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Rubrica's avatar

If you could be reincarnated as an animal that most people hate, which would you choose?

Asked by Rubrica (613points) October 23rd, 2010
36 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Simple question, really. Good examples are wasps, rats, mice, et cetera, et cetera. There’s not much more detail to add without going into my own opinions.

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Rubrica's avatar

Personally, I’d choose a pigeon, simply because I love them so much! OK, so that was a bit OTT, but you get the idea.

wundayatta's avatar

Komodo dragon. One little scratch from me, and you’re as good as dead.

St.George's avatar

I think a spider.

I read last week somewhere, that right this moment, a spider is probably closer to you than you think.

Rubrica's avatar

@wundayatta But I know a good number of people who hold nothing against komodo dragons whatsoever. :)

@Megan64 Shudder, don’t say that!

ucme's avatar

Dung Beetle. I mean, the shit they pull! :¬)

ZEPHYRA's avatar


woodcutter's avatar

people hate animals? such animals, wait animals don’t hate we are the only species who hate.Having said that, I would want to be something that has a naturally short life span so I could get it over with and come back as something better, yeah.

tearsxsolitude's avatar

A mouse! I freaking love mice! They’re so tiny and soft and they’re just so cute with their little feet and noses and OMG those adorable little whiskers!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

A rat. They are quite intelligent, actually very clean, sociable and adorable. At least I think they’re adorable. Love those little hands!

St.George's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Yes, their little hands are very cute! Especially when they’re eating.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Megan64 I love it when they wash their face (the same goes for mice), I think it is so cute when the little whiskers are going. Gah, cute. I don’t understand how people can hate them or be afraid of them, but then, I’ve never actually seen a city rat.

zenvelo's avatar

a big greasy sewer rat….ugh, make me shudder. or a snake, people either are fascinated or repulsed by snakes.

Brian1946's avatar

Since humans are also animals, I’d like to be reincarnated as Trump, if I could keep my face and my hair, rather than being stuck with his.

Then I’d retire from public life, reduce my net assets down to about $20 million, and give the rest to worthy causes.

I’d use the $20 million so that my wife and I could escape Hell A, to ensure that the other members of our family would have good housing, excellent health care, and never have to work another day in their lives.

janbb's avatar

Grizzley bear – wouldn’t be scared of nuffink!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A mosquito or a….uh…..yellow bellied sapsucker….no, I mean a rabid badger ;)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

A President of the United States—on the day he retires.

lemming's avatar

I’d definitly be a bee. I think they’re so cool. And fluffy.

ragingloli's avatar

A human.

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lillycoyote's avatar

I would come back as a squirrel. And ever morning I would run around in the trees by myself or chasing and playing with other squirrels for an hour or so and then I would spend the rest of the day f**king with you all. Eating your birdseed and suet, chewing through the feeders I could chew through and knocking over the ones I can’t just for spite. Then I’d find more stuff to chew on and through and ruin. Then I would take a nap, maybe, then run around for a while and when I got tired of that I would look for more ways to screw with you and your stuff, maybe dig up some of your daffodils and tulips, or wait for you to come outside and jump off the roof onto the metal shed and scare the crap out you, who knows? And then I would crawl up into my nest to rest up for another day of play and simply messing with you, just because I can. I would seize every day like it was my last and fill it with amusement and mayhem, because a squirrel never knows when she might end up as road kill out here in the ‘burbs.

xxii's avatar

My first answer was a wolf, but I think the traditional hate for them is starting to fade.

I guess a snake. I’d just stay out of humans’ way. Or maybe a raccoon.

Lightlyseared's avatar


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Deja_vu's avatar

I would like to reincarnated as a cougar. ( or maybe I’ll just be one in this life) :P

troubleinharlem's avatar

A shark!

BratLady's avatar


daytonamisticrip's avatar

Wolf, definitely a wolf. I would hunt and run with a pack and howl late in the night. Such a beautiful animal.
@xxii ah not really so many people still fear and hate wolves. I don’t get it but if you mention a wolf where I live people start talking about how they hate them and about killing and torturing them.

The_Idler's avatar

One of those big filthy rats that run in and out of the sewers on Khao San Road, Bangkok.

eating the waste from that place, you’d probably be high as fuck the whole time, and from your “front-door” you could see up the all the girls’ skirts and never be chased down the street by angry ladyboys again.

Blondesjon's avatar

A candiru.

you know, that little amazonian fish that swims up your pee hole

AmWiser's avatar

One of these

Ewwww, I even have problems saying the word

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Head lice. Pretty sure they are hated by everyone.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am surprised @ratboy didn’t jump in on this one!

I would be a dingo just like my dog. Dingos are hated by farmers but I love them!

Berserker's avatar

@ucme lmao XD

I’d be a mosquito, buzzing around and drinking blood. That would rule.

Cruiser's avatar

A big brown bear so I could wrastle @lucillelucillelucille ;)

MaekoPoisoning's avatar

COCKROACH!!! I could survive nuclear blasts.

buster's avatar

I want to be a motherfuckin possum motherfucker. Ole dirty ass possums. Thats me.

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