General Question

prolificus's avatar

Should there be a limit on how many times a person can get remarried? If so, how many and why? If not, why?

Asked by prolificus (6583points) April 15th, 2010
48 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Larry King – 6 times remarried now divorcing number 7.

Elizabeth Taylor – Married 8 times to 7 husbands.

Linda Lou Taylor Wolfe – Married 23 times. She was the 29th bride of Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe.

This facts sheet lists remarriage trends in the U.S. It is published by healthymarriageinfo{dot}org, so it may be biased; however, it does cite government statistics.

Does it matter how many times a person remarries? Does it have any affect on our society? If yes, how so and why?

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stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

It’s their business and non one elses.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

No, it is not a matter of public interest.

JeffVader's avatar

Perhaps people who marry more than 3 times should have the number of marriages tattood onto their arm :)

earthduzt's avatar

Definately not. That’s all we need is regulation on marriage. The less people stay out of other people’s (private life) business the better off this world will be.

slick44's avatar

Hey if soeone is willing marry somone who has been married more times then they can count, go for it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ll bet attorneys would oppose any limits.

thriftymaid's avatar

No. Marrying is a constitutional right with no limits via the Fourteenth Amendment’s liberty clause.

thriftymaid's avatar

@worriedguy Yes, those of us who prefer that our laws stay within our Constitution. We don’t all do divorce work.

Cruiser's avatar

My only thought is people who remarry that many times diminishes the value of the institution of marriage to that of a fast-food to a drive through.

Nullo's avatar

No limit, per se, but people ought to avoid that sort of serial monogamy on their own.

thriftymaid's avatar

@Cruiser Legislation is not the way to stop that diminution.

slick44's avatar

@Cruiser .. what a great answer. if you think about it. thats what it would amount to. nice to see you again :)

partyparty's avatar

I don’t think it matters, but it could become messy if there are children in the relationship.

Trillian's avatar

I think that if it affects society it is only those elements who pay attention to the gossip columns and then make decisions based on it as justification.

thriftymaid's avatar

@Nullo People ought to do a lot of things. Your answer gave me a chuckle.

aprilsimnel's avatar

This is actually Larry’s 8th divorce, as well.

He and Liz should go for it!

_Jade_'s avatar

No, it’s no one’s business besides the people involved. Though marriage should never be taken lightly, life is too short to stay in a relationship you are unhappy with. My uncle once told me that I change husbands more than he changed his pants. (I have been married 3 times..the last, and present, has lasted 29 years). I asked him what he did if the pants no longer fit….wear them anyway? He never brought it up again.

JeffVader's avatar

@Jade I hope he didnt wait 29years to change his pants either!

Cruiser's avatar

@slick44 Nice to see you again too!

marinelife's avatar

Why would there be a limit? What business is it of the government’s how many times one marries and/or remarries?

Bluefreedom's avatar

I don’t think there should be a limit but I’d also have to ask myself, after my 4th or 5th or 6th or 7th divorce, should I really be marrying someone again?? To each their own but you’d think a modicum of common sense would prevail somewhere. Or not I suppose.

josie's avatar

The question sort of implies that there would be a judge or a panel that would decide if someone had reached their limit. That of course is not acceptable. I suppose some individuals might conclude on their own that enough was enough. But that number would be left to the individual.

wundayatta's avatar

Yes there should be a limit! No marriage whatsoever should be allowed. If we don’t marry, we can’t divorce, and people won’t get all freaked out about the divorce rate. There will be no cheating. There will be no tax differences between individuals and couples. Or any other ways of discriminating either for or against individuals or couples.

Everything of a contractual nature can be handled by specific contracts for each issue. People will be truly free to set up housekeeping with someone else without all that social pressure to conform to various ideas about what is proper or not.

Holy shit! I started this as a joke, but now it’s starting to seem like a good idea!

lynfromnm's avatar

No limit should be established by law because marriage is personal. It isn’t the government’s business how many times anyone marries, who they marry, in what type of ceremony they marry, why they marry, whether they are virgins at the time, whether their parents like each other, where they met or how long they have known each other. Consenting adults. That’s it, that’s all. Consenting adults.

Not only is marriage not the business of government, it isn’t the responsibility of government. If your partner turns out to be a bad partner, that isn’t the government’s responsibility. If your partner was already married at the time you got married, that isn’t the government’s fault. If your partner had $50,000 in credit card debt, that isn’t the government’s responsibility.

So when you say “Should there be a limit”, a human person has the responsibility to made a personal decision to marry or not marry someone who has been married 11 times. Consenting adults – that’s the only necessary rule regarding marriage or any other human exchange.

Seek's avatar

I think people should be free to pay alimony to as many people as they so desire.

Blackberry's avatar

The idiots should be free to make repeated mistakes as much as they want.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

No of course not. How would we even come to an agreement about how many marriages is too many? 5? 14? 29? And we don’t know the circumstances in every person’s individual case. Say a woman was abused in her first 2 marriages, so she left. Then she remarried to a wonderful man but he passed away from an unexpected car accident. So then she remarries again to a man who cheated on her. She divorces him and finally finds the man of her dreams…but wait! Shit! She’s already used up all her “get out of marriage free” cards. No more marriages for her? No. Putting a limit on marriages would never work.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

There should be no limit as I love to give toasters to blissful couples.

knitfroggy's avatar

Why is it anyones business how many times someone gets married?

Dominic's avatar

I think that if you get divorced more than twice times, you should be immediately forced to get gay married. It would solve the problem of people rushing into marriages, and solve the gay marriage problem.

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I agree and the more times they do it the less I feel guilty about re-gifting the thighmaster and electric spatula.

CMaz's avatar

I say you can re-marry. But you just cant divorce.

TexasDude's avatar

I am opposed to any limits like this.

Why? Because it’s of no concern to me and does not affect me in any way.

but then again I’m one of those silly people who thinks that people should pretty much be allowed to do as they please without too much intervention

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser -It does get costly though,so I give them a lighter and tell them it’s a portable toaster.:)
@ChazMaz -Now that is an interesting punishment!lol

Scooby's avatar

People just keep on making the same mistakes, it’s nothing to do with anybody if they want to keep going to their hundreth ;-/

Scooby's avatar

I’m with @Blackberry :-/

Strauss's avatar

As long as they get divorced before each re-marriage, why limit it?

tinyfaery's avatar

And I can’t marry my partner even once.

CMaz's avatar

I say you have to have an appendage removed for every divorce.

Scooby's avatar


I lost my overdraft when I was divorced!! ;-) Lol…….

john65pennington's avatar

My daughter is divorcing her 5th husband. she told me, “dad, i have not found mr. right. i want a husband thats just like you”. what in the world could i say?

This is America where freedom reigns.

Let it also continue to apply to marriages.

netgrrl's avatar

No limit. Divorce: free
Marriage license: $10,000 with mandatory pre-nups.

ubersiren's avatar

Hell no. That’s dictatorship.

MarcoNJ's avatar

Eh, who cares? After the first two or three marriages…why not just let people run amuck with marriages. Go on a wedding/divorce rampage. Get remarried like it’s 1999!

bea2345's avatar

Let us hope, for her sake, that Ms. Taylor’s business affairs are in good order.

lonelydragon's avatar

No. That’s their business, and no one else’s. They’re adults and can make decisions for themselves.

chelle21689's avatar

if gays marry then marriage will lose its sacredness!!!

sarcasm lol

Strauss's avatar

I once heard someone say it should be easier to get divorced and more difficult to get married. Not sure I agree.

What we have in this culture has developed into serial monogamy.

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