General Question

desiree333's avatar

How Is Canada Involved In Pearl Harbour, WW2, and Japanese Internment?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) December 13th, 2008

I have to do an essay for a history class on “Japanese Internment: Justified or Not?”. And its on Canada not America (because its a Canadian history class) and I need to know everything about Canada’s involement in WW2, Pearl Harbour, and Japanese internment camps.

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12 Answers

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Have you googled the topic? There’s a wikipedia page on the subject. “Japanese Canadian Internment”

loser's avatar

Canada did that? I learn so much here…

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Much smaller scale, along the pacific coast. My two favorite tidbits about WWII have to with Japan launching weather balloons with bombs attached to them, the German resistance movement, called Werewolf. Gotta love the History Channel!

Ducky's avatar

Pay attention in class? lol

madcapper's avatar

didn’t they ice skate over to try and save the US troops but failed when they hit the Pacific?

madcapper's avatar

ohh and just fyi but @ Alfreda, and I mean no offense, but if this person is trying to write a term paper or anything for college credit Wiki is in no way accepted as a source.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@madcapper then neither is Fluther. If they are writing a college paper you would hope they had the sense to go to the library.

madcapper's avatar

@lightlyseared I whole-heartedly agree with you and I hope children stop coming here for homework advice…

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@madcapper, No, I know that. But it’s much easier to research a paper if you have an idea of what to look for, and Wikipedia at least gives you general knowledge. There’s other sites that come up as well, and you can cite web pages as resources.

desiree333's avatar

@ ducky i do pay attention in class, i haven’t been taught about this yet…

desiree333's avatar

I did research on wikipedia, and at the library but all the information is written in military talk and i need some of you to explain it so when i reasearch more i can understand what they are talking about. I hate how everybody just assumes everything how I apparently dont listen in class and how im trying to get all my info off of you people. Arrogant…

Ducky's avatar

@ desiree333 makes sense. LOL

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