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Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Where would I find her?

Asked by Shield_of_Achilles (1906points) January 18th, 2010
40 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I’m looking for someone to be there for. I keep having this dream that I meet this girl, shes smaller, with dark hair, lives in a world of pain. I meet her once and shes crying. All I do is hold out a hand, help her up, and hug her while she cries.
From there we start to hang out, and I help her to see that life isn’t just pain.

Where do I find this girl that my dreams keep telling me to search for?

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Zen_Again's avatar

Uh… hello.. you okay?

Fyrius's avatar

Your dreams are not prophetic. They reflect only your own desires.
Even if you’d come across a girl like that, there’s no guarantee that it would be anything like your subconscious imagines it.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@Fyrius Then where do I find this girl I seem to so strongly desire?

@Zen_Again What do ya mean? Lol

Fyrius's avatar

I don’t know the answer to that question.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

You will know her when you see her :)

john65pennington's avatar

I normally would not give this type of answer, but here goes. maybe, she is in a bar and intoxicated. she may have an alcohol problem and you are her Knight in Shining Armor coming to rescue her. honestly, this could be anything, anywhere, with just about any woman. my very first thought was the bar. why? i do not know. i normally act on my first impressions.

Seek's avatar

I had a dream once that I was racing the Buddha in a shopping cart down the dairy aisle of my grocery store. Then it started raining fire, and we started screaming for Superman to come help us. The Green Lantern showed up and said “Superman’s not coming. He’s drunk.”

Just sayin’.

Seek (34805points)“Great Answer” (12points)
Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@seek_Kolinahr That’s priceless.

trailsillustrated's avatar

might not be someone you know in this life

john65pennington's avatar

Seek Kolnahr….........drag stippin with the Buddha? thats far out. i know, i have had dreams that i was on a high mountain and the only way to cross to the other side was a razor wire, connecting both mountains. i had to use only my bare hands to make it across and i knew my fingers would immediately be severed and i would fall. why do we dream such crazy dreams?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I could introduce you to her (seriously). But you’d be in for a world of pain of your own then, and she wouldn’t let you resolve hers.

The idea that you have of showing her that “there’s more to life than pain” is a fantasy that you have. A noble one, but a fantasy nonetheless.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@Fyrius Though, to make a further comment on you claiming my dreams are only mere dreams, wouldn’t be completely correct.
In this same dream, I always seem to crash a Camaro. Yesterday, I was driving my friends Camaro to get him from a bar, whe a guy blew a stop sign and hit me.

You see, my dreams are more than normal.

@CyanoticWasp Its not just a fantasy. It’s what I do. Everyone I’ve met and invested time in, I’ve saved in some manner.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles You’re welcome to believe that your dreams are “more than normal,” but in all likelihood they’re just as strange buy meaningless as anyone else’s. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s just the way it is.

There are a lot of smaller, brown-haired girls who live in “a world of pain.” I was one of them not too long ago. You seem to have a thing for being the “savior” in your relationships. I can understand that too, but don’t get obsessed with it, and I would definitely not recommend basing an entire relationship on the fact that you want to “save” that person. It will only get you into some nasty situations, believe me.

lilikoi's avatar

That dream sounds more like a reflection of what you want than a prophecy of what will happen to you. But I’m no dream expert. Some of my dreams do seem to actually come true, but…it’s hard to explain…in small ways. Maybe you just need to save people.

cookieman's avatar

Ask the unicorn on the corner of Grandeur Ave. and Self-Indulgent Lane.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I met a girl like that, with long red hair. We were married five years later.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko It already has. But I feel it’s better to have that connection than the “Hey, you at the bar. You’re hot, lets do it.” thing I get around here.

I like to serve the people I care about, and yes, eventually it’ll become more about us being together than me just being her body guard.

@stranger_in_a_strange_land I envy you.

@cprevite @ParaParaYukiko @lilikoi It’s cool. No one believes me when I say that my dreams come true.

MagsRags's avatar

I too have my doubts about true dreaming, but why not look for some sort of volunteer work that speaks to you? Maybe you’ll meet her there, but if not, you’re doing good for a lot of others who are in a world of pain.

Fyrius's avatar

How about the rest of that dream? Did everything else come true too?

I’m not convinced until you can tell me that, say, more than half of the things you dream come true. One thing from one dream kind of coming true is not enough. If one element out of tens in one dream out of hundreds comes true, that’s not really very impressive at all if you know anything about probability statistics.
In other words, how many of your dreams don’t come true? Could it be that those happen to be the vast majority?

I’m glad you’re cool with people not believing in the predictions of your dreams.
So let’s not digress too much.

CMaz's avatar

I had the same dream. But, it was christie brinkley.

ultimateego's avatar

in quicksand. and she’s sinking fast pal.

Pandora's avatar

You probably know someone who seems helpless to help themselves and your mind is struggling with the idea of helping them out. It could be a guy or a girl.

Or you may need rescuing and your dreaming of what it would be like to be rescued and feel safe and secure.

Another idea is you ate a bad burrito and watched a movie recently that reached your subconcious.

If I fall asleep during the news, I have all kinds of weird dreams.

If its a re-accurring dream, then look at your life and see if you need rescueing or do you simply need to be needed by someone. Either way the dream is probably more about you.

Val123's avatar

Maybe you’re dreaming about yourself.

daemonelson's avatar


nebule's avatar

I would say.. just wait xx

scotsbloke's avatar

I’d say it’s a great fantasy.
Now go marry the check-out girl from the local supermarket because she is real. (and quite cute, especially with that little mole on her chin)

Grisson's avatar

It sounds like she lives in a country music song.

serenity's avatar

I am that girl.

RAWRxRandy's avatar

This isnt someone else, it’s about you.
You have to figure it out yourself.

Cruiser's avatar

You could go to Haiti and find quite a few that meet your description.

Judi's avatar

Listen fella. If you want to be a hero, join the military. If you find this needy little creature, she will only be what you want until she is no longer needy. No one wants to be dependant on another person for their happiness and another person will never be what makes anyone happy. The goal is to be happy within yourself so you have something to bring to a relationship. An unbalance relationship is miserable at best and doomed to failure at worst.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@serenity Hello there. Can I help take your pain away?

@Judi I already know my future career…. And I’m not talking about someone being dependent on me. I’m talking about helping someone off their knees to walk beside me.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@Shield_of_Achilles Well, do as you wish, but just be careful. Someone very close to me got into a relationship with someone because she felt she could “save” him from all his problems. He ended up controlling her for the next three years and then, after she finally dumped him, he tried to kill her.

Now you may be trying to “save” a girl instead of a guy, but the situation can still happen to anyone.

Nullo's avatar

It is unwise to give weight to dreams. I dreamed once that I took twelve BB-sized .45 rounds to the arm, and that’s physically impossible, even if society did collapse. :\

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko Thanks for the concern, but ill be just fine. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been killed. It’s not something too foreign to me.

@Nullo I don’t feel like explaining it again. I don’t care what you do and don’t believe. Sorry.

Nullo's avatar

You don’t need to explain again, I read your posts. I just ask that you consider my words.

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

@Nullo What I’m referring to isn’t in theses posts. I’m a very logical person, and there is just too much pointing in the other direction for me to ignore. I’m sorry, but there is something to this.

Daisygirl's avatar

Some dreams are nonsense, some may have a hidden meaning that you desire and occasionally some are prophetic. The fact that you are a nuturer might mean that you are wanting someone to nurture… Such as caring for a lost child or calming this young woman.

Dream translation:




liliesndaisies's avatar

Your heart would lead you to her. Some paths cross unplanned. :)

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