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BoBo1946's avatar

What would life be like, if Adam and Eve (hypothetically speaking whether you are a believer on not) had never sinned?

Asked by BoBo1946 (15325points) July 30th, 2010
38 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

Have often wondered that. Would we all be naked in paradise and having children, would there be marriages, would we driving our cars naked, etc.?

Where does your imagination carry you on this question?

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JilltheTooth's avatar

No Dutch Apple Pie. I wouldn’t want to live in that world ;-)

BoBo1946's avatar

@JilltheTooth LOLL…got’cha!

Austinlad's avatar

The world might not have so much evil in it, but it probably wouldn’t be as interesting. As for being naked. we’d probably lust to see other wearing clothes!

truecomedian's avatar

The evolving monkeys would enslave them and learn to speak english.
Come on someone, I need 5 Lurve to reach a thousand.

Facade's avatar

I’d be able to run around naked without people looking at me weird

Your_Majesty's avatar

We would be immortal. Then as time passes human kind will populate the entire world.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I wouldn’t mind the naked thing as long as there was baby powder. hate the chafing thing!

Frenchfry's avatar

Naked, overpopulated, BUT living in paradise

ChocolateReigns's avatar

As population grew, there would be more and more people to be tempted. Eventually, I think, someone would eat the apple (or whatever fruit it was, I kind of like the idea of it being more like a mango).

Aster's avatar

Since peoples in the darkest parts of Africa are naked or near naked I assume we’d still be wearing clothes. Especially in Iceland.
But it’s strange that only one snake ever spoke English. or was it Hebrew?

mrentropy's avatar

Somebody would screw it up at some point. So, put down with @ChocolateReigns

meagan's avatar

I’m not sure about overpopulation, seeing as no one would be having babies before they were married.
Then again, maybe not.

ucme's avatar

Jumping on a trampoline would be…....interesting. Aesthetically pleasing depending on whose jiggly bits were on show.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Someone would want the freshest fruit, the sexiest mate or the nicest shelter and the trouble would begin. Utopia never lasts very long.

BoBo1946's avatar

@ucme LOLL…..oh me!

BoBo1946's avatar

@Austinlad yeah, like that…lusting for people with clothing! LOL

gailcalled's avatar

@Aster; probably Aramaic. Although he was fork-tongued, so maybe bilingual.

Blackberry's avatar

Our lord and savior Jesus would still be here with us; he’d probably be in Afghanistan turning insurgents into wine since he only blesses America.

Aster's avatar

@Blackberry You don’t think Jesus has blessed anyone in Canada? Not even one?

Blackberry's avatar

@Aster No way, friggin’ Canadians lol…....I’m just kidding.

gorillapaws's avatar

We would all be like apes. Without higher thinking we would run through the jungle not caring about things. I’ve always interpreted that piece of scripture to be a metaphor for evolution—as we evolved intelligence, we became capable of sin. I mean if you were trying to explain evolution to a bunch of farmers in the time of the 1st testament, wouldn’t the way it was done in Genesis make a lot of sense?

Aster's avatar

@gorillapaws and I’ve always believed it was how they explained how sin came about. Someone wrote it down! Three thousand years later many believe it! I wish I could write something down and have it proclaimed Truth 3K years from now

eden2eve's avatar

We wouldn’t be here. Did you ever wonder why there were no children until they left the garden?

Aster's avatar

@eden2eve why did they leave the garden? Did it say or do I have to do more research.

mrentropy's avatar

I thought not knowing how babies were made was one of the major not sinning part.
If it took a fruit and a snake to show Adam that Eve was hot without clothes on, then I reckon they’d still be sitting around wondering how to call the stork.

eden2eve's avatar

The Guy in charge kicked them out, then put an angel with a flaming sword at the entrance to keep them from going back in. That was so they could start having kids and get the world going. In the garden they were immortal and childlike, and eating the fruit made them mortal and able to know the difference between right and wrong.

Aster's avatar

@eden2eve Thanks. So after the angel with the flaming sword showed up to guard the entrance what happened to the talking snake? I guess it died of old age? Or was it immune to death.
Boy; I am Really getting some good Bible teachings today! I am accomplishing Something.

eden2eve's avatar

Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

So apparently he henceforth had to crawl on his belly, and eat dust. And the woman and her descendants would hate him and try to stomp on his head, and he’d be trying to bruise them in return. And I guess he didn’t get to talk after that giant faux pas. That explains why most women hate snakes so much, I guess. : >

Jabe73's avatar

Someone would of eventually sinned. Well hypothetically speaking here I would say it would be nice to not worry about keeping my toolshed, house and car doors locked.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Jabe73 the way I think of it is that people were doing bad things, but it wasn’t sinful until they had the intelligence to realize it was wrong. Animals rape, steal, murder etc. all the time, but it’s not “wrong,” because they aren’t capable of understanding morality.

gailcalled's avatar

@gorillapaws:Animals rape, steal, murder etc. all the time,

That’s a very odd view of animal behavior. I could rewrite it as “Animals mate to procreate, they forage for food, and they kill to eat (up and down the food chain.”

I just saw a phoebe feed an insect to her fledgling. Is that murder? If a lion takes down a gazelle, is that murder? The lion and the cubs will eat the lion’s share, then smaller animals will have a nosh, the birds will pick at the bones and finally the insects will finish off what is edible.

gorillapaws's avatar

@gailcalled I know male lions will murder the cubs of a different male in order to force the mother lioness into heat. That’s not really about killing to eat. There are other examples of that kinda thing. I may be wrong, but I thought there were examples in nature of female animals being “raped.” As for stealing, I’m thinking of when an animal makes a kill, and scavengers will try to steal their dinner.

gailcalled's avatar

@gorillapaws: In reference to genetically coded animal behavior, you are using the wrong words. It is true that alpha cats do kill cubs from time to time, but the lioness is not very happy about it.

Scavengers are coded to scavenge; female mammals go into estrous in order to mate. I would need some examples of what you are labeling as rape.

mattbrowne's avatar

The Morlocks would still eat the Eloi.

When we seek knowledge, we will also discover the ugly parts. To remain in paradise means showing no interest in knowledge at all.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@mattbrowne : Not the Morlocks! Not the flesh eating Morlocks! :-)

mattbrowne's avatar

The Time Machine contains a modern version of the Adam and Eve creation myth.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@mattbrowne : I knew that….yup, I did…

Dewey420's avatar

“bliss in ignorance” DAMN YOU EVE!

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