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Will you make a commitment to support performing arts today?
Asked by 6rant6 | 10 responses -
What did you think of the latest South Park episode?
Asked by gsiener | 1 response -
What's the name of this game on Whose Line?
Asked by Zathura12 | 2 responses -
Are 'females' generally worse in the field of comedy than 'males'?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 49 responses -
At what point in history was making a rape joke etc., the most hateful, unthinkable?
Asked by flo | 30 responses -
Do you like "Seinfeld"?
Asked by imrainmaker | 35 responses -
Do you have a joke you'd like to share?
Asked by Dan_Lyons | 42 responses -
Are you going/interested in going to the Stewart/Colbert rally in D.C.?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 16 responses -
Can you help me understand this Daily Show joke?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 9 responses -
Would you have also hit Rupert Murdoch with a pie?
Asked by tedd | 16 responses -
What, if any, American sitcoms took the risk of making the show without a "laugh track"?
Asked by anartist | 13 responses -
Can you link to a picture where Ted Cruz does not look like a Goober?
Asked by ibstubro | 30 responses -
Can anyone find a link to the Ferris Bueller Attendance scene with Ben Stein?
Asked by Supergirl | 6 responses -
I need to write a social commentary about an issue or institution, any ideas?
Asked by guitargirl93 | 18 responses -
If you are American and have seen The League of Gentlemen what did you make of it?
Asked by dotlin | 10 responses -
Do you believe Comedy Central's new Daily Show host Trevor Noah is insensitive?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Who's watching Conan O'Brien's last show tonight?
Asked by VanCityKid | 38 responses -
What are some very good comedy series you don't think many people would have seen?
Asked by inunsure | 29 responses -
Have you seen this animated short?
Asked by RikhardRavindraTanskanen | 7 responses -
What was your favorite TV show?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 32 responses -
If your story was told what type of a story would it be?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 21 responses -
Tips on becoming a Voice impressionist?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 7 responses -
If someone likes George Carlin, Louis CK, Bill Burr and Jim Jefferies, what other comedians would you recommend them?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 25 responses -
What is your favourite comedy tv sitcom show?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 45 responses -
Should Neil Young have gone on Joe Rogan’s podcast rather than given Spotify an ultimatum?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 15 responses