When you hit your limit of 200 friends in your fluther, how do you make room for more?
As far as I know, there is no indicator on your fluther list telling which members there are still active, and which have returned the favor by adding you to their fluther. To clean out the deadwood, you have to click to each individual avatar and review their profile to see whether they are following you and when they last logged in. I just noticed one member I had added in late 2009 who still only had 37 points. Jumping to their profile page, I saw that their last login was in December of 2009 and they had never bothered to add me or for that matter anyone to their fluther. Apparently they came to get one or two questions answered, never to visit again.
Wouldn’t it be great if the View All page for our fluther showed clearly each user’s last login date and whether they in turn are following us while we are following them. If we are going to live with a limit of friends in our fluther, I sure don’t want to turn away new requests from jellies who really do want to keep up a lively exchange with me because half my quota is already filled with people who aren’t following me and/or who aren’t even here any longer.
Any ideas for easy fluther management?
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