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ChaosCross's avatar

If you had to choose between Communism and Facism...

Asked by ChaosCross (2340points) April 27th, 2010
18 responses
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Which of these two ideas to run a country would you choose if you absolutely had to? Why? And to how intense a degree?

Please no “Neither because: insert “look how smart I am” statement here” answers, no one likes them except you.

If I were to start, I would go with Fascism. It seems to be a bit better structured than Communism and has a higher relation to the war economy.

(For those who are not quite clear on what they are:

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gorillapaws's avatar

Communism isn’t a form of government, it’s an economic policy. You can have a democratic communist country, a dictator communist country or even a theocratic communist country. So your question doesn’t really make sense.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I would choose communism – I was raised at the time when communism still had a hold – I know of its pitfalls but also stand behind some of the principles that it’s based on. And I agree with @gorillapaws.

absalom's avatar

This: @gorillapaws.

But for the sake of your question: Communism, because I’m a human being.

Also, truth cannot flourish or be discovered in a perfectly fascist state. (Not that there is such a thing as a perfectly ______ state.)

ChaosCross's avatar

@gorillapaws whoops, I just realized that, guess I will have to put a new spin on the question. Thanks for pointing that out!


ragingloli's avatar

Communism, because in its originally intended meaning is a society in which democratic principles are the basis of everything, from politics to economy.

Bugabear's avatar

@ChaosCross . I think you mean what was going on with the Soviets during the 60’s and 70’s. If thats what you mean versus, say Nazi Fascism I’d have to go with Communism even though I hate both. I’m no expert of political science but I’d rather be doing things for the good of the country and my comrade citizens than for the Fuhrer.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I’d have to go with communism. Less chance of being murdered in my sleep.


If I was absolutely expected to choose one only, it would be Facism. More structure, more economic wealth potential…....and it’s “classier” too. Lol.

Maximillian's avatar

Fascism because if it isn’t antagonist against other countries, it’s people are treated well if they obey the law. Communism, all people are like trash with little money.

Pandora's avatar

Neither really. I would just move out of the country.

Nullo's avatar

I know that this will probably be thrown at me at some point as evidence of what a horrible human bean I am, but heck.

If I had to choose between living in a historical example of a country characterized by Communism and a historical example of a Fascist country, I’d go with the Fascist country.
Because Mussolini, for all of his faults, made the trains run on time. :D Also, I’d most likely be living in Italy, which is more fun than most likely living someplace in the USSR.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Communism. Fascist core principles are usually self-contradictory, regressive, mindless, and viciously hate-ridden mush that is pulled like taffy to justify whatever course of action the leadership takes. Communism at least had something like a progressive and consistent core philosophy (which unfortunately gets the same taffy pulling treatment). I could at least see myself internalizing enough of it to get party membership and not utterly loathe myself for doing so.

And as the Italians will tell you, the trains still didn’t run on time.

And anyone who thinks fascism means better war economy than communism needs to read Tooze.

When they aren’t starving and shooting people en masse, commies will do a respectable job with public health.

mammal's avatar

Unfortunately the British Government had to make this choice with regards to their Foreign Policy toward Spain in the 1930’s, they chose poorly. And of course America has a similar choice to make in Latin America consistently supporting and promoting the most unimaginably vicious fascist states, to prevent the prospect of communism, even democratically elected socialism.

JeffVader's avatar

There’s no question about it, I’d chose Communism every day of the week over Fascism.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Communism as an model could work and still allow for personal freedom and human rights. The USSR was never truly Communist and was mainly totalitarian. The same is true of Mainland China. Cuba is probably the closest approximation of applied communism. It has better health care than the USA! It could be more free and still be successful. The continuing boycott by the USA is unnecessary and based on fear and ignorance.

Fascism is totally unacceptable to me. It is based on irrational hatred and the notion of inequality. I would never submit to living under such a system.

mattbrowne's avatar


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