Social Question

zoardyeck's avatar

If you are not handsome how can you attract a pretty lady?

Asked by zoardyeck (18points) January 22nd, 2010
39 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

How can you attract someone if you are not that pretty or handsome?

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shego's avatar

Why be pretty or handsome? Just be yourself, that’s how you attract others. Be yourself.

Sarcasm's avatar

Have a handsome personality?

Snarp's avatar

Women like a lot of things more than handsome. At the most shallow, some women like money. Some women like ambition. Some women like funny (David Letterman). Some women like musical talent (Ric Ocasek is married to a supermodel). And it goes on. Some women just like a nice guy who treats them with respect.

jackm's avatar

I’d go with chloroform.

kevbo's avatar

Read “How to Succeed with Women” by Louis and Copeland.

Very broadly speaking, women value attributes indicative of the ability to procure resources (i.e. a successful man) over looks.

lloydbird's avatar


jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

A good sense of humor will do you well.

Kokoro's avatar

It’s just disappointing to find that so many women and men think physical born appearances have anything to do with choosing partners. Now, I know there are people out there that are that superficial unfortunately. You don’t want to attract people like that, just think of how much they’d use you.

As a poster said earlier – be yourself, and most of all – be confident. ;)

marinelife's avatar

You can be engaging, charming, witty and smart.

ucme's avatar

If you wanna be happy
For the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Just a thought, not to be taken too seriously naturally.

susanc's avatar

You ARE handsome. Take a closer look.

CMaz's avatar

“If you are not handsome”

That is a subjective statement.
Not handsome to one is attractive to another.

dpworkin's avatar

I have found that women are attracted to intelligence and a sense of humor. I am told that money works, too, but I wouldn’t know.

wunday's avatar

Damn! All the jokes have been taken, already! I was going with money.

The thing here is how you feel about yourself, and how much you think you have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You should always be yourself, but you can improve yourself. Talk to women in non-date situations. Find one you can ask what women like. Take their advice.

When I asked this question when I was 17 or so, I was told they wanted someone who could listen. So I learned to listen, and in the process, I because pretty good at understanding the emotions of women. Well, of all people, really.

After a while—and I had to be patient, I found a number of women who liked me a whole lot. I’m myself. I’m honest. I don’t pretend to be someone else (I can’t, anyway). I try not to get too upset when things aren’t going the way I want them to. I try to be ok within myself (a pretty big trick). I am not out to get over on women, I just want to know them, and maybe, if it works out, get to know them really well.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A sense of humor is a good thing to have :)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Well, if all you want is to attract a “pretty” lady, then that’s not so difficult. Pretty ladies are a dime a dozen.

I’m on the lookout for an “amazing”, “beautiful” and “wonderful” woman—“intelligent” is important, too—but “pretty?” Why set your sights so low? When you find the one who is sufficiently amazing, beautiful and wonderful—and intelligent—you’ll find that she looks far beyond “handsome” attributes in her mate, too. Be the guy she finds when she’s looking past all of the pretty boys.

And yeah, I hear money helps, too—but she’ll probably have enough of her own that you can burn yours.

le_inferno's avatar

Be charming. Pay special attention to a girl you’re interested in. Show that you like her. Talk to her, compliment her.
How the hell do you think the Situation bags so many chicks? Dude’s pretty gross. But ya gotta respect his game on the Jersey Shore.

frdelrosario's avatar

1. See Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. Follow Roger’s example.

2. Get a handsome friend. Have him court the babe while you feed him the words. Drama ensues, but happy endings for all. I think Roger Rabbit was more of a catch than Cyrano de Bergerac, though.

3. Power. See: Kissinger, Henry.

4. Cash. See: Trump, Donald.

5. Some pretty women are insecure and easily manipulated through their emotions. That’s a skill that can be learned, I’ve heard.

Nos. 2 through 5 might attract the ladies, but perhaps not the ladies one would like to know for more than a weekend, say.

Owl's avatar

I hate it when I find myself thinking, “That person is beautiful or handsome” or “That person is funny looking,” but shame on me, I do it from time to time. And… when I see a person whom I consider unattractive in some way wIth a person who’s strikingly attractive, which I often do, I hate that too and think, “What attracted the two?” But it’s all so damned subjective. One’s idea of handsome or beautiful may regarded as the opposite by someone else. People may sometimes be initially attracted because of facial appearance or body type, but they generally stay together because of all the reasons in this thread, good reasons all. In the end, it’s what’s inside and what’s shared rather than what’s on ths surface. Sorry if I sound preachy about this, but I believe it. If you see someone you like, go for it.

Austinlad's avatar

Yes, Owl. I agree.

liliesndaisies's avatar

I have seen a lot of not so good looking men who got themselves pretty women that adore them. Matured thinking women see beyond the physical.

Owl's avatar

Second sentence should have read:
And … when I see a person whom I consider unattractive in some way wIth a person who’s strikingly attractive, which I often do, I HATE THINKING, “WHAT ATTRACTED THE TWO?”

Austinlad's avatar

Go for it!!! Looks are in the eyes of the beholder. Eyes lie.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

An ex of mine had a theory the most “beautiful/handsome” people are the most insecure and easy because they aren’t treated as well as so many people assume. He said it was amazingly easy for just about any man to get an attractive woman just by being masculine, attentive, intelligent, witty and consistent. The problem he believed is the most “beautiful/handsome” are the most emotionally damaged and finding one that isn’t crazy or hopelessly destructive is near impossible.

dutchbrossis's avatar

Have a good personality and be a fun nice person

editingdiva's avatar

Be intellectually curious, develop a healthy ego, have a good sense of humor, be sensitive, be great in bed, maintain meticulous hygiene, and when the chemistry is right, you will be the most gorgeous person in the world.

Extra points for being able to cook.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@editingdiva: Oh yeah, I forgot about the great in bed part I take that for granted, I guess, that can add a lot of handsome!

rangerr's avatar

Watch Star Wars.

borderline_blonde's avatar

@jackm Your response cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh :)

An awesome personality will win every time. I’ve dated a couple guys who weren’t the most attractive men on earth, but their personalities made them attractive to me. I’ve also met men who were movie-star gorgeous but complete snobs or dumb as a sack of rocks, and they became unattractive to me. Be yourself. You’ll find someone who will appreciate you just the way you are.

Tenpinmaster's avatar

Shego is right. Just being yourself! If you have a great personality you will find the person of your dreams.. i know i did :) :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@le_inferno I am ashamed to know who that is

YARNLADY's avatar

Easy, find out what she wants and give it to her.

zoardyeck's avatar

HI guys many many thanks for your response it really help by the way i noted the BED PART hahaha…

i should accept that the life is not fair and i should live in my on level
thanks a lot guys

one more thing when you meet someone how can you… you know make a connection co’z i do not know how to start a conversation or approach the person… hmmmmmm

YARNLADY's avatar

@zoardyeck Try going to single’s meetings or join International Toastmaster’s. The toastmasters club will help you develop confidence in your connections with other people.

mattbrowne's avatar

Show her your beautiful mind.

lloydbird's avatar

@mattbrowne “Show her your beautiful mind.”
She would have to have one to recognize yours. Yes?
I suspect that some “pretty ladies” do have?
But would rather side with the beautiful ones, because they have “beautiful” minds as a prerequisite. And don’t depend on looks purely.

mattbrowne's avatar

@lloydbird – A few years ago I read this book

and it was the first time I’d come across the term “beautiful mind”. It’s a great book.

lloydbird's avatar

@mattbrowne Good call with Edward de Bono. A great and “beautiful” mind indeed.
I still maintain that it takes one to recognise one, though. To see beyond the superficial.
And would a “beautiful mind” be attracted to an ugly mind anyway, no matter how pretty the packaging? (beyond superficially)

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