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AnonymousWoman's avatar

Why do I still have a baby tooth?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6533points) March 7th, 2013

My Dentist told me during my last check up that I still have a baby tooth and she asked me if anyone ever said anything about it before. It has really been bothering me lately. I notice it more and more in pictures now and it makes me feel insecure.

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Is there no adult toorh behind it? What did the dentist say about it? How old are you?

jonsblond's avatar

My oldest son who is 20 also has a baby tooth with no permanent tooth to replace it. It’s actually quite common.

You might want to read this.

livelaughlove21's avatar

At 22 I still had a baby tooth. It’s probably impacted aka lodged aka stuck, like mine was. Unfortunately mine was near the front, so I had a missing tooth until the adult tooth decided to finally grow in after the baby tooth was pulled. It was embarrassing, but my teeth are pretty crooked anyways, so oh well. Now it’s not as noticeable, but I still hate my smile.

DigitalBlue's avatar

I had several baby teeth well into my teens, I was about 17 when I had them pulled and I got braces to “pull” my impacted adult teeth in. It’s really common.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Very common. Because no permanent tooth developed behind to to exert the enzymes necessary to make it come out. Try to be careful with it because baby teeth have short to no roots, and if you lose then it’s implant or bridge time.

DigitalBlue's avatar

A dentist or orthodontist can tell you if you have an adult tooth behind it. Sometimes the adult teeth just get impacted (like mine). Sometimes there is no tooth.

majorrich's avatar

Both of my son’s canine teeth are baby teeth. He is 20 and they are in pretty solid. They look a little small but it doesn’t seem to bother him much.

josie's avatar

How old are you. It’s perfectly normal if you are 9 or 10.

mangeons's avatar

I’m seventeen and I still have a baby tooth, it’s my left lateral I think. There’s no adult tooth behind it to replace it, so it’s just never come out. As long as it stays in, it shouldn’t be a problem! My right lateral is an adult tooth, but it’s a peg tooth, so it looks even smaller than my baby tooth!

Supacase's avatar

My dad had one until he was in his forties. I think the root finally died or something because it turned kind of gray. He had it pulled once that happened.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I still have 2 baby teeth and I’m in my 30s. My adult teeth are there, they just never came down to push the baby teeth out. I’m holding off on having the adult teeth pulled down since the baby teeth are fine.

jca's avatar

I had six teeth where there was no adult tooth to push the baby teeth out. I had several removed when I was little, and then got braces to close the gaps. The orthodontist determined that two should remain, and then when I was 30 (right as he predicted) they would get loose and fall out. Then I got dental implants – expensive but very worth it!

AnonymousWoman's avatar

For the people who asked how old I am, I am 22 going on 23. As for what the Dentist said about it, I don’t remember her saying very much at all other than simply commenting on it and asking me about it. I don’t remember being told that there is an adult tooth behind it.

Thanks for all the stories. I think I’m gonna ask about it during my next check up.

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