Social Question

starshine's avatar

What do you do to get noticed?

Asked by starshine (576points) March 19th, 2010
56 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

What lengths have you have gone to in order to get noticed by the opposite sex?
Do you ever find yourself being a little stalkerish without being able to help it?

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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The best way to get a pretty girl to notice you is to completely ignore her. It’s so odd to them that they can’t help but notice, and quite often attempt to do something about it.

Vunessuh's avatar

I don’t wear a shirt.
For some odd reason, it works every time.

cyn's avatar

@Vunessuh wouldn’t it be easier to just not wear underwear?

Vunessuh's avatar

@cyndihugs No. When you’re wearing pants, it’s not like anyone can notice whether you’re wearing underwear or not.
But if you walk outside without a shirt on, or drive naked, something happens….people start staring. Incredible.

cyn's avatar

[edit] i meant it more like not wearing any clothes at all over the inferior body. But yes, no shirt and bra works just as well.

Vunessuh's avatar


shiny's avatar

I think a girl who has the individuality will attract the boys.Maybe a beautiful apperence can attract boys at first,but i think the individuality has a stronger attractive.

j0ey's avatar

Asking men their opinion about things is a real winner…...Giving them compliments….And saying their name often when you talk to them.

I have a friend who is SUCH a bad stalker of guys….to be honest if I knew a guy was being stalkerish to get to me…I would be a little turned off.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Show your speciallity. And always try to please someone as often as possible(then he/she will know your real intention).

partyparty's avatar

Dress and act to your best advantage. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Not much. Generally I try not to be noticed.

Just_some_guy's avatar

I have always done well just being myself. Tho if I like a girl I will go talk to her. I don’t really go out of my way. Just do whats natural.

Just_Justine's avatar

I smile a lot, laugh, make jokes. Not sure if guys like it though? I don’t think dressing sexy impresses a guy unless you are super hot, but then you can just wear your pj’s and he’d notice you. I use my eyes too. I’m told I have naughty eyes with a lot of expression. I never used to have to “try” now I do :(. So sad, I’m gonna cry again.

I don’t think a guy that ignores me is a turn on either. I like guys who are out there, trying to win my heart.

JeffVader's avatar

@Vunessuh I like your style :)

Violet's avatar

I’m in a relationship now, but when I was single:)
I would do my hair, make up, paint my nails and toe nails, and wear something flattering.
It’s been so long I can’t remember how I acted. I know I use to try this seductive flirting technique. I think guys use to see right through that.
What worked best to find a nice guy, was being nice, silly, and not really trying at all.

chamelopotamus's avatar

Yeah I can’t help you on that one, I was always a girlfriend guy so the only times I get directly noticed are when I’m hanging out with friends who know friends. Otherwise it’s just people who walk by each other on the sidewalk and somehow manage to stare straight ahead, which amazes me. lol

It’s rare for me that the girl im interested in isn’t interested back. I guess I’ll be receptive to signals. I’ve had two girls, out of lets say ten potential suitors (hung out, talked, did something fun, partied, kissed, etc) that I liked that weren’t into it. Something about that made them stand out from the rest, like “I have to conquer that now” lol, but being in a relationship is way more fun than being on the outskirts of someone you like.

Now that I’m newly single again, after being in a relationship for 3 years, every time I think about my type, and what I want in a relationship, I think of one of those girls that I had a crush (4 years ago) on that didn’t reciprocate. It gets weird when you have no basis for feeling the way you do, but you want to feel that way, and that person is just there, clueless that you feel that way.

JeffVader's avatar

I dont really think I do anything…. I find it difficult to concieve that someone could be interested so whats the point.

j0ey's avatar

@JeffVader awwwww :( thats really sad….I’m sure at this very moment someone is falling in love with your smile :)

JeffVader's avatar

@j0ey Ah, thank you, thats really sweet :)

Sariperana's avatar

I shake my hair out then look them in the eye and smile… ! Being confident with yourself always gets noticed

BoBo1946's avatar

<walk down the street “butt-ass naked!”>

Seriously, personally, just be myself and “let the chips fall where they fall!”

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I play the tuba ;)

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I don’t do anything in particular. I met my girlfriend by being good friends with her social group, and I was better friends with her than any of the others. My theory is that if you flirt or use various tactics to get attention from the opposite sex then it is more likely that the wrong fish will bite and you’ll end up missing the right one.

Jeremycw1's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille now that’s classy :) if everyone was in band the world would be a better place.

Pandora's avatar

Stand on a stool. I’m only 5 feet. LOL
I’ve been married now for 28 years. Thank goodness I don’t have to bother with that.
But when I was dating, all I really need was eye contact. My boobs did the rest.

janbb's avatar

Wit and sassiness work for me.

zephyr826's avatar

Being confident. My personal favorite story of my confidence working for me happened last year. I had gone to a silly movie with friends and we decided to dress up. I was wearing a red cocktail dress, a giant floppy white hat, and a pair of knee-high boots. After the movie, my friend’s husband called and asked us to meet him at a local Irish pub. He said they were having a really great drink special.
When we got there, there was a huge line and everyone was wearing green. We had accidentally crashed the local University’s “unofficial” Saint Patrick’s day party. However, it wasn’t like I was going to go and change. It ended up being one of my best nights for unsolicited flirting and free drinks.

Confidence is key.

njnyjobs's avatar

Find out what her interests are, read up on them until you’re knowledgeable enough to surprise her with a conversation about that topic.

Scooby's avatar

Nothing at all, no need! :-/
I have some meddlesome friends who usually try to get me fixed up with friends of their friends or co-workers, even on two occasions their single recently broken up sisters!? It can get a little tedious at times but they mean well I guess :-/
I have a lot of phone numbers to choose from if I fancy some company for a night out, I stopped trying to get noticed years ago, now most people know of me! Must be the beard! Lol… HOHOHO…… :-)

CMaz's avatar

Eye contact. That is all I need. ;-)

wundayatta's avatar

I listen and I try to appear interesting, creative and caring. It tends to attract interesting, creative and caring women. It does not attract women who are looking for someone who looks like a stud or who makes a lot of money or who has a lot of power. I’m not at all sure that’s a loss.

Exhausted's avatar

Learning to be comfortable with yourself is probably the most attractive thing you can do.

Scooby's avatar

Totally agree with that Exhausted……

CyanoticWasp's avatar

The thing that has been working for me lately (and man, if I knew how effective it was going to be I would have started in high school, or earlier—I might even have been published by now) ... is writing.

I try to write well, spell correctly, make some sense (at least occasionally, so people aren’t too put off when that happens and don’t think it’s just an accident) and use some of the humor that I have in such short supply (which is one of the reasons why I’m never funny). I have a lot of words, and I lay them all out there. Some chicks seem to dig that. Go figure.

What, you didn’t think I work these electrons to death for you did you? I’m just trying to get a little some’pn some’pn.

Because otherwise, I’m invisible.

Trillian's avatar

I don’t try. I couldn’t be less interested in men who come and talk to me because they think I’m pretty. I’ve never cared for the concept. I sent some nipple-head away with a bee in his bonnet not too long ago for that. “Yes, I know I have red hair. Yeah, it’s fluffy today, I have hair spray in it. Tomorrow I’m going to pull it straight back in a pony tail. Are you going to want to talk to me then? Fuck off.”

wundayatta's avatar

@Trillian And I thought that cup of cappuccino looked so delicious! But you’re right. When the cup is empty, I just throw it in the dishwasher.

Trillian's avatar

You’re goin’ Down butt boy!

BoBo1946's avatar

guess no one thought the “butt-naked” would be a good way to be noticed…sure worked for me….can anyone post bail…!

wundayatta's avatar

Butt boy? Is that like a butter boy?

Trillian's avatar

;-) You know I’ll go along with whatever you want. Butter it is.

wundayatta's avatar

Are we eating sweet corn, or dancing a tango?

BoBo1946's avatar

@wundayatta loll.. only for massage reason, not the other “stuff!”

free_fallin's avatar

I don’t need to do anything to get noticed; people just naturally notice me.

Drawkward's avatar

Wearin’ silly hats.

Dr_C's avatar

Are you kidding? I’m a 6’8” Mexican… I usually try my best NOT to get noticed!

also… The lab coat kinda makes me stick out even more

Jude's avatar

Eye contact and I lay on the charm (but, not cheesy charm).

I don’t do anything, really. I just act like myself.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Depends on the man. I’m very versatile and open in what I enjoy to do and how I dress, those things to me are only details, not so much the inner me but I will play up particular things, sure. For some men I’ve shown I can be comfortable in “girlie” clothes aside from jeans, boots and t-shirt as well as being able to go from work in ultra conservative garb to getting grubby hiking through the woods and then dressed up elegantly for a 5 star restaurant and resort weekend. If the man I’m interested in shows he’s interested in my personality then I’ll give him a bit of show of the rest of who I am.

phil196662's avatar

Be myself, eye contact, complementary and getting close enough for a firm hug to check grasp ability and fondle ability and then offer a coffee drink or snack.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I make sure my hair looks nice. Sounds very simple but if I have made an effort with my hair I tend to feel more confident in myself.

CaptainHarley's avatar

If you truly want to attract a woman who will find YOU attractive, work on becoming the best “you” you can be. Putting on some sort of false front always eventually backfires.

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Jeremycw1's avatar

Make sure you wear lots of flannel, and a wool hat. Oh, and walking around while being on fire helps too

mattbrowne's avatar

Be genuinely interested in other people instead of just focusing on yourself.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Be interested in the conversation, be open to new things, and have a happy attitude and a sense of humor.

Zyx's avatar

I got way way creepy at puberty so I learned the hard lessons first and from there on out it’s pretty easy to be a nice guy. But as I struggle to lose the little extra weight I have, I grow more mysogonistic by the day.

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