This is how I learned that I’m not the center of the Earth. Yes I’ve snooped, and have went to great lengths to do it.
If you don’t mind I’ll keep the instances out of my answer, but it’s happened. I’m not particularly shamed about it really, but anything pertaining to me that I had discovered was insignificant, amounting itself to mere caprice or gossip. I never really found out anything important, because I also figured that, in certain instances when you’re important enough in someone’s scheme to screw you over, use you or cheat you or whatever, they won’t speak of it, like I didn’t speak of it when entertaining my methods to find stuff out.
People aren’t always talking about me, I’m not really important to anyone nor do they plot against me, in fact I discovered that I’m really not in anyone’s mind, or at least not at that one given time. (S.)
Which is a sad discovery, because I spent time thinking about other people, in positive light at first, but the lack of attention turned me into a temporary seething mass of hate haha. Lame.
When the otherwise situation presents itself, as inconvenient as it may be, dealing with things as they occur is much easier than to try and stick batons in their wheels, so to speak.
Anyways yeah, I’m overall a horrible person, but I don’t care much haha.