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Pinklady's avatar

What scents drive you insane (in a good way)?

Asked by Pinklady (315points) September 17th, 2012
68 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

For me, daisy by Marc Jacobs is just… heaven.
Also moringa flower.
And perhaps Givency’s Hot Couture – By the way, guys love this smell for some reason…

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gondwanalon's avatar

I hate musk perfume. It makes me want to gag. Also I don’t know the name of it but there is a popular deodorant that smells like Black Flag fly spray to me.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@gondwanalon Your answer made burst with romance. lol

Coloma's avatar

Horse sweat and my old riding boots. lol

ucme's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

I generally don’t like the smell of men’s or women’s cologne. Even if it’s just a whiff, its always way too strong for me.

I love the smell of pine trees in a forest, and campfires and the smell of rain hitting hot concrete.

And don’t forget the intoxicating scents of certain foods like garlic bread, gingerbread baking in the oven at Christmas time, turkey roasting on Thanksgiving and Starbucks peppermint lattes.

Nullo's avatar

Apple cinnamon muffins. My kiosk is right next to the bakery, so I’m periodically plagued by the smell.
Rain. I’ve heard it said that the humid air just enhances environmental smells, but I like it anyway.
Salt. I did most of my growing up within reasonable driving distance of an ocean; we’d visit places like San Francisco and Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay several times a year. Missouri has no oceans, but if you put a bucket of rock salt upwind of yourself and close your eyes, you can almost imagine being back on Fisherman’s Wharf.

Comforting smells include vanilla, old books, and a mixture of gunpowder and Hoppes No. 9 solvent.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Dial soap and toothpaste.
That combination does it for me every time.

I don’t care for colognes and such. No matter how much people want to believe otherwise, they will not look like the photoshopped model in the advert.

Kardamom's avatar

@Nullo That just reminded me of my Uncle’s workshop that he used to have when I was a little kid. It smelled of motor oil, W-D 40 and sawed wood. I love that combination.

Outside this workshop, when you were walking there from the house, you had to crunch, crunch, crunch your way across the dirt and fallen oak leaves which had their own distinctive, and lovely scent. OMG! I think I’m having a Memorygasm!

Aethelflaed's avatar

Rain, and pine trees.

Coloma's avatar

Well..I am obsessed with body sprays. I dilute then with water and mist myself, my cars interior, my bedsheets, the curtains in my house, pour them into my hot tub, spray my hair with them to reactivate any products for a quickie touch me up.
Just call me ” Mist-y.” lol

Seek's avatar

Certain people.

Seriously, a friend of mine just smells good. I’d eat him up if he’d let me.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cinnamon bread just out of the oven and fresh pot of dark roast coffee.

Coloma's avatar

^ fresh pot for sure! lolol

ucme's avatar

Freshly baked bread & the heaving bosom of a buxom wench from below stairs.

syz's avatar

Fresh mown grass in the summer.
The first raindrops on hot asphalt in the summer.
Sweet wood-smoke on a crisp autumn day.
Fresh baked bread with melted butter and honey.
Healthy, clean horse sweat and leather.
Frasier fir Christmas tree exhalations.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (4points)
Kardamom's avatar

I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned bacon. I’m a vegetarian and that scent makes me crazy and hungry and makes my mouth start watering.

Cedar chests

Cardamom, hee hee.

Seek's avatar

Ever since I stopped eating meat, the smell of bacon kind of makes me retch. I can’t stand it.

lookingglassx3's avatar

Marc Jacobs really makes amazing perfumes, and the bottles are amazing too. I adore ‘Oh Lola!’ by him.

My other top fragrances would be ‘Cherish’ by Ghost, it’s so sweet and fresh and heavenly, and ‘Lovestruck’ by Vera Wang.

But my all-time favourite fragrance is ‘Rock and Rose’ by Valentino. Honestly, that smell is just to die for. It’s gorgeous. I remember testing it out in the shop and literally falling in love with it… I had to have it.

Sunny2's avatar

We have a chocolate factory about a mile away from us and its heavenly emanations are most appreciated except by some people who live even closer and are really tired of it Lemon peel, oranges, cinnamon, rose petals, freshly baked or roasted almost anything almost always get me breathing deeply.
I am offended by too much of any kind of perfume.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Jasmine (lightly, like an aftereffect), just cut grass, summer rain, honeysuckle, wind through open fields, fresh deep snow on a cold night (the sound of it coming down also works), fresh turned earth, spring mud, newly planted fields, certain shampoos, certain people.

@Kardamom definitely bacon, baking sweet rolls, coffee, slow cooked pot roast, garlic chicken, great… now I’m making myself hungry >.<

With regard to perfume, I like some but it largely depends on the person wearing it and how it mixes with them, and it has to be light.

Pinklady's avatar

My mom says I smell like water… If that makes sense? haha.!

Pinklady's avatar

Yes, bacon smells pretty damn good… Also overly cooked sausage… Mmm!

Kardamom's avatar

Oh God, and Indian Food!

Freshly baked cinnamon rolls, coffee brewing, chocolate chip cookies baking, anything being barbecued on the grill, cat tummies and pumpkin pie baking in the oven.

I also have a weird one, that is probably more of a memorygasm like my Uncle’s workshop and it is the scent you smell when you go into an ice skating rink. There is something that they use, probably some horrible chemical, that keeps the ice frozen, but it’s a very distinctive smell.

I also like the smell of freshly dried, warm laundry. The perfumes that they use in laundry detergent and fabric softener, unlike cologne for people, smells really nice to me.

And freshly poured bark in a garden. Sniffffffffffffffffff, aaaaaaaaah!

Coloma's avatar

Goose feathers. Geese smell like grass and baby powder and have the sweetest breath. lol

dxs's avatar

The smell of a new car.
The smell of a bakery
The smell of gasoline.

dxs (15160points)“Great Answer” (4points)
Kardamom's avatar

Strawberries and pineapple.

Coloma's avatar

Gasoline? That’s interesting, I always hold my breath at the pumps. lol

Pinklady's avatar

Smell of Petroleum ether. Also, newly painted walls…

chyna's avatar

The smell of babies.

Coloma's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is it sill HOT @Coloma ? ? lol

Pinklady's avatar

@Coloma Also the TASTE of snow!!

Coloma's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That obvious huh? lol

chyna's avatar

@Pinklady But not the yellow snow.

Pinklady's avatar

@chyna Nah, I prefer the brown!

jca's avatar

As far as what’s sexy, the smell of some men (just their natural, clean smell) plus their deodorant is sexy, and makes me want to melt into them.

As far as other smells, coffee brewing is great, especially in the morning. Also coffee beans.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The smell of the base of a woman’s neck drives me nuts.

DaphneT's avatar

I used to love an ex-gentleman friend’s cologne, Drakkar, on him. Still gets me. I like a lot of men’s colognes that have a spice and wood base, a scent combination that I just love. For my self I pick a woody base, sandalwood is the summer favorite, with floral and fruit tones. I love the smells of certain cooked foods, strong fruity smells, and basic cinnamon.

Bellatrix's avatar

My husband’s scent. He just smells good.

Earthgirl's avatar

I am really enjoying the thought of all of these wonderful smells!
I love the smell of cypress trees after a rain, that’s when they seem to really give off more scent. I never noticed it until I started walking home through the park near me. Now I found out that Demeter makes a fragrance called Cypress but I don’t think I want to smell like a cypress tree myself, that might be too much!
One day I was sitting on the train and a woman sat next to me and she smelled so good I had to ask her what perfume she was wearing. She said it was Amazing Grace by Philosophy. I don’t like strong perfumes and that was what appealed to me about the scent. The top notes are mandarin orange, grapefruit and bergamot; middle notes are freesia, jasmine and rose; base note is musk. She said Pure Grace is also a very soft, pretty scent.

Earthgirl's avatar

@Bellatrix, @Adirondackwannabe When Donna Karan created her first perfume she said she wanted it to smell like the back of her husband’s neck!

Pinklady's avatar

Nobody here said semen?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Pinklady Really? That wouldn’t be high on my list. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

Or mine.

Coloma's avatar

Well…I am SHOCKED that nobody has mentioned Puppy breath!

@Pinklady Uh, so our little virgin has known the taste of semen, say it ain’t so child! lol

augustlan's avatar

Freshly ground coffee beans (and I don’t even like coffee), honeysuckle, bacon, the smell of “clean” on a person.

Taciturnu's avatar

Lilacs, rose and cut grass are positively intoxicating. As is a sweaty man. the sweet smelling ones… not the old onion pits.

Fly's avatar

Burning leaves, Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes, snow, crisp fall air, hardware stores, chlorine, fresh laundry, anything lemon. The perfume I most frequently use is Incredible by Victoria’s Secret. I don’t really care for Victoria’s Secret as a whole, but I smelled it in the store once and loved it! I frequently get compliments on it, too.

I also love the Marc by Marc Jacobs and Givenchy perfumes, but I can’t really afford them, unfortunately. Burberry and DKNY perfumes are some of my other favorites.

Berserker's avatar

I love how my bed smells lol.

Nullo's avatar

Whatever that smell is that you get in old greenhouses.
Some of the chemicals at work are pleasantly smelly, especially considering that the dominant smells are blood, rancid grease (if the other guys haven’t been cleaning well), and oven cleaner. The dish soap smells like dish soap, nothing special there, but the sanitizer has a sort of a tangy, fruity smell to it. The general-purpose solvent that I’m not supposed to use smells… fresh, if that means anything to you. And at the end of the day, when everything has been washed, there’s the beautifully subtle smell of the floor soap, like clean laundry.

Coloma's avatar

I just got in from hanging out with a friend who was having 5 diseased Cedar trees cut down on her property. Oh man….fresh cut Cedar…heaven!

Bellatrix's avatar

Sad about the trees though. I love the smell you get after it rains. Also the smell of eucalyptus forests especially after the rain. Or the smell of the rainforest… nothing quite like it.

Coloma's avatar

@Bellatrix Yes, I hate cutting trees down, but these were reaching a point of falling over from bug infestation. Now they will be firewood, the cycle of life. :-)

Bellatrix's avatar

Yes. I understand – like you I hate seeing trees cut down. We had to cut down a number in our garden recently because we put in solar power. Cutting down trees to be more environmentally friendly seemed very odd. We will plant more to replace them now spring is here.

FutureMemory's avatar


Coloma's avatar

Fancy Feast Turkey and cheddar in gravy just drove m cat wild. lol

Kardamom's avatar

^^ For a minute, I thought Gail’s cat Milo was speaking LOL.

Pinklady's avatar

Haha, yes, your little virgin has a pretty creative mind.

Well, I had the wonderful opportunity to small my best friend’s you know what because he accidentally you know what’d when I was laying on his leg.

Bad, bad memory! Haha!

DigitalBlue's avatar

My husband.

Pinklady's avatar

@Coloma Puppy breath… Wow! That is something I need to pay more attention to. First thing tomorrow I’m going to catch the first puppy on street and smell its breath!
But it sounds so unworldly, pretty, unresistable.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ It is pretty nice, especially if they start licking your ear while you’re trying to smell their breath. You’ll LOL all over the place.

Only138's avatar

I love the smell of Tide with Febreze (freshness and renewal) I’d drink this shit if it wouldn’t kill me.

Haleth's avatar

The rain on pavement smell, definitely, but I also love the smell of fresh earth. And moonflowers, they’re absolutely intoxicating.

Seek's avatar

Omigosh, I just got to work this morning and the streets had just been cleaned. It’s been so long since I lived in a city that I forgot that smell. It was awesome.

jonsblond's avatar

Piñon, coffee and campfires (apple and cherry wood are my favorite).

jca's avatar

When I like a man intimately, I am usually really into his scent – hugging him and smelling his neck, his chest (having him on top of me and smelling his neck and chest – don’t get me started LOL).

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Kardamom's avatar

@jca OK, now you’ve got me going!

Time for a cold shower

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