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desiree333's avatar

Is It True That The Only Japanese Spies Found In Canada Were All Coacaisian?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) January 10th, 2009

I am doing an essay on Japanese Internment In Canada Justified Or Not? and I read somewhere that canada interned all people of japanese racial origin becuase they feared that there were spies in canada and there was going to be an attack on can, after pearl harbour and they found 2 spies or something, and they were both caucasian and not even aisan. I cant find that info and I need to know if its true because I want to put it in my essay. Please help ASAP my essay is due in 2 days!

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25 Answers

Nimis's avatar

Strange. Why did you spell it correctly in the Details, but not the Question?
[scratches head]

AstroChuck's avatar

Yes. They were all from the island of Coacaisia.

desiree333's avatar

ok sorry, about the misspelling, im just under alot of stress, and frankly I dont give a rats ass if i misspelled caucasian. Do any of you know the answer to my question?

Jeruba's avatar

Showing some respect for the community is a good idea if you want its help.

judochop's avatar

They were of the round eye, yes.

tyrantxseries's avatar

“Japanese espionage. The U.S. Army’s Hawaii Department was charged with coastal defenses on the islands in1941. In a 1955 interview, its chief, Major General Charles D. Herron, stated, “It was a matter of common knowledge that the Japanese Consulate in Honolulu was the hotbed of espionage in Oahu.” In large part, the attack on Pearl Harbor was so successful because Japanese spies, under cover of “diplomatic” posts, were able to blend easily with the large Japanese population on the islands and in the process gather valuable intelligence.

One such diplomat, for example, was Takeo Yoshikawa, who openly arrived in Hawaii by ship on March 27, 1941, as Tadashi Morimura. Yoshikawa was a trained spy assigned to the Japanese consulate on Oahu. He took a second-story room that gave him a view of Pearl Harbor and Hickam Field, where the American air fleet was based. In the weeks and months after his arrival, Yoshikawa moved freely about the island. At times he would loiter in a sugar cane field near Pearl Harbor, posing as a fieldworker. At other times he would observe Pearl Harbor from a peninsula at the end of the island or through telescopes for sightseers at a Japanese-owned restaurant on a hill overlooking the harbor. Little about his work was glamorous. He made notes, took photos, chartered small boats and planes. He even mailed back home postcards with aerial views of Pearl Harbor that helped planners construct mock-ups used to train bomber pilots for the raid. In these endeavors, he was ably supported not only by his superiors in the consular office but even by the taxi driver who frequently drove him around the island. He observed, for example, that there tended to be a large number of ships in port on Saturdays and Sundays, fewer on weekdays. He also observed American air patrols, noticing that they tended rarely to fly to the north. The kinds of details Yoshikawa meticulously noted and passed along to military planners in Japan proved invaluable on December 7, a Sunday, when Japanese planes approached Oahu from the north.”
no mention of Caucasian spies though….
hope these help

gailcalled's avatar

Perhaps spend the first 8 hours of the 48 in remedial English?

PupnTaco's avatar

I’m cuckoo for Cocoasians.

tyrantxseries's avatar

A little-known family of spies helped make the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor easier. A German Nazi named Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn (Kuhn) moved his wife and two children to Hawaii in August of 1935 intending to spy upon the American military on behalf of Japan. Kuhn had become a minor official of the Gestapo and had developed close ties to Heinrich Himmler, the head of the dreaded secret police.

However, this arrangement was promoted by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels as a by product of his relationship with Kuhn’s attractive 17 year old daughter, Susie Ruth. At 17, Ruth Kuhn had been Goebbels’ mistress in Berlin. When he learned that the Japanese government sought a European spy to work in Hawaii, Goebbels recommended Susie Ruth and her family.

Bernard Kuhn had served in the German Navy during W.W. I and eventually became a physician after the war. Dr. Kuhn and his wife Friedel, their daughter Susie Ruth, and her half-brother Hans Joachim, was an inconspicuous family that no one suspected of carrying on espionage for Japan which paid them well for the information they provided about the U.S. military presence in Oahu.
The Family that Spied Together

Every member of the family contributed towards collecting and documenting secret military information. Susie Ruth was a regular Mata Hari as she dated U.S. servicemen stationed at Pearl Harbor and ultimately opened a local beauty parlor that proved to be a valuable source of gossip from wives and girlfriends of military men on the island. It is reported that the wives of high-ranking military officers spent many hours gossiping about their husbands’ activities.

Dr. Kuhn’s wife helped monitor the conversations of the various ladies in the salon on certain days. Friedel’s specific job was to record all intelligence that the family obtained. When Friedel travelled to Japan twice, no one suspected a thing about her trips. Returning from her second visit, Mrs. Kuhn successfully brought back $16,000 which was promptly deposited into their bank account.

Mrs. Kuhn even dresssed up six year old Hans in a little sailor suit and his father would walk with him down near the docked ships. Many of the sailors thought he was cute and gave him unofficial tours of their ships. Having been coached by his father, he would ask specific questions and keenly observe everything he saw. Later he reported it all to his parents.
German spies…
hope these help

tyrantxseries's avatar

@Jeruba respect is earned not given

funkdaddy's avatar

does the same apply to diplomas, degrees and grades on papers?

elchoopanebre's avatar

You guys are all being assholes.

So he misspelled a word… Big deal.

Way to be nazis about it.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@desiree333, I know you’re under stress, and I know you’ve started working on this paper at least a week ago because there’s been an exchange on this topic (which, as a history buff, I find interesting), but just out of curiosity, don’t they teach Internet research skills in school? Boolean searches?

Tyrantxseries can locate a reasonable answer in online materials. I can pull up information, and I’m of the generation that dials a cell phone with my index finger instead of my thumb. In theory, you should have grown up with looking stuff up on the internet the way I would read the Encyclopedia Brittanica or World Book.

PupnTaco's avatar

@elchoopanebre: aren’t Nazis funny sometimes?

tyrantxseries's avatar

funny (ha, ha) or funny (WTF)?

elchoopanebre's avatar


Well played, sir.

PupnTaco's avatar

@tyrantxseries: either, I’m not picky.

gailcalled's avatar

@elchoopanebre: you are a nice guy, but this kid (female) really mangle-worsted the language with her question. Writing an essay of that sophistication implies being able to put together several coherent sentences (without even considering the typo of “Caucasian.” That was minor in the scheme of things.) Suggesting that one be clear does not suggest naziism, under any circumstances. She is panicked, but still….

Nimis's avatar

Elchoop: Not trying to be a Nazi about it.
Just found the inconsistency peculiar is all.

elchoopanebre's avatar

Ehh…you can’t win them all on the internetz.

I’ll live to fight another day.

Nimis's avatar

We’re not fighting!
Come back, ElChoop!

judochop's avatar

If she is typing on an Iphone then I can understand. Going back to edit mispellings on an iphone and can so annoying. If not, just fix the word or address that it was wrong in a nice tone, don’t take offense to it. So what you made a mistake, I am sure it will not be your first one or your last.
I answered your question, that yes they were caucasian however I am not the one doing the paper so I will not be the one digging anymore info up on it. I hope I was of help in your quest for an answer. Good luck on your paper.

desiree333's avatar

ok well sorry that I misspelled caucasion (I hope I spelled it right this time…) I’ve been working on my essay since 10:30 this morning and I haven’t stopped. I just went on fluther quick to ask the question. I wasn’t trying to write a masterpiece, I just wanted to ask a quick question that I can’t seem to find after that one time. But I did notice that only a couple of people have actually answered my question. Everyone else seems to just want to debate. I’ve had a really stressful day, I have a 8 year old sister playing sing it on wii, so that was really distracting. Also I have 2 dogs that bark all day. Im not in the best mood right now. Sorry if Ihaven’t showed “respect” for everyone. When Im in a huge rush I need answers not critisim. And if you dont know the answer to my question, please don’t try to put your input rudely. Sorry again for misspelling a word, I know its probably a really big deal for some of you..

PupnTaco's avatar

:) Hope you get a good grade. I’m impressed you’re doing your homework on a weekend, that shows determination.

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