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lemmy's avatar

Why do you read while you ahem number 2?

Asked by lemmy (337points) May 1st, 2013
40 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

I’m asking after reading another question. While you’re reading, are you just sitting there? Don’t you get cold? Are you waiting for the job to finish? Why does it take so long to clock out? Do you wipe and then sit for awhile or read for a while and then wipe?

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Bellatrix's avatar

I think you might know the answer to this question!

I’m reading Stiff by Mary Roach. I don’t hang around in there. I read a page or more and then it’s time to leave.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It’s like surfing FaceBook at work. We always find ways to distract from the business at hand.

augustlan's avatar

First of all, I am a compulsive reader. I will read anywhere, any time. Also, it does take me forever to complete my, um, business. I don’t know why…it’s just the way I’m made. If I don’t have access to a book or magazine during those times, I will read shampoo bottles. Not even kidding.

I do a lot of reading in the bathroom, even if I’m not taking a poo. It’s just one place I’m totally alone, without a lot of distractions, I guess.

trailsillustrated's avatar

It’s a man thing I never understood it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@augustlan I’ve read that shampoo bottle too, and the toothpaste, even a box of bandaids.

It’s relaxing. Scientific American or National Geographic are the best.

ucme's avatar

Pants down, arse parked, depth charge dropped, arse wiped, flush away, hands washed & i’m outta there… read into that what you will :-)

tedibear's avatar

Nothing! I go in, do what I need to and leave. It doesn’t take long. I have taken a book when I’ve been engrossed in it, but I don’t take it because I’m going to the bathroom.

filmfann's avatar

I have a Games Magazine in the loo, and I work on puzzles during voiding.
I find I go quicker if I am not thinking about it, or at least I feel like I do.

nebule's avatar

Wait a minute!! I thought it was a man thing…I didn’t think we women were allowed to do this!!! I’m off to the loo… (with a new second book!)

jonsblond's avatar

Like @augustlan, I also take forever. I’ve already read all of the shampoo bottles in the tub. A good magazine helps me relax and get my business done.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I spend as little time as possible on the head. One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is sitting on the toilet for extended periods. Not a good idea.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dust the things that are in reach.

syz's avatar

Noting. In, out, less than 1 minute (including hand wahing).

syz (35958points)“Great Answer” (3points)
fremen_warrior's avatar

@nebule nice try, lol, we all know women don’t poop…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait. I just read the question. I don’t read anything. I’m not in there long enough because I’m a woman and I never poop. I’ve always found it a little…strange when people have magazines racks by their toilets. I mean..if you aren’t going to go, get off and go read in the living room.

nebule's avatar

<skulks off to take magazine rack out of loo>

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorry! lol!!

augustlan's avatar

I need a damn bookcase in my bathroom. PS: I’m female. I poop. I read when I do it. And I am NOT ASHAMED! :p

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m a parent, that’s why.

Also as @augustlan stated about herself, I too am a compulsive reader. The bathroom (if I lock the door and don’t allow pets in) is the one place I have solace. If I’m reading a good book, I don’t care what I need to do to finish the next chapter.

Heck, I read whilst doing number 1.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I do! My grandparents always had Readers Digest in the bathrooms, even a handheld poker game, guess it’s a family thing.

LornaLove's avatar

I find loo sitting so boring. So I read my phone or play word mole. Or stare at my painted toe nails!!

DominicX's avatar

I’m more of a cellphone-game-player myself, but it’s the same idea. I’m like @augustlan—just often takes a while to…go…and in that case, being on my cellphone passes the time. But I wouldn’t take more time than is necessary; once I’ve wiped, that’s it :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t believe we’re having this discussion!
You ever peed on a ‘possum? I have. I think I killed him.

lemmy's avatar

I’m still interested in how it takes that long of a while to go, mainly because I’m in and out. What is the process?! Not looking for grossness, just actually interested. Is it all pushing!? Oh no! I’ve gone too far.

hearkat's avatar

I usually don’t go into the restroom until I am sure I am ready to go. I bring my iPhone with me, and usually play word games, like Words with Friends. It seems that if I read something involved, my brain shifts into a different mode, and the basic bodily function seems to be forgotten. But trying to make words out of 7 random letters seems to still allow the part of the brain that regulates my bowels to take care of business.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@lemmy it takes me seconds to go….But I take moments to read. If I steal away a few moments here & there per day, I can read an extra chapter or two ;)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Sometimes it takes a while for me to finish my business, and I don’t want to just stare at the wall. I either read a book, or play games on my iPad.

@trailsillustrated Totally not a man thing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have to poop. I do. The end. I don’t understand either @lemmy.

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t take long at all. A few minutes. I have a short attention span though and I like to be productive (and no I don’t mean in that way). I mean I’m sitting there, I might as well read as stare at the wall.

I’ve read work by Marshall McCluhan, Manuel Castells, novels… Even if I only get through a page it’s time well used.

DominicX's avatar

@lemmy lol, well, you’re supposed to just relax yourself and let it come out on its own; and that can take a little while sometimes. Can’t speak for the people that spend like half an hour in there; that makes no sense to me :P

Unbroken's avatar

If I am completely involved in a book I will. If not I don’t take much time. Tons of fiber soluble and insoluble.

I find it interesting people express a need to turn off that mental thereness of it. Like a removal from the needs of their body, an abstraction an inconvenience etc.

Totally weird.

If I am hiding from some one I will read in the bathroom, this is rare since I live with a cat only and hiding in a public bathroom is gross, at someones house is rude and I can probably just leave. I do read when I take a bath though not always.

@lemmy love the wonderment.

talljasperman's avatar

I read the toilet paper packaging.

rojo's avatar

The answer to all of your question is yes, at one time or another.

Also, sometimes it is the only privacy and alone time I get and I savor it as long as possible.

augustlan's avatar

@lemmy Regarding your follow up question, I’ve always had a messed up digestive system. I’m pretty much never ‘regular’; I’m either constipated or having the opposite problem. Either way, it’s gonna’ take me a while. Blech.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Steals @nebule‘s magazine rack to put in MY bathroom.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@DominicX Okay, I’m going to admit that occasionally I get caught up and try to finish a page or chapter. I know it’s too long when my feet start tingling/ going to sleep (no more than 15–20 minutes.)

gailcalled's avatar

Two new books belong in your bathroom library, one by the inimitable Mary Roach, of “Stiff” fame (see first answer^^^). This new one is called “Gulp” and is “an odyssey through the digestive system by Mary Roach.

“Roach guides the reader gently down the upper reaches of the alimentary canal like a trustworthy gondolier before hitting the bawdy, chaotic rapids nearer the end of the journey.”

And in the same hilarious review

David Waltner-Toews’ aptly titled “The Origin of Feces”; “Once we are safely out of the intestines, back into the light of day at the other end, David Waltner-Toews picks up the thread with his impassioned treatise on the long, strange, even transcendent afterlife of poop in The Origin of Feces, a book whose cover is guaranteed to make you few friends at the coffee shop.”

Disclaimer: @syz first suggested Roach’s books to me.

Unbroken's avatar

@gailcalled Mary Roach and her Gulp book specifcally are on my to read list. You just reminded me of it. It sounds exciting I heard an interview with her in it and she seemed very engaging knowledgable and unique, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Actually the Origin of Feces sounds fun though I am not sure why or if I should admit that.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^ Why not? If if were the history of bellybutton lint or nostril crease oil, would you have the same reserve or reticence?

Unbroken's avatar

Well it seems like it would be a quick read to find out whether it was entertaining or not. : )

However I see what your saying. Digestion and waste is very interesting and pertinent to society and our increasing amount of digestive problems.

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