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Charles's avatar

Why do a lot of people hate Country Music?

Asked by Charles (4826points) May 11th, 2012

I have often read and heard that a person likes all types of music “except country”.

Why do people hate country music so much? I thought just about everyone liked Johnny Cash?

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29 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

As a child, I was forced to listen to only country music. Being forced, left a mental scar that has made me hate it, ever since. Going on a long trip and having Hank Snow forced down your throat would make a person a hater of country music. I swore to myself that I would hate country music for the rest of my life and that feeling is still with me today.

I have always considered country music to be suicide music. Turn on a country song, give me a six pack of beer and call an ambulance. Country music has done me in.

Rap is no better.

chyna's avatar

Some people find it too sad, that some of the songs hit too close to home.

Sunny2's avatar

It may be that twang or it may be considered low-brow. I don’t know. I enjoy it when I hear it.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Because it is terrible. That is why.

thorninmud's avatar

Aside from musical considerations, it’s pretty deeply rooted in a particular culture, and it’s hard to hear that music without it evoking that culture and its values. Many people have a hard time relating to that culture.

Keep_on_running's avatar

It sounds so whiny and forced. There are some good country music songs, but most sound like they’re just trying to “out-annoy” each other with their singing and repetitive twing, twang, ding instruments.

SpatzieLover's avatar

It contains depressing themes, the singers often slur their notes, and it’s been linked to higher depression and suicide rates where the radio airtime for Country music is higher.

gailcalled's avatar

I’ve always liked most of it; it’s fun to do line dances to and it’s got a lively beat, plus a good story.

How can you not like hound dogs, old pick-up trucks, moonshine, tumble weeds, boots made for walking, trailers, unrequited love and bad dentistry?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I can only speak for myself. I don’t care for country music because the theme of most of the songs are either about heartbreak, saccharine-sweet love, or just plain goofy.

DominicX's avatar

I’m sure there are many reasons. I personally just don’t like the sound: I don’t care for the accents of the singers, don’t care for a lot of the subject material of the lyrics, don’t care for the “twang” sound of the instruments. Now, that’s just generally what I don’t like about it. I have a few country songs. But for the most part, I don’t like most of what I hear from the genre. I also do believe that it is largely cultural. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’ve met plenty of people from the South who loved country music; if you grow up with it and associate it with your home area, you’re probably more likely to like it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The songs that aren’t depressing have to do with hanging out at the local bar, going rounds with Jose Quervo, drinkin’ and spendin’ all mah money on a honey. If your family has ever been touched by alcoholism you will not find comfort in those words.

ragingloli's avatar

Because it is all white, without substance, to paraphrase sfdebris.

cookieman's avatar

In my experience, I think it stems from Northern bias – even prejudice in some cases.

Growing up in Boston, it is not uncommon to hear Southerners referred to as “rebbs”, or “rednecks”. It was implied that Southerners were dumber than us or backwards – “Still fighting the Civil War”, my dad would say.

Country Music really represents the South and is therefore seen as less-than, or dumb, or annoying.

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t like the sound and I can’t relate to the music.

ucme's avatar

Because it’s shite!
Loaded with cheesy cliches, packed with melancholy dross & sung by crusty old white people with at least one communicable skin condition, me no likey.

mangeons's avatar

I just don’t like the sound of most of it, and I find a lot of it stupid. There are a few country songs that I like, though! I’m just not a fan of the genre as a whole.

lloydbird's avatar

Because they’re dicks.
Or just mistaken.

They should listen to and follow this great man.

Check him out.

Harold's avatar

It is not musically sophisticated, it is boring to listen too, and the people who listen to it wear cowboy clothes and silly hats…...................

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t hate it, but so much of it is trite…just plays on words.
There are some, though, that are really, really good.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@DominicX Hmm, that may be true in some cases. I grew up in the South. There is a famous country group from my hometown. While we are proud of this group, none of my friends were into country music. Even now, 25 years after high school graduation, when our reunion host asks for song requests to give to the DJ, no one suggests a country song. The only person I know who enjoys country music is a friend who grew up in Ohio. Go figure.

@Dutchess_III What country songs do you find really good? I do like The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The Devil Went Down to Georgia crossed country lines into is THAT good! I just love that song!

“Long Haired Country Boy” – Charlie Daniels Band

“The Battle of New Orleans” – Johnny Horton
“I Fall To Pieces” – Patsy Cline
“Sixteen Tons” – Tennessee Ernie Ford
“Delta Dawn” – Tanya Tucker
“Jambalaya” – Hank Williams Sr.
“Crazy” – Patsy Cline
“Harper Valley P.T.A.” – Jeannie C. Riley
“Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys” – Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings

Deep breath

“Jolene” – Dolly Parton
“Help Me Make It Through The Night” – Sammi Smith
“Ruby (Don’t Take Your Love To Town)” – Kenny Rogers
“King Of The Road” – Roger Miller
“Take This Job and Shove It” – Johnny Paycheck
“Rose Garden (aka I Never Promised You A Rose Garden)” – Lynn Anderson
“I’m Not Lisa” – Jessi Colter
“Walkin’ After Midnight” – Patsy Cline
“Here You Come Again” – Dolly Parton
“Driving My Life Away” – Eddie Rabbitt
“Elvira” – Oak Ridge Boys

OK…I cheated! I couldn’t think of any off the top of my head (except the ones my Mom and Dad used to sing together but I don’t know the titles. I just know they made me cry.)
I went here and boy, did my memory get jogged!

gailcalled's avatar

@Harold…:and the people who listen to it wear cowboy clothes and silly hats…I enjoy country music and wear neither cowboy clothiers or silly hats, (unless you count this ).

deni's avatar

Corny, drawn out, slow.

GladysMensch's avatar

Because most popular country, like most popular music in any genre, is a cliche’. However, country’s cliches are very old, and seemingly never change.

Country cliches: steel guitars, baritone voiced men, blonde women, suth’n drawls,
Song themes: alcohol, love, loss, cheating, manual labor, pick-up trucks, cowboys… etc.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t ’‘dislike’’ it, but it just doesn’t do anything for me. My mom’s a big fan though, and she listened to it all the time, and some was good. And I sure do love Johnny Cash. But otherwise, eh. Just not a groove I can get into.

As to why it’s hated by many, I often wondered that myself. I mean there are some reasons listed here, but I could attribute most of those to pop music, just as much. And a lot of people like that, despite the hatebase. Maybe because it’s so singular in style that it’s easy to dislike, I denno. Nobody can disagree that country stands out. I don’t know why that’s a reason to not like it, but it seems to work.
Maybe they should sing about actual cowboys, noon showdowns and snipers on bell towers with trenchcoats and cool beards. Then maybe it would catch a bit more.

Only138's avatar

Cuz it sucks…..and its depresssing. (musically and lyrically).

dontmindme's avatar

I don’t like pop country. I think this is the country music most people can’t stand.

There is some really good country music out there if you would give it a try and not let the top 40 or 100 influence your musical selection.

Bent's avatar

I like some of it, but a lot of the time I find the lyrics rather miserable. I like the lively stuff that makes you want to get up and start line-dancing.

Harold's avatar

@gailcalled – Maybe they only do in Tamworth then…............

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