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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Teenage risque' expose', explain or run like hell?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) April 18th, 2010
24 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

You are 13 with your 12 yr old G/F in her house in the den watching a movie with the lights out. Her parents are entertaining guess so you figure you would hear them come down the hall if they came your way, but in through the side door come dad. As he flicks on the light se says “Excuse me kids I need to gra……..”, he stops dead in his tracks with eyes as big as silver dollars a slack jaw and that look that says “Am I seeing what I am seeing?”. She has her top rolled up over her boobs, her left leg draped over your right thigh, you have your hands down her Daisy Dukes, and she has hers’ down the front of your Levis. You are both as shocked as her father is. Is there anything you could say to keep her father from tearing you a new one? Or do you just bolt and run like the devil was after you? {:-?

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TexasDude's avatar

When I was 13, I was too busy playing Pokemon and being picked on to worry about shoving my hand down anyone’s Daisy Dukes.

crankywithakeyboard's avatar

There’s no explanation. I would high tail it out of there. Maybe you all can meet with her parents and your parents and discuss boundaries and what is allowed in their homes and what is not.

Embarrassing? Yes, but what else is there to do?

Do this and don’t do that stuff where you’ll be caught again. And have some condoms on hand. Don’t be caught unprepared.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Sorry about that, but I would suspect there were many, many other guys who did not have such luck either, just hoped those you were Pokemoning with were not picking on you.

TexasDude's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central, naw, it was mostly the band kids.

Thammuz's avatar

I would have given my left leg to be in that situation when i was 13.

Not the “dad comes in part”, though.

But i don’t think this would warrant a tearing of a new asshole, afterall they’re both really young and it’s only normal at that age to experiment. Then again even if i walked in on my hypothetical teenage daughter having actual sex i would just apologize and close the door, so my judgement is a little biased.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Thammuz Well these days the BJ is the new 1st base and the old 1st base is at best the batting circle if not a foul ball. :-)
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Damn those band geeks, guess the football team were on an away game. Otherwise they should have manned up and gone against a tackle or guard and let you be.

TexasDude's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central, the irony of my childhood is that most of the football players liked me

HungryGuy's avatar

Rather stupid to be in that situation in the den with your parents home, if you ask me…

Thammuz's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Why had nobody told me that? And why did it take me 17 years, 11 months and 29 days to finally get laid when apparently it’s just that easy nowdays?

Anon_Jihad's avatar

I’d run like hell, like I have in other as awkward but different situations. Sure it’s not the “manly” thing to do, and it may burn some bridges, but it always got my ass out of the boiling water which would have hurt a lot more.

Seek's avatar

I would have given my right leg to have boobs at 12, much less have someone touching them. I was just sick of being called “Ironing Board”.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Run, you’ve both been found out to be beyond the stage of hanging out together to veg on video games or “study”. Life will be different for the both of you now, your parents will be a bit weepy at the loss of “the child” but it’s all normal. No, neither of you will ever be trusted to be left alone (kinda I mean you were so set up to be found out) in that situation again until you decide to leave home. You are both now walking hormones and all will wish most that you can produce good grades, be civil to your housemates and not get knocked up.

mrentropy's avatar

There was a scorpion on the couch, see, and it’s best to keep all the really sensitive areas safe from a sting. Perfectly innocent.

filmfann's avatar

There is no explaining in this situation. It is exactly as it seems, so there is nothing to explain.
I am pretty sure the father would be right to put the guys head thru the wall.
12 and 13 is way too young for this kind of shit. I knew that when I was that age.

gailcalled's avatar

Simply say, “Fact from fiction; truth from diction.” That should clear the air.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

LOL @gailcalled

Just tell Dad, “Pact of friction; freedom from restriction.” That should do it.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr And so did a lot of boys, in my day girls did not look like women ubntil late in the 19th grade. These days it is hard to tell an 8th graders from seniors. Don’t know if it is the way they dress, act, what they are eating, but dang they are growing up faster these days.

@filmfann I know that, you know that, and in my day teens that age new that but at that time you never heard the phrase “I have to pee”, “I was taking a crap”, Lucy and Ricky were sleeping in twin beds, you didn’t here the word “boobs” etc on TV. Plus you would never see a slinky gal in a bikini trying to sell you a burger.

@gailcalled THAT is a really cool sating, hope you don’t mind if I use it? :-D

faye's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I did have boobs at 12 but they stayed that size!! We would not have been allowed to have a ‘boyfriend’ at 12 and certainly not be alone anywhere.

Pandora's avatar

Really, 12 and 13. That is just way too young too be screwing up or screwing around. Nothing you could say. You run like the dickens. Or you can remind the dad how it was really his fault for being and idiot and allowing his daughter to date at 12 years of age, and then run like the dickens. The truth of those words may freeze him long enough for you to get by.
Really what dad would ever think that any thing coming out of their mouths would be worth hearing.
You know your kids always have the likely hood of screwing up their lives at some point but you don’t expect it to happen at 12 over some hormone ridden boy.

mrrich724's avatar

Why run? If I were the dad I would MAKE her tell me who he was, so I would find him anyway. I think running just starts a chase (like when you encounter a wild animal).

Unless this is the kinda daddy that keeps shotguns on the wall. Then run like the wind.

JeffVader's avatar

Not too far away from an experience in my teens…... I lept out of bed, naked, sprinted out into the garden, her bedroom had a sliding door, sprinted accross her garden (it was a communal one) & streight into the swimming pool…... it was dark :(

alive's avatar

bolt?...both going to get in trouble either way. might as well run now, face the consequences later

Rage's avatar

it happened to me a few days ago(luckily her dad doesn’t know me) i ran.for my life :L

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Rage So…........? Did she give you up? Is she now sneaking over to your place now? Details, details…........

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