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How to build a wooden guitar?
Asked by Krow1125 | 11 responses -
What song does Jenna (Jessica Tyler) sing in her first appearance on Degrassi?
Asked by mayratapia_ from iPhone | 2 responses -
What kind of guitar is Jack White playing in the "Effect and Cause" video?
Asked by icky_thump0089 | 1 response -
Is the death of Alternative music imminent?
Asked by chutterhanban | 10 responses -
Has anyone come across Lindsey Buckingham playing just the instrumentals for 'Big Love'?
Asked by IBERnineD | 4 responses -
Will learning music theory help me play an instrument?
Asked by MaisyS | 11 responses -
I have some common warts on my fingers and I play guitar. Suggestions?
Asked by jfos | 6 responses -
Does anyone know where I can purchase a blue triple necked guitar besides at Ebay?
Asked by Theotherkid | 1 response -
I'm looking for a specific kind of guitar kit. Read the description.
Asked by Theotherkid | 2 responses -
What song(s) should I cover?
Asked by applesaucemanny | 28 responses -
Mixing rap/hip-hop and metal/rock what do you think?
Asked by Steve_A | 21 responses -
Epiphone or fender?
Asked by Theotherkid from iPhone | 13 responses -
Guitar Hero drums Vs. Rock Band drums?
Asked by fortris from iPhone | 13 responses -
How much should I sell my guitar for?
Asked by max_gutierrez | 9 responses -
Guitar power chords - how do you "open" them up?
Asked by fremen_warrior | 8 responses -
What should I look for when buying a used guitar?
Asked by Elfman | 8 responses -
If you were to pick an amp, what would it be ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 14 responses -
Possible to tune a guitar 3 steps down from standard tuning?
Asked by dreamwolf | 3 responses -
Does anyone have a link to guitar tabs for "I don't like it like this" by The Radio Department
Asked by geneg from iPhone | 1 response -
Which do you think is better?
Asked by Traveosa | 10 responses -
What acoustic guitar will provide me with the heaviest sound?
Asked by evolverevolve | 6 responses -
Can someone help me find a guitar tab for Been to the Future by 3?
Asked by applesaucemanny | 2 responses -
Anyone knows if Fender G-Dec-3 shows the main key of the track?
Asked by max_gutierrez | 3 responses -
What is the phone jack for on the Guitar Hero III guitar?
Asked by intro24 | 4 responses -
I need some help with guitar chords...
Asked by zarnold | 7 responses