2u's avatar

It depends if Im on the computer or not. I have to drag myself away. The only way I can get any sleep is if I take medicine. Then I get maybe 5 or 6 hours.

adinaa's avatar

usually 5–6 hours. I love to sleep. It’s seriously one of my favorite things to do. But with school, sports, homework, family, my sleep time gets less and less.

It seems that most Americans don’t get nearly enough sleep. I wonder if the amount of sleep people get varies from place to place… I would love to move somewhere where school starts at 9 instead of 7:30 :)

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