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What can a person do when they're bored?
Asked by Luiveton | 13 responses -
Who wants to play the five-worded Q & A game (part II)?
Asked by erichw1504 | 366 responses -
The Fluther alphabet game, for the players?
Asked by ucme | 296 responses -
How can I stop?
Asked by flip193 from iPhone | 16 responses -
Care to share your favourite drinking games?
Asked by RareDenver | 13 responses -
What was your best Scrabble moment?
Asked by figbash | 16 responses -
Will you play the ALPHABETICAL 26 WORD ANSWER game?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 60 responses -
What are your predictions for 2013?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 28 responses -
What is a good gift for a 5 year old israeli boy you know nothing about?
Asked by judyprays | 36 responses -
"I'm 54 years old, and I still can't talk Greek". Care to join me in "I'm this old, and still can't do this"?
Asked by rebbel | 28 responses -
In your lifetime, according to your personality, have you spent more time regretting your your past or worrying about your future?
Asked by ibstubro | 18 responses -
If Sixteen is the answer, what was the question?
Asked by rebbel | 35 responses -
Your favorite dinner party games?
Asked by judyprays | 30 responses -
What's one really cool word for today? Part 12?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 594 responses -
If I ask you what the most German (sounding) name is that you know, what would that be?
Asked by rebbel | 33 responses -
Want to play the movie-chain game?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 18 responses -
Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 28?
Asked by snowberry | 584 responses -
If you were to make an adventuring party of real people in today's world who would they be and what skills are required to make such a choice? ( fictional details inside.)
Asked by SpideySense | 5 responses -
If the answer is "very difficult", then what could be the question?
Asked by ucme | 41 responses -
Could someone please give me some advice on getting a PS4?
Asked by weeveeship | 10 responses -
How can I remove game requests from the sidebar in my news feed on Facebook?
Asked by marinelife | 4 responses -
Who wants to play Corrupt a Wish?
Asked by flip86 | 172 responses -
Let's try a new game called, "Why do they do that?" …see details.
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 78 responses -
What is your favorite RPG of all time?
Asked by bigboss | 57 responses -
Is there any board game that you WILL NOT, under any circumstances, play with your S/O?...Why? I'd love to hear these stories.
Asked by FGS | 18 responses