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desiree333's avatar

What Can I Do With A Jailbroken iPod touch?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) August 11th, 2009

I have a couple of questions about jailbreaking my iPod:
-What does it do?
-Can I put my DVDs onto my iPod if its jailbroken (I’ve wanted to put my DVDs onto my iPod for a long time but Handbrake didn’t work for me, will making it jailbroken allow my to put my DVDs onto my iPod?
-Will it harm my iPod?
-Can I restore my iPod if I don’t like it?
-Any other important information please would be appreciated.

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13 Answers

crunchaweezy's avatar

- Enables you to run applications and modifications not approved by Apple.
– Doesn’t’ really change, still need to convert to the same format.
– No it will not harm your iPod, you can restore to original at any time, pretty much impossible to fux it up.
– Yes, very easy process
– Enjoy it !

J0E's avatar

-It basically removes all of Apples restrictions and let’s you get more out of it.

-If you can find a way to convert a DVD into a readable format, yes it will work regardless of wether you have jailbroken.

-No, it will not harm it.

-Yes, you can always restore it to original.

I have done it and I love it, it was very easy and has made my iPod a lot more fun.

Rant's avatar

Regarding the movie thing, if you download a few things from Cydia you can download movies straight from the Internet to your iPod. Pretty much the same thing as filesharing, but you can go to a site called and they have movies in mp4format that you can download in safari on your iPod, so no computer involved. The legality of this is sketchy, and although you might not get caught, your morals might kick in.

crunchaweezy's avatar

Regarding Handbrake, it definitely is your best option. You aren’t setting up the settings right for the export.

desiree333's avatar

Can I just get winterboard without jailbraking my iPod? Also @crunchaweezy it seems you know why Handbrake didn’t work for me, can you tell me how to use the program right?

desiree333's avatar

Can someone please tell me how to jailbrake my iPod, and one question: Do I jailbrake it on my desktop, then plug my iPod in, or do I install it or whatever right on my iPod?

cwilbur's avatar

Why do you think you want to jailbreak your iPod?

chelseababyy's avatar

-Tons of things. You can get free apps. Get free wallpapers, different fonts, skins, skins for your notes app. New sounds, keyboard colors, etc.

- You just have to find the right program to convert the DVDs and you’ll be able to do it. Jailbroken or not.

- Nope! I’ve jailbroken mine, my moms, and a few other peoples iPods and my boyfriend did his as well. Nothing has ever gone wrong.

- Absolutely! You can restore whenever you’d like!

Check out this thread for more info :D


crunchaweezy's avatar

For Handbrake there is an option for iPhone/ iPod Touch. Not sure if you tried that. Read up on it, cause I know I’ve done it before.

desiree333's avatar

@cwilbur because of all the advantages of it, and it would be nice to have a wallpaper and a floating dock.

Aquado's avatar

I enjoyed jailbreaking my 3g and it was so eazy I did not even have to worry about my ipod being screwed up

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tander64's avatar

ya its awesome

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