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Vunessuh's avatar

What film did you leave the theatre, or take back to the video store, before the credits started rolling?

Asked by Vunessuh (16727points) April 8th, 2010
39 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Inspired by this question.

I very rarely discontinue watching a movie once I’ve started it, but I did walk out of The Da Vinci Code and looking back on it, I should have walked out of A Series of Unfortunate Events and Nights in Rodanthe. Or at least remembered to bring my handheld electronic Yahtzee.

1) Was there a movie that bored you to tears or was perhaps too grotesque for your taste or too stupid that made you get up and leave the theatre or push stop on your remote?

2) Have you ever watched a movie that generated tons of hype, but ended up disappointing you?

3) By preview and/or reviews, did you ever think a movie sounded horrible, but found yourself pleasantly surprised after watching it?

Do tell.

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MrItty's avatar

half way through Erin Brocknovich my friend and I looked at each other and agreed “if she ends up sleeping with the biker, we’re leaving”. She did. We did.

Snarp's avatar

Freddie Got Fingered.

Crocodile Dundee III. I was only in there because I was theater hopping after I walked out of Freddie Got Fingered.

shego's avatar

The Charlies Angels movies and the Kill Bill movies

Trillian's avatar

Even if I hate the movie I stay long enough to see the credits unless I up and leave during. Can’t remember the last time that happened.
I was excited as all get out when Mission Impossible was first advertised years ago. Completely stoked, going around singing the theme music and all. I was terribly disappointed by it.
My oldest daughter forced me to watch Crash. I went into it with my arms crossed and my toe tapping but partway into it found myself on the edge of my seat. I actually cried out ”NO!!” when the little girl jumped up to protect her dad, and was dissolved in tears by the end. I found it one of the most powerful movies I’ve ever seen.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I started watching Titanic on TBS once, but as soon as Billy Zane showed up with his over-the-top villainy (I mean, damn, all he needed was a ‘stache to twirl), I flipped right over to L&O on USA.

Snarp's avatar

@shego I stuck with Kill Bill Volume 1, I kept waiting for it to get better. Was wise enough to never go near volume 2.

Actually, I should have walked out of Freddie Got Fingered much earlier, but I kept waiting to see if there was actually a plot.

Trillian's avatar

@aprilsimnel Hehehe. Billy Zane. He is a bit much, and full of himself too, isn’t he? I’m not the least taken in by those eyes.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The horror movie “Saw”, I did not even get to the middle. It went flying back to the video store where the assistant stood staring in awe: “Weren’t you here about 30 minutes ago?”

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

A past girlfriend dragged me into the theaters to see Catwoman. After about 20 minutes of mind-numbing torture, I walked out. That relationship didn’t last long.

susanc's avatar

Had to walk away from The Hurt Locker because my gut couldn’t take the intensity. Next time I’ll try watching it with friends. Yikes.
Went to see the Johnny Depp Alice in Wonderland just yesterday. Fell asleep four times. If it hadn’t put me to sleep,
I’d have left, but I was sooooo comfortable….

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

You know the DaVinci Code put me under…;)

sndfreQ's avatar

Be Kind Rewind
Boxing Helena
Across The Universe

janbb's avatar

Dirty Harry – couldn’t stand the menace
Traffic – I got very anxious at the teens doing drugs and had to leave the theatre, although later I was able to watch it on video and appreciate it.
Bright Star – I stayed through it while my husband walked out, but it was painfully slow.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I would have walked out of Transformer 2 but I had fallen asleep (which given how loud cinemas are these days I think is a pretty impressive feat).

ucme's avatar

Valkyrie, absolutely couldn’t keep my eyes open.Strange because it had everything going for it, can’t put my finger on why it didn’t grab me.That’s the only example I can give. I’m normally easily pleased & can pretty much guarantee that if I think i’m going to enjoy a movie then I almost certainly will.Hope this doesn’t happen next week, i’m taking my son to see Clash of the Titans ;¬}

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Lightlyseared Yes, I couldn’t agree with more about Transformers 2. I took my little brother (who really wanted to see it) so I stayed the whole time, but it was painful to endure.

bob_'s avatar

I had to stop The weather man and A day without a Mexican. Awful. Just, awful.

All 3 of the Lord of the rings movies put me to sleep.

American gangster, Valkyrie, Sherlock Holmes and Public enemies were so boring they sent me napping more than once.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Snakes on a plane. I shut that shit off within the first 20
minutes. I should’ve known better…

CMaz's avatar

I never leave. I just fall a sleep.

Vunessuh's avatar

Thanks everyone.

@Trillian Crash is incredible. I own it and watch it every couple of months or so and I always break down in tears by the end. Very powerful and compelling film.

GladysMensch's avatar

So I went to the eye doctor who horribly dilated my eyes, and told me it would take approximately 2 hours for them to return to normal. So I thought “Hey, the movie theater is just around the corner, it’s nice and dark in there, go see Star Wars-The Phantom Menace. I spent the last 45 minutes of the “film” debating if the pain of going outside outweighed the pain of staying. In hindsight, I should have gone outside and stared directly at the sun.

filmfann's avatar

The worst for me was Tank Girl.
My wife, however, couldn’t even make it thru the opening crawl of Buckaroo Bonzai Across The 8th Dimension.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Vunessuh I take it you’re not talking about the David Cronenberg film based on the book Crash by JG Ballard? About people aroused by car crashes? Now I probably would have walked out of that if my local council hadn’t banned the thing (despite allowing the premier to be shown in one of the cinemas they banned from showing the film to the public. Bloody double standards).

Vunessuh's avatar

@Lightlyseared I’ve seen both, but I’m talking about the other Crash directed by Paul Haggis. The other one I honestly didn’t mind. It was weird as shit, but I enjoy weird as shit movies. :)

funkdaddy's avatar

I can usually find some reason to stay interested, after all, you usually have a pretty good idea what to expect when you get in…

Sphere is the only time I’ve left the theatre, I just didn’t care what happened… with that cast I was surprised.

As far as I can remember Samuel L Jackson didn’t even yell anything funny… what a waste.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Vunessuh I figured as much but thats the film I always think of first.

Berserker's avatar

This might be a sin to some, and even for me…I’m a huge Tim Burton fan. That said, I’m not obsessed, and if I think some of his work sucks, I’m going to say so, and not pretend that I liked it just because it’s Tim Burton.

I thought that Sweeney Todd; The Demon Barber of Fleet Street was going to be awesome…and not just from trailers and shit, but from articles I read. I knew full well it was a musical, had no problem with this at all…I like a lot of musicals.

But this ended up sucking every ass there is to suck, I was so fucking bored while watching this…not even halfway through it, I gave up. I didn’t turn off the movie, I let it play on my TV, but I went on the computer and started fucking around, and wasn’t paying attention to it anymore. I didn’t even turn around to see what was going on. :/

And yeah, The Da Vinci Code, blah. I pretty much snored through that myself, but I couldn’t leave because I was visiting someone haha.

gemiwing's avatar

Got dragged to The Firm by a friend. We left after about half an hour. It was horrible…just..horrible. Hubbs loves what I like to call “Craptastic Cinema” so he’s never walked out of one. He almost didn’t make it through the Dark Knight from sheer boredom.

YARNLADY's avatar

I took my son and grandsons to a couple of the Star Wars movies, but I found them so boring, I ended up leaving the boys at the theater, while I went window shopping in the mall for the rest of the series.

I turned off an Anime movie that I started trying to watch, but it was too boring and sounded like nonsense to me.

I fell asleep during 2001.

iphigeneia's avatar

I was on an international flight when I decided to watch Happy Feet. I expected it to be amazing, because it appeared to be cute and dancy with great voice talent and had received great reviews. Honestly, I ended up entertaining myself by watching the plane move on the flight information screen.

Maybe I’m just not a penguin person.

Trillian's avatar

@filmfann I love Buckaroo Bonzai! That has some of the best sight gags ever! I’d love to see it go to MST3K!

thriftymaid's avatar

I couldn’t watch The Deer Hunter or Poltergeist.

warwickmcghee's avatar

dream girls, my brother and i fell asleep in the cinemas lol

meagan's avatar

One of the Harry Potters. And the movie where.. Raymond whatshisname was town Mayor or.. President.. something like that.

janbb's avatar

Walked out on the remake of Death at a Funeral just the other night. It was bloody awful; don’t waste your money.

Vunessuh's avatar

@meagan It’s called Welcome to Mooseport. :)
@janbb Did you see the original? It was rather decent. I believe you about the remake. It looks horrible.

meagan's avatar

@Vunessuh Yes! That one! It was absolutely terrible

janbb's avatar

@Vunessuh I’ve been told that and I plan to Netflix it.

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