General Question

laaaa's avatar

What are symtoms of shock?

Asked by laaaa (183points) January 10th, 2010

When a person goes into shock, what do they experience? what are the symtoms? Are there any side effects? What are they?

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4 Answers

Spinel's avatar

Symptoms: cold and clammy skin, sudden drop in blood pressure, quick of slow pulse, confusion, tiredness, weakness, black-outs, rapid or slowed breathing, enlarged pupils etc.

Side-effects: heart issues, coma, death.

Read all about it here. :)

Darwin's avatar

According to eMedicine, when someone is in shock, their cells don’t get enough oxygen and the organs that they comprise start to fail. All organs may be affected.

* As the brain is affected, the patient may become confused or lose consciousness (coma).

* There may be chest pain as the heart itself doesn’t get an adequate oxygen supply.

* Diarrhea often occurs as the large intestine becomes irritated due to hypotension.

* Kidneys may fail and the body may stop making urine.

* The skin becomes clammy and pale.

I saw my father go into shock once at a restaurant. He turned clammy and pale, became dizzy, and lost the ability to speak.

Cruiser's avatar

Just google it if all you need is the symptoms. I have been taught to always treat for shock in emergency situations as shock can set in with little to no outward symptoms with the person even saying I am fine. Shock is a life threatening condition and the sooner treatment for shock is initiated the better the potential outcome. Take some 1st aid courses if you desire 1st hand knowledge.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Shallow breathing- they probably won’t be aware
Breaking a sweat- this is too late

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