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the_state_of_wisconsin's avatar

What is the deal with "ecigs"?

Asked by the_state_of_wisconsin (351points) April 19th, 2010

so i am a smoker…and i have come accross these “electronic cigarettes” and i was thinking about switching to one…

i don’t like being a sucker though, so i consult the ever reliable fluther people!

1.) i’ve heard that these are a healthier alternative to smoking (no tar and such…) but my own research has been pretty inconclusive…are these really safer?

2.) i smoke about a pack every week…(6$ per pack) would this actually save money?

3.) they seem pretty legit, but…are they really? its my gut reaction to be REALLY skeptical about this, especially since it is at a (gulp!) mall kiosk!

any info or advice would be much appreciated…

that said, i have already gotten the advice to “just quit smoking”, so you can refrain from guilting me on that subject…


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7 Answers

OreetCocker's avatar

I know a couple of guys who used to smoke around 20/30 a day and switched to one of these. They have been using them for over a year, have saved a fortune, have lost their coughs and can smoke indoors!

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I remeber when they came out. The big deal was that it would entice kids to smoke.
@OreetCocker If it’s working for your friends, then I’m happy for them that they found an alternative that works for them. I don’t mean to advocate smoking, just that I’m glad for them.

Pandora's avatar

@the_state_of_wisconsin , Hey if this works for you, please PM me and let me know. I’m like u. I just feel its too easy.
@OreetCocker Are these cigs re-useable and why can you smoke indoors? No smoke?

Ron_C's avatar

I bought some for my wife to help her stop smoking (I quit years ago). At first she resisted but then she started using them but sucked so often she would wear down the battery.
She, now has tapered off and uses them more reasonably.

The main problem is that once you order the introductory setup, they put you on an automatic supply program. It is sometimes difficult to get them to stop sending supplies at, I think, $60 a crack. Of course at $6 a pack, that is less than she would spend for regular cigarettes.

Pandora's avatar

Found this youtube video a user made. Was interesting. link

filmfann's avatar

I would have asked: “Do electric cigarettes work, or are the manufacturers blowing smoke up my ass?”

Seek's avatar


That would be water vapor you’re feeling. ^_^

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