General Question

simone54's avatar

Why does my cat lick her collar?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) March 6th, 2013

Sometimes when I know the cat won’t be going outside for the night so I will take her collar off and set it next to her. She will then proceed to lick every part of the collar. She will do for several minutes. Any idea why? Is she trying to clean it?

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7 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Cleaning it like when cats lick themselves? Mayeb she’s associated it as part of her and thus treats in the same.

susanc's avatar

She’s cleaning it because it’s picked up oils from her fur and skin. She cleans them, right? She cleans her kittens, or would if she had some, right? She’s a clean machine. Put a little saddle on her, take it off for the evening, and she’ll clean that, too.

rojo's avatar

Is it possible she is OCD? Does she do any other repetetive actions for no apparent reason?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Her hates it! lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

She’s getting rid of the vile stench of humans

simone54's avatar

Yeah, I like to mess with her. After she’s finished licking ever single of piece of fur I go over to her and rub my hand all over it.

XOIIO's avatar

@simone54 LOL That’s diabolocal

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