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drdoombot's avatar

How do I get out of going to a strip club with my best friend without being a party pooper?

Asked by drdoombot (8145points) August 19th, 2010
17 responses
“Great Question” (6points)

Yes, I’m a guy but I guess I’m just not into typical guy things.

Going to a bar filled with naked dancing woman who pretend to like me for my dollar bills is not my idea of fun. If anything, it’s frustrating! If I’m going to get turned on, I at least want a chance at getting some!

The problem is, my friend always gets upset with me about these kinds of things: that I never want to do the fun things that other people do, that he can’t have a good time because I’m ruining the fun, etc. His favorite phrase to use about me is “party pooper.”

Am I weird for not being interested in the strip club experience? I find that I don’t like having strange woman, no matter how attractive, dance for me or put their bodies on me. I’d rather go out trying to meet girls that I have a chance of hooking up with.

For the record, I’ve been to a strip club twice: the first time was several years ago and an okay experience, and the second time was about 2 months ago and I found it uncomfortable.

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Seaofclouds's avatar

Just tell him it’s not your thing and mention something else you’d like to do. If he really wants to go to the strip club, tell him to have a good time and you’ll see him later. If he can’t respect that, he isn’t much of a friend.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Just tell him you don’t want to and deal with his reaction….best friends should be able to tell each other the truth….or go,and have a blast! You never know,it could be alot of fun! Sometimes doing the things you don’t want to do turn out to be great fun! and it’s not such a terrible thing to hang out with a friend doing something they like :)

marinelife's avatar

I would begin to question your friendship with this guy. He does not sound like much of a friend if he keeps suggesting things that you do not want to do, and then calls you names because you don’t want to do them.

I would just tell him no regarding the strip club outing. Just say “Sorry, it’s not possible.” Do not explain why not. Suggest that he get someone else to go with him.

Cultivate new friends. No, it is not weird that you don’t want to go to strip clubs.

gorillapaws's avatar

Strip clubs aren’t really about sex… I think that’s where you’re going wrong. It’s this surreal environment where mostly hot girls are flirting with you for money. Everyone involved understands how ridiculous the whole thing is, the key is to just settle down and enjoy it for what it is in all of it’s ass-backward glory.

rebbel's avatar

Ef him.
Calling you a party pooper, because you happen to not like it to have boobies thrown in your face, for which you have to pay on top of it, witnessed by 100 horny men?
@Seaofclouds is right, in my view…, tell him that you are not into events such as these, thank you very much.

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JONESGH's avatar

You’re sick, food poisoning. No one will want to be around you I promise.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Best time I ever had in a strip club is when I went with my dart team. I am the only guy on the team, they picked the club. And they got more attention from the girls than any of the guys in the joint.

But if your friend can’t deal with you not wanting to go to a strip club, maybe it is time to find some new friends.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

All you need to say is, “Nah, man… Not my kinda thing.” You have no need to explain yourself. Offer something else fun to do. If he stills feels that way about you, screw him. Not everyone has the same interests, so boohoo for him.

deni's avatar

I also don’t like women I don’t know putting their boobs and butts near me and a bunch of other men with hands down their pants and then on top of that be expected to pay. I don’t really think it’s that crazy!

perspicacious's avatar

Don’t try to maneuver; just say you don’t want to go but hope the others have fun. Life is so much easier when you just say it like it is.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m with you, pal. A couple of guys at work really enjoyed it, but they were the ones without girlfriends. I thought the whole concept was dumb. “Um guys… you do know she’s doing it because she wants your money. Got it?”
While they were sitting there looking, I was home doing.

jonsblond's avatar

Just tell him strip clubs are a waste of money, especially if you don’t enjoy going to them. I agree with the others that say he doesn’t sound like such a good friend if he gives you a hard time for not going. Maybe you can suggest going to a comedy club instead?

It’s not weird to not enjoy going to these places. My husband feels it’s a waste of money as well.

srtlhill's avatar

It’s up to you how you spend your time. You can follow or you can lead.
If your friends don’t respect what you want get new friends
Because their not TRUE friends.
You won’t have to always explain yourself to real friends they’ll back you up.
Oh yea try to compromise once in awhile but don’t compromise yourself.

Austinlad's avatar

I agree with all the above who suggest the direct, honest approach. Your friend will probably be fine with it, but if it’s his problem, not yours. BTW, I admire you for knowing what you want. I always felt the same way about strip clubs—not my thing.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Like others, I agree with telling your friend it’s not your thing and it makes you feel uncomfortable.

liveishard's avatar

Wow!! i find that really sweet..The fact that you don’t see girls like that..But it never hurts to have a little fun. Tell them you want to do something else that you like just go to a regular club.

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