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Cruiser's avatar

Has anyone here done this I-Dosing?

Asked by Cruiser (40454points) July 21st, 2010

Has anyone here had any experience either doing or knowing someone who has done this new I-Dosing? Apparently ‘kids’ download “digital drug” drone music created to simulate a drug like high in the brain…from this article, it does not seem pleasant at all. Is this something as a parent I should be worried about, or as a bored suburban middle aged male I should be doing??

What will they come up with next?

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I have, and it does not work one bit.

Rewgreen's avatar

The Daily Mail, they produce at least one sensational story every week, veracity is never an issue. I would never be tempted to accept any of their ‘news’ stories without first reading about it from a reputable source, such as a newspaper.
It does sound curious though, and I do own headphones, and come to think of it, I don’t have much to do tonight.

filmfann's avatar

@ragingloli is correct. I have tried it as well, and it doesn’t work.
This is the third or fourth I-Dosing question I have run into recently. Is there renewed interest in this?

Cruiser's avatar

@filmfann I feel I don’t have my head in the sand and have simply never heard of this before so it may not be a big deal or I just missed this when it was posited before.

wundayatta's avatar

It could work. It is fairly easy to use music to move into an altered state of consciousness. These “drugs” sound pretty ham-fisted and technological, though. I’d much rather go with real music than this stuff. From the description, it sounds like it would be noise. I haven’t listened myself, though.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I have tried every dose. Its a bullshit scam.

rexpresso's avatar

I’ve had great moments with binaural beats (which is the technical name for this) of which there are tonnes of examples, not only i-dose. To be sure, nothing beats binaural beats plus some sort of cool drug in your brain.

By no means did I ever go into a seriously altered state just by plugging earphones with these sounds. Some of them, I like. Many people totally hate them. But they are not dangerous. The article has been making rounds, but it is total bullcrap.

YARNLADY's avatar

I haven’t tried it and I don’t know anyone who has, but I bet my last dollar they get paid for every click. What a great scam.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I have (you can listen to them for free on youtube). What a waste of my 3 minutes. It’s a placebo effect. Changing your state of mind with music is always possible – that’s why people pay to go to the symphony, and this is no different except that parents are freaking out about it. I don’t think any teens are actually doing it – I think it’s more like rainbow parties; something for parents to freak out about it but no one is actually doing it.

Rewgreen's avatar

I’m an atheist, but when I hear J.S. Bach’s religious works, I’m soaring with the angels. If it sold newspapers to the extreme right wing British conservatives, The Daily Mail would have you believe that such feelings were dangerous and wouldn’t hesitate to write up a sensational story about it.

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