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GloriaEstefan's avatar

Are people from small towns inbred?

Asked by GloriaEstefan (261points) January 9th, 2013
60 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

If a town has a small number of people, with not too many people coming and going every year, is it safe to say that someone is eventually going to knock up one of their cousins? Does the prison syndrome apply?

*small town- under a 1,000 people

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I grew up in a town of 2500, so we had a slight chance of not being inbred, but the odds of it happening were pretty high. One guy solved the problem by having sex with his goat. True story, he got busted for it by animal control or the humane society, I can’t remember which. I don’t know what the prison syndrome is.

tom_g's avatar

I apologize in advance for breaking with the question slightly.

The last place we lived (for 7 years) was a “small” town here in Massachusetts. It was actually around 11k people, but it was considered small because of it’s isolation and rural character. Anyway, I was amazed at how few households were the standard couple and kids. One of the neighbors behind us had a relative living in the basement that would occasionally flirt/dance with/kiss the “wife” of the house during their drunken parties. My neighbors across the street seemed like a quiet couple. They had an adult son that lived with them (around 30 years old). My wife once asked the woman what her husband did for work. It turned out that the “husband” was actually her brother. It seemed that I met so many people like this – they always seemed to have more than 1 adult male living in the house, and it was wrong to assume that the spouse was the spouse.

Again, this doesn’t answer your question. Sorry. Just wanted to discuss my experience with my “small” town.

Seek's avatar


Of course, people in big cities are sometimes inbred as well. How many people do you know that have no idea who their father is? Stranger things have happened.

zensky's avatar

Getting popcorn. Listening to duelling banjos.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

For the record it was a female goat, so he wasn’t charged with sodomy with an animal.

Seek's avatar

You know that goat whore wanted it.

edited: Heh, Goatwhore

GloriaEstefan's avatar

The prison syndrome is when a guy spends so much time in jail that he starts to look at other guys. Small town people must find themselves at odds as well.

Shippy's avatar

That is food for thought avoids small town folk

zensky's avatar

Who loves @Seek_Kolinahr better as a non-Mod. Just saying.

There is also a Fluther syndrome when you spend so much time here you become female, intellectual, liberal and gay.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@GloriaEstefan It would take a long long time for that to happen. Although some of those goats were pretty cute.

Seek's avatar

@zensky Turn female and gay? or just the opposite of whatever you showed up as?

zensky's avatar

All you fucking goat lovers get a room.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@zensky I seem to have lead this down a disturbing path. Back to small town people and we’ll leave the goats to their own.

jonsblond's avatar

<———(Lives in a town with less than 400 people)

You do know people travel and meet others, right? There are no fences around small towns. Residents are allowed to come and go as they please.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jonsblond The OP did specifically say If a town has a small number of people, with not too many people coming and going every year so I assumed they had taken into consideration that people travel and this is a hypothetical town but the question was about those people that don’t tend to look beyond the town’s boundaries. We all know the sort!!!

marinelife's avatar

Not at all. They interact with other people from other towns.

Pachy's avatar

Let me nudge my cousin and ask her what she thinks.

jonsblond's avatar

@Leanne1986 Yeah. I just really hate the misconceptions concerning small towns. The title of the question irked me. I’ve known many people who live in cities and have never traveled outside of their city, let alone their neighborhood. You could say the same for them.

ragingloli's avatar

Yes. Not all of them, though.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe “For the record it was a female goat, so he wasn’t charged with sodomy with an animal.”

I’m so relieved to know that this was just straight, heterosexual stuff with a goat and not anything weird or perverse.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@PaulSadieMartin LMAO. Yeah, we strive to keep it clean in my hometown.

jca's avatar

Guy says to Goat: “You know you want it. I’m giving you what you want.”

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
ucme's avatar

What, crusty sorts who do nothing but loaf around & feel the knead to….oh sorry, I thought it said in-bread!

Shippy's avatar

@jonsblond Wow! so jealous, my town has 11 Million :(

jonsblond's avatar

@Shippy I do prefer small towns, but the one drawback is finding reliable health care. I used a local small hospital for a lung biopsy this past summer and the radiologist got the wrong tissue. I had to travel an hour away to a larger city to get a second biopsy. That was a long month to find out the result. I’m still happy with where we live though. I would be miserable where you live. That’s too many people for me.

Coloma's avatar

There is a small town in my neck o’ the woods, about 20 miles up the mountain from me and the jokes been for years that the Georgetown people have webbed fingers and toes. lol
My small town in famous for the California Goldrush that ushered in people from all over the freaking U.S. and world. Pretty diverse blend around here. I love living in my small community and surrounding small communities have all the amenities including health care and a hospital.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, those of us who live in a small town are not inbred.

I have a group of cousins that I’ve hung out with most of my life, but as far as dating or marrying them, it’s not appealing in any way.

Most small towns have a number of larger towns or other small towns around them. We play bball, football and party with those other towns on a regular basis so that’s where we generally meet SO’s.

Also, a lot of us leave for college or whatever and come back home, so it’s not like there are 10 families that all inter-breed. And new people are always moving to our town because we’re 15 minutes out of a metro area, with excellent schools, one stop light and a “Mayberry-esque” feel.

ucme's avatar

My town’s so small a snail was given a speeding ticket the other day, it made the front pages!
No kissing cousins here, unless you count the couple at number 69.

GloriaEstefan's avatar

I think a lot of people are probably inbred and don’t even know it.

ucme's avatar

chokes on the irony.

GloriaEstefan's avatar

@ucme I bet small town people never go on

Seek's avatar

@GloriaEstefan There is some inbreeding in my husband’s side of the family (not his direct line, thank the gods). The family tree doesn’t exactly turn inward, but there are some first cousin relationships. Not the side of the family we’re close to. I’ve never met them.

If we’re being completely honest, it’s not even a health risk unless there are recessive mutations in the gene pool, and even then you need three or four generations of inbreeding in most cases to bring them to the forefront.

Many famous people married cousins. Edgar Allan Poe for one, right off the top of my head.

ucme's avatar

@GloriaEstefan No need, not if you were conceived in the family tree-house.

wundayatta's avatar

Except for @jonsblond, of course, everyone knows that small town people are slow, dumb, and stupid. Right? I mean, that’s what everyone wants to say, but are just being polite? And they all fuck their sisters and brothers because there isn’t anyone else to fuck. They’re too stupid to leave the house, right? That’s what we’re saying, aren’t we?

Plus they don’t get an education. They don’t eat anything except white bread and Crisco and sugar. Maybe raw pork bellies on occasion. They never clean up. They don’t brush their teeth. Hmmm. What else? None of them have licenses, so they only drive on back roads, and if they get caught, well, you know how they get out of the ticket, right?

Oy Veh!

You do know we are all descended from groups the size of around 100 people, right? You also know that the threat of incest is way overstated. There is no problem with cousins having kids for the most part, and that is also true even for brother/sister unions.

But this question reeks of prejudice against rural people. It sounds pretty ignorant. Must be someone from the inner city.

Yeah, we inner city residents are all idiots, too. We don’t know any better than to fuck relatives. When will we ever learn?

Coloma's avatar

@wundayatta Well you flatlander city slickers sure can’t drive worth a damn in the mountains. Uh…when the sign says 15mph it MEANS 15mph. lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

God forbid we just want a little piece of old-school American life, where people know each other, go to school together all their lives and are lifelong friends. Where we still have tractors in parades and little kids still ride their bikes and sell things door to door.

The fact is that land is still expensive, I think some of you city slickers would be surprised at how much you’d enjoy it.

I try to imagine myself in Vegas or New York, in the cities with skyscrapers that block the sky and are full of pollutants, and I just can’t imagine ever giving this up for that hot mess- even visiting sounds nauseating to me, except maybe for the culture that I can’t find here, big museums and art shows.

wundayatta's avatar

You can have your country, @KNOWITALL. I love my crime and poverty. Mmm-hm. Why there was another stick-up at gun point just around the corner from me a couple nights ago. My wife sends me emails about all of them. Them emails come durn near every day. Sigh.

I don’t care. I grew up in the country. I nearly died. It was the loneliest time of my life. I’m never going back. Well, I might visit for a few days. It’s a nice place to visit. But I will never live there again. It’s scary. There’s no one around. What happens if you need help?

KNOWITALL's avatar

hahahaha! I’m not real into crime, but we have plenty of poverty in some areas, the well-publicized trailer parks for one- lol. We do have a lot of churches and organizations that help though, so don’t feel too bad for them. Some are better off than me because they sell drugs, don’t wash their kids and feed the dogs better than themselves- no joke.

What happens if we need help? Well you know we have guns and neighbors with guns, and dogs, my God the dogs. If you can get through all that then you have to deal with corn-fed redneck girls like me and we’re no pushovers.

(I’m not really a corn-fed redneck girl, I’m more of a pant suit/ businessy kind of girl, but I like the mental picture it presents to you city folk!)

wundayatta's avatar

Mmm. I want me a corn-fed redneck girl. She sounds like fun! Even if she is wearing a pantsuit. I just be standing there with my whip, and I tell huh to get into her redneck thing. Whatevuh that is. Like overawls or sumpin? Braids? Pitchfork? Yep. An then we commence to fightin’ and I use mah durty city trix and she use huh dirty briar patch tricks and we be havin’ a hell of a faihn taihm!

wundayatta's avatar

<< I have no idea who this person is, but he isn’t me!

KNOWITALL's avatar

You are SO FUNNY!!! Corn-fed redneck girls are 150lbs +, usually in jeans and a tshirt or tank, or in winter over-alls and flannel. You have to get them young and raise them like you want them to be. Although I’m not sure you’d survive a bonfire and barn dance, let alone riding bulls and drinking moonshine!

Coloma's avatar

Hey, I’m a happy brownie fed hippie, cowgirl, country bohemian. I defy categorization. Haha

KNOWITALL's avatar

Good for you, Coloma, sounds like my mom and my auntie. Here’s the critical question, do you wear bra’s? hahahaha!

The Blow-zarks are a whole-notha-level, we’re not really Deliverance except for a few areas, but I’ve been skeered, trust that. Once I went with a friend to their friend’s house and there was forest full of fighting pit bulls each chained to a tree, I about passed out. He was like “Oh yeah, don’t go back there or even look back there”, talk about scary. And I’m not even discussing the paranoid meth heads, geesh.

Coloma's avatar

@KNOWITALL 50/50 on the bra scene. lol
I have 2 modes, total funky farm woman and lookin’ pretty damn good.
Not much middle ground, I’ll either be colorfully classy or, turn you into a pillar of salt.
Today is a pillar of salt day. lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

hahahaha, that’s great! I’m either running a radio station or picking up dog doo, I get it.

SomeoneElse's avatar

Does anyone else hear the Duelling Banjos from ‘Deliverance’ playing in the backround here?

Blondesjon's avatar

@wundayatta . . . You’re your sister’s boy, aintcha?

zensky's avatar

@SomeoneElse scroll up – I’ve been listening to it the whole time.

SomeoneElse's avatar

@zensky It is surely the only music to listen to here!

zensky's avatar

I can think of some other music.

SomeoneElse's avatar

@zensky Not ‘Move Over Darling’ or ‘Joseph and his Amazing Technicoloured Goat’?

Kardamom's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr inbreeding isn’t always bad, consider Matthew and Mary on Downton Abbey. Rowwwrrrrr! It was meant to be.


wundayatta's avatar

@Blondesjon I’m my sisters boy, husband and father. Freel! We wun hell of a luvin’ famly.

Will someone shoot them damn banjos afore I shoot them banjo playas?

Seek's avatar

@Kardamom I have so got to start watching that. Shame on me.

GloriaEstefan's avatar

I think the Yes’ have it.

Seek's avatar

Hm… fortunately, facts are not up for consensus vote. Particularly blanket “facts”.

GloriaEstefan's avatar

How about statistically wise?

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Coloma I think we all live near a town that we make fun of in that way. I can think of a few around me that we joke about the occupants having webbed feet!!!

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